2017-02-04 17 views

私はPython 2.7.12で双方向のA*アルゴリズムを実装しており、RussellとNorvigの第3章からルーマニアの地図上でそれをテストしています。 2つのノード間の最短経路。ここで双方向A *最短経路を見つけられない


enter image description here

私の双方向A *が失敗している例では、出発点は'a'で、目標が'u'あるところということです。これは私の実装が見つけたパスです: My path ['a', 's', 'f', 'b', 'u']の長さは535です。

これは'u'から'a'から実際の最短経路である:['a', 's', 'r', 'p', 'b', 'u']の長さが503ある The shortest path



from __future__ import division 
import math 
from networkx import * 
import random 
import pickle 
import sys 
import heapq 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

class PriorityQueue(): 
    """Implementation of a priority queue""" 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.queue = [] 
     self.node_finder = dict() 
     self.current = 0 
     self.REMOVED_SYMBOL = '<removed>' 

    def next(self): 
     if self.current >=len(self.queue): 
      raise StopIteration 

     out = self.queue[self.current] 
     self.current += 1 
     return out 

    def pop(self): 
     while self.queue: 
      node = heapq.heappop(self.queue) 
      nodeId = node[1] 
      if nodeId is not self.REMOVED_SYMBOL: 
        del self.node_finder[nodeId] 
       except KeyError: 
       return node 

    def remove(self, nodeId): 
     node = self.node_finder[nodeId] 
     node[1] = self.REMOVED_SYMBOL 

    def __iter__(self): 
     return self 

    def __str__(self): 
     return 'PQ:[%s]'%(', '.join([str(i) for i in self.queue])) 

    def append(self, node): 
     nodeId = node[1] 
     nodePriority = node[0] 
     node = [nodePriority, nodeId] 
     self.node_finder[nodeId] = node 
     heapq.heappush(self.queue, node) 

    def update(self, node): 
     nodeId = node[1] 
     nodePriority = node[0] 
     node = [nodePriority, nodeId] 
     self.node_finder[nodeId] = node 
     heapq.heappush(self.queue, node) 

    def getPriority(self, nodeId): 
     return self.node_finder[nodeId][0] 

    def __contains__(self, key): 
     self.current = 0 
     return key in [n for v,n in self.queue] 

    def __eq__(self, other): 
     return self == other 

    def size(self): 
     return len(self.queue) 

    def clear(self): 
     self.queue = [] 

    def top(self): 
     return self.queue[0] 

    __next__ = next 

def bidirectional_a_star(graph, start, goal): 
    if start == goal: 
     return [] 

    pq_s = PriorityQueue() 
    pq_t = PriorityQueue() 
    closed_s = dict() 
    closed_t = dict() 
    g_s = dict() 
    g_t = dict() 

    g_s[start] = 0 
    g_t[goal] = 0 

    cameFrom1 = dict() 
    cameFrom2 = dict() 

    def euclidean_distance(graph, v, goal): 
     xv, yv = graph.node[v]['pos'] 
     xg, yg = graph.node[goal]['pos'] 
     return ((xv-xg)**2 + (yv-yg)**2)**0.5 

    def h1(v): # heuristic for forward search (from start to goal) 
     return euclidean_distance(graph, v, goal) 

    def h2(v): # heuristic for backward search (from goal to start) 
     return euclidean_distance(graph, v, start) 

    cameFrom1[start] = False 
    cameFrom2[goal] = False 

    pq_s.append((0+h1(start), start)) 
    pq_t.append((0+h2(goal), goal)) 

    done = False 
    i = 0 

    mu = 10**301 # 10**301 plays the role of infinity 
    connection = None 

    while pq_s.size() > 0 and pq_t.size() > 0 and done == False: 
     i = i + 1 
     if i % 2 == 1: # alternate between forward and backward A* 
      fu, u = pq_s.pop() 
      closed_s[u] = True 
      for v in graph[u]: 
       weight = graph[u][v]['weight'] 
       if v in g_s: 
        if g_s[u] + weight < g_s[v]: 
         g_s[v] = g_s[u] + weight 
         cameFrom1[v] = u 
         if v in closed_s: 
          del closed_s[v] 
         if v in pq_s: 
          pq_s.update((g_s[v]+h1(v), v)) 
          pq_s.append((g_s[v]+h1(v), v)) 
        g_s[v] = g_s[u] + weight 
        cameFrom1[v] = u 
        pq_s.append((g_s[v]+h1(v), v)) 
       if v in closed_t: 
        if g_s[u] + weight + g_t[v] < mu: 
         mu = g_s[u] + weight + g_t[v] 
         connection = v 
         done = True 
      fu, u = pq_t.pop() 
      closed_t[u] = True 
      for v in graph[u]: 
       weight = graph[u][v]['weight'] 
       if v in g_t: 
        if g_t[u] + weight < g_t[v]: 
         g_t[v] = g_t[u] + weight 
         cameFrom2[v] = u 
         if v in closed_t: 
          del closed_t[v] 
         if v in pq_t: 
          pq_t.update((g_t[v]+h2(v), v)) 
          pq_t.append((g_t[v]+h2(v), v)) 
        g_t[v] = g_t[u] + weight 
        cameFrom2[v] = u 
        pq_t.append((g_t[v]+h2(v), v)) 
       if v in closed_s: 
        if g_t[u] + weight + g_s[v] < mu: 
         mu = g_t[u] + weight + g_s[v] 
         connection = v 
         done = True 

     if u in closed_s and u in closed_t: 
      if g_s[u] + g_t[u] < mu: 
       mu = g_s[u] + g_t[u] 
       connection = u 
       stopping_distance = min(min([f for (f,x) in pq_s]), min([f for (f,x) in pq_t])) 
       if mu <= stopping_distance: 
        done = True 
        #connection = u 

    if connection is None: 
     # start and goal are not connected 
     return None 

    #print cameFrom1 
    #print cameFrom2 

    path = [] 
    current = connection 
    #print current 
    while current != False: 
     #print predecessor 
     path = [current] + path 
     current = cameFrom1[current] 

    current = connection 
    successor = cameFrom2[current] 
    while successor != False: 
     path = path + [successor] 
     current = successor 
     successor = cameFrom2[current] 

    return path 

# This function visualizes paths 
def draw_graph(graph, node_positions={}, start=None, goal=None, path=[]): 

    explored = list(graph.get_explored_nodes()) 

    labels ={} 
    for node in graph: 

    if not node_positions: 
     node_positions = networkx.spring_layout(graph) 

    edge_labels = networkx.get_edge_attributes(graph,'weight') 

    networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, node_positions) 
    networkx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, node_positions, style='dashed') 
    networkx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, node_positions, edge_labels=edge_labels) 
    networkx.draw_networkx_labels(graph,node_positions, labels) 

    networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, node_positions, nodelist=explored, node_color='g') 

    if path: 
     edges = [(path[i], path[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(path)-1)] 
     networkx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, node_positions, edgelist=edges, edge_color='b') 

    if start: 
     networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, node_positions, nodelist=[start], node_color='b') 

    if goal: 
     networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, node_positions, nodelist=[goal], node_color='y') 


# this function calculates the length of the path 
def calculate_length(graph, path): 
    pairs = zip(path, path[1:]) 
    return sum([graph.get_edge_data(a, b)['weight'] for a, b in pairs]) 

#Romania map data from Russell and Norvig, Chapter 3. 
romania = pickle.load(open('romania_graph.pickle', 'rb')) 

node_positions = {n: romania.node[n]['pos'] for n in romania.node.keys()} 

start = 'a' 
goal = 'u' 

path = bidirectional_a_star(romania, start, goal) 
print "This is the path found by bidirectional A* :", path 
print "Its length :", calculate_length(romania, path) 
# visualize my path 
draw_graph(romania, node_positions=node_positions, start=start, goal=goal, path=path) 

# compare to the true shortest path between start and goal 

true_path = networkx.shortest_path(romania, start, goal, weight='weight') 
print "This is the actual shortest path: ", true_path 
print "Its lenght: ", calculate_length(romania, true_path) 
#visualize true_path 
draw_graph(romania, node_positions=node_positions, start=start, goal=goal, path=true_path) 






class PriorityQueue(): 
    """Implementation of a priority queue""" 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.queue = [] 
     self.node_finder = dict() 
     self.current = 0 
     self.REMOVED_SYMBOL = '<removed>' 

    def next(self): 
     if self.current >=len(self.queue): 
      raise StopIteration 

     out = self.queue[self.current] 
     while out == self.REMOVED_SYMBOL: 
      self.current += 1 
      out = self.queue[self.current] 
     self.current += 1 
     return out 

    def pop(self): 
     # TODO: finish this 
     while self.queue: 
      node = heapq.heappop(self.queue) 
      nodeId = node[1] 
      if nodeId is not self.REMOVED_SYMBOL: 
        del self.node_finder[nodeId] 
       except KeyError: 
       return node 
     #raise KeyError('pop from an empty priority queue') 

    def remove(self, nodeId): 
     node = self.node_finder[nodeId] 
     node[1] = self.REMOVED_SYMBOL 

    def __iter__(self): 
     return self 

    def __str__(self): 
     return 'PQ:[%s]'%(', '.join([str(i) for i in self.queue])) 

    def append(self, node): 
     # node = (priority, nodeId) 
     nodeId = node[1] 
     nodePriority = node[0] 
     node = [nodePriority, nodeId] 
     self.node_finder[nodeId] = node 
     heapq.heappush(self.queue, node) 

    def update(self, node): 
     nodeId = node[1] 
     nodePriority = node[0] 
     node = [nodePriority, nodeId] 
     self.node_finder[nodeId] = node 
     heapq.heappush(self.queue, node) 

    def getPriority(self, nodeId): 
     return self.node_finder[nodeId][0] 

    def __contains__(self, key): 
     self.current = 0 
     return key in [n for v,n in self.queue] 

    def __eq__(self, other): 
     return self == other 

    def size(self): 
     return len([1 for priority, node in self.queue if node!=self.REMOVED_SYMBOL]) 

    def clear(self): 
     self.queue = [] 

    def top(self): 
     return self.queue[0] 

    __next__ = next 

def bidirectional_a_star(graph, start, goal): 
    if start == goal: 
     return [] 

    pq_s = PriorityQueue() 
    pq_t = PriorityQueue() 
    closed_s = dict() 
    closed_t = dict() 
    g_s = dict() 
    g_t = dict() 

    g_s[start] = 0 
    g_t[goal] = 0 

    cameFrom1 = dict() 
    cameFrom2 = dict() 

    def euclidean_distance(graph, v, goal): 
     xv, yv = graph.node[v]['pos'] 
     xg, yg = graph.node[goal]['pos'] 
     return ((xv-xg)**2 + (yv-yg)**2)**0.5 

    def h1(v): # heuristic for forward search (from start to goal) 
     return euclidean_distance(graph, v, goal) 

    def h2(v): # heuristic for backward search (from goal to start) 
     return euclidean_distance(graph, v, start) 

    cameFrom1[start] = False 
    cameFrom2[goal] = False 

    pq_s.append((0+h1(start), start)) 
    pq_t.append((0+h2(goal), goal)) 

    done = False 
    i = 0 

    mu = 10**301 # 10**301 plays the role of infinity 
    connection = None 

    while pq_s.size() > 0 and pq_t.size() > 0 and done == False: 
     i = i + 1 
     if i % 2 == 1: # alternate between forward and backward A* 
      fu, u = pq_s.pop() 
      closed_s[u] = True 
      for v in graph[u]: 
       weight = graph[u][v]['weight'] 
       if v in g_s: 
        if g_s[u] + weight < g_s[v]: 
         g_s[v] = g_s[u] + weight 
         cameFrom1[v] = u 
         if v in closed_s: 
          del closed_s[v] 
         if v in pq_s: 
          pq_s.update((g_s[v]+h1(v), v)) 
          pq_s.append((g_s[v]+h1(v), v)) 
        g_s[v] = g_s[u] + weight 
        cameFrom1[v] = u 
        pq_s.append((g_s[v]+h1(v), v)) 
      fu, u = pq_t.pop() 
      closed_t[u] = True 
      for v in graph[u]: 
       weight = graph[u][v]['weight'] 
       if v in g_t: 
        if g_t[u] + weight < g_t[v]: 
         g_t[v] = g_t[u] + weight 
         cameFrom2[v] = u 
         if v in closed_t: 
          del closed_t[v] 
         if v in pq_t: 
          pq_t.update((g_t[v]+h2(v), v)) 
          pq_t.append((g_t[v]+h2(v), v)) 
        g_t[v] = g_t[u] + weight 
        cameFrom2[v] = u 
        pq_t.append((g_t[v]+h2(v), v)) 

     if u in closed_s and u in closed_t: 
      if g_s[u] + g_t[u] < mu: 
       mu = g_s[u] + g_t[u] 
       connection = u 
        stopping_distance = max(min([f for (f,x) in pq_s]), min([f for (f,x) in pq_t])) 
       except ValueError: 
       if mu <= stopping_distance: 
        done = True 
        connection = u 

    if connection is None: 
     # start and goal are not connected 
     return None 

    #print cameFrom1 
    #print cameFrom2 

    path = [] 
    current = connection 
    #print current 
    while current != False: 
     #print predecessor 
     path = [current] + path 
     current = cameFrom1[current] 

    current = connection 
    successor = cameFrom2[current] 
    while successor != False: 
     path = path + [successor] 
     current = successor 
     successor = cameFrom2[current] 

    return path 