2017-02-02 8 views

私の友達はC#でニュートンの反復回数を数え、私の友人が書いた特別なASMのライブラリを使ってプログラムを書く必要があります。ライブラリは、このasmコードをVisual Basicで実行するため、ニュートンのフラクタルを描画するためのすべてのポイントを取得しています。しかし、私はC言語で関数を実行するときに私はテーブルに結果を得て、私はこの結果をコード-1073740791(0xc0000409)でプログラムの終了プログラムに書きたいと思っています。ファイルには、例えば10000ポイントまたは20000ポイント(170476) 170076から170476に番号を書きたいと思っています。なぜ起こるのかわかりません。メモリやスタックのいくつかの問題?MASMのlibを使用するとC#でエラーが発生する


[DllImport(@"Dll_ASM.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] 
     static extern void countPointsInAsm(double[] PolynomialCoefficient, double[] fromIntervals, double[] toIntervals, double[] TableOfPixels); 


Cで :私は、コードサイズを小さくすることができないと思います

    aReal REAL8 ? 
    bReal REAL8 ? 
    realResult REAL8 ? 
    aImaginary REAL8 ? 
    bImaginary REAL8 ? 
    imaginaryResult REAL8 ? 
    doubleNumber REAL8 ? 
    sqrtResult REAL8 ? 
    zReal REAL8 ? 
    zImaginary REAL8 ? 
    zpReal REAL8 ? 
    zpImaginary REAL8 ? 
    polynomialValueReal REAL8 ? 
    polynomialValueImaginary REAL8 ? 
    derivativeValueReal REAL8 ? 
    derivativeValueImaginary REAL8 ? 
    counter REAL4 0.0 
    iterations REAL4 1.0 
    maxIterations REAL4 1000.0 
    k dq 0 
    j dq 0 
    whileCondition REAL8 0.01 
    derivativeCoefficients REAL8 9 dup(?) 

addComplex PROC 
    ; adding real part 
    fld aReal ; load aReal into st0 
    fadd bReal ; aReal + bReal into st0 
    fstp realResult ; store into realResult 
    ; adding imaginary part 
    fld aImaginary ; load aImaginary into st0 
    fadd bImaginary ; aImaginary + bImaginary into st0 
    fstp imaginaryResult ; store into imaginaryResult 
addComplex ENDP 

addDouble PROC 
    ; adding real part 
    fld aReal ; load aReal into st0 
    fadd doubleNumber ; aReal + doubleNumber into st0 
    fstp realResult ; store into realResult 
    ; adding imaginary part 
    fld aImaginary ; load aImaginary into st0 
    fstp imaginaryResult ; store into imaginaryResult 
addDouble ENDP 

subComplex PROC 
    ; subtracting real part 
    fld aReal ; load aReal into st0 
    fsub bReal ; aReal - bReal into st0 
    fstp realResult ; store into realResult 
    ; subtracting imaginary part 
    fld aImaginary ; load aImaginary into st0 
    fsub bImaginary ; aImaginary - bImaginary into st0 
    fstp imaginaryResult ; store into imaginaryResult 
subComplex ENDP 

mulComplex PROC 
    ; multing real part 
    fld aReal ; load aReal into st0 
    fmul bReal ; aReal * bReal into st0 
    fld aImaginary ; load aImaginary into st0 and aReal * bReal into st1 
    fmul bImaginary ; aImaginary * bImaginary into st0 
    fsub st(1), st(0) ; aReal * bReal - aImaginary * bImaginary into st 0 
    fxch st(1) ; swap st1 with st0 
    fstp realResult ; store into realResult 
    ; multing imaginary part 
    fld aReal ; load aReal into st0 
    fmul bImaginary ; aReal * bImaginary into st0 
    fld aImaginary ; load aImaginary into st0 and aReal * bImaginary into st1 
    fmul bReal ; aImaginary * bReal into st0 
    fadd st(0), st(1) ; aReal * bImaginary + aImaginary * bReal into st 0 
    fstp imaginaryResult ; store into imaginaryResult 
mulComplex ENDP 

divComplex PROC 
    ; diving real part 

    fld aReal ; load aReal into st0 
    fmul bReal ; aReal * bReal into st0 
    fld aImaginary ; load aImaginary into st0 and aReal * bReal into st1 
    fmul bImaginary ; aImaginary * bImaginary into st0 
    fadd st(0), st(1) ; aReal * bReal + aImaginary * bImaginary into st0 

    fld bReal ; load bReal into st0 
    fmul bReal ; bReal * bReal into st0 
    fld bImaginary ; load bImaginary into st0 
    fmul bImaginary ; bImaginary * bImaginary into st0 
    fadd st(0), st(1) ; bReal * bReal + bImaginary * bImaginary into st0 

    fdiv st(2), st(0) ; aReal * bReal + aImaginary * bImaginary/bReal * bReal + bImaginary * bImaginary into st0 
    fxch st(2) ; swap st2 with st0 
    fstp realResult ; store into realResult 

    ; diving imaginary part 
    fld aImaginary ; load aImaginary into st0 
    fmul bReal ; aImaginary * bReal into st0 
    fld aReal ; load aImaginary into st0 and aImaginary * bReal into st1 
    fmul bImaginary ; aReal * bImaginary into st5 
    fsub st(1), st(0) ; aImaginary * bReal - aReal * bImaginary into st1 
    fxch st(1) ; swap st1 with st0 

    fld bReal ; load bReal into st0 
    fmul bReal ; bReal * bReal into st0 
    fld bImaginary ; load bImaginary into st0 
    fmul bImaginary ; bImaginary * bImaginary into st0 
    fadd st(0), st(1) ; bReal * bReal + bImaginary * bImaginary into st0 

    fdiv st(2), st(0) ; aImaginary * bReal - aReal * bImaginary/bReal * bReal + bImaginary * bImaginary into st2 
    fxch st(2) ; swap st2 with st0 
    fstp imaginaryResult ; store into imaginaryResult 
divComplex ENDP 

absComplex PROC 
    fld aReal ; load aReal into st0 
    fmul aReal ; aReal * aReal into st0 
    fld aImaginary ; load aImaginary into st0 and aImaginary * bImaginary in3to st1 
    fmul aImaginary ; aImaginary * aImaginary into st0 
    fadd st(0), st(1) ; aReal * aReal + aImaginary * aImaginary into st0 
    fsqrt ; compute square root and store to st0 
    fstp sqrtResult ; store into sqrtResult 
absComplex ENDP 

countPointsInAsm PROC 
    mov R13, RCX ; save pointer to PolynomialCoefficients table into R13 
    mov R14, RDX ; save pointer to "fromTable" into R14 
    mov R15, R8 ; save pointer to "toTable" into R15 

    mov RBX, R13 ; pointer to PolynomialCoefficients to RBX 
    mov RCX, 9 ; set loop counter 
    lea RAX, derivativeCoefficients ; pointer to derivativeCoefficients to RAX 
    xor RDI, RDI ; zero into RDI 
     fld REAL8 ptr[RBX+8] ; load PolynomialCoefficients[i + 1] 
     fmul iterations ; PolynomialCoefficients[i + 1] * (i + 1); 
     fstp REAL8 ptr[RAX+RDI] 
     mov R12, [RAX+RDI] 
     fld iterations ; iterations to st(0) 
     fld1 ; 1 to st(0) and iterations to st(1) 
     faddp ; iterations + 1 
     fstp iterations 
     add RDI, 8 
     add RBX, 8 
    loop derivativeCoefficientsLoop 
    xor RDI, RDI ; zero into RDI 

    mov RCX, 391 ; set outer loop counter 
     push RCX 
     mov RCX, 436 ; set inner loop counter 

      fld REAL8 ptr[R15] ; load Interval[1][0] 
      fsub REAL8 ptr[R14] ; Interval[1][0] - Interval[0][0] 
      fmul k ; k*(Interval[1][0] - Interval[0][0]) 
      push k 
      mov k, 436 
      fdiv k ; k*(Interval[1][0] - Interval[0][0])/436 
      pop k 
      fadd REAL8 ptr[R14] ; Interval[0][0] + k*(Interval[1][0] - Interval[0][0])/436 
      fstp zReal 

      fld REAL8 ptr[R14+8] ; load Interval[1][1] 
      fsub REAL8 ptr[R15+8] ; Interval[1][1] - Interval[0][1] 
      fmul j ; j*(Interval[1][1] - Interval[0][1]) 
      push j 
      mov j, 391 
      fdiv j ; j*(Interval[1][1] - Interval[0][1])/391 
      pop j 
      fadd REAL8 ptr[R15+8] ; Interval[1][1] + j*(Interval[0][1] - Interval[1][1])/391 
      fstp zImaginary 

      mov iterations, 0 ; zero into iterations 

       fld REAL8 ptr[R13+72] ; load PolynomialCoefficients[9] 
       fstp polynomialValueReal ; store into polynomialValueReal 
       mov polynomialValueImaginary, 0 ; zero into polynomialValueImaginary 

       lea RAX, derivativeCoefficients ; pointer to derivativeCoefficients to RAX 
       fld REAL8 ptr[RAX+64] ; load derivativeCoefficients[8] 
       fstp derivativeValueReal ; store into derivativeValueReal 
       mov derivativeValueImaginary, 0 ; zero into derivativeValueImaginary 

       push RCX 
       mov RCX, 9 ; set polynomialValueLoop counter 
        fld polynomialValueReal ; load polynomialValueReal 
        fstp aReal ; store into aReal 
        fld polynomialValueImaginary ; load polynomialValueImaginary 
        fstp aImaginary ; store into aImaginary 
        fld zReal ; load zReal 
        fstp bReal ; store into bReal 
        fld zImaginary ; load zImaginary 
        fstp bImaginary ; store into bImaginary 
        call mulComplex ; Mul(polynomial_value, z) 
        fld realResult ; load realResult 
        fstp aReal ; store into aReal 
        fld imaginaryResult ; load imaginaryResult 
        fstp aImaginary ; store into aImaginary 

        mov RBX, RCX ; loop counter to RBX 
        dec RBX 
        imul RBX, 8 ; memory locations of PolynomialCoefficients[i-1] 
        fld REAL8 ptr[R13+RBX] ; load PolynomialCoefficients[i-1] 
        fstp doubleNumber ; store into aReal 
        call addDouble ; AddDouble(PolynomialCoefficients[i-1], Mul(polynomial_value, z)) 
        fld realResult ; load realResult 
        fstp polynomialValueReal ; store into polynomialValueReal 
        fld imaginaryResult ; load imaginaryResult 
        fstp polynomialValueImaginary ; store into polynomialValueImaginary 
       DEC RCX 
       CMP RCX, 0 
       JNE polynomialValueLoop 

       mov RCX, 8 ; set derivativeValueLoop counter 
        fld derivativeValueReal ; load derivativeValueReal 
        fstp aReal ; store into aReal 
        fld derivativeValueImaginary ; load derivativeValueImaginary 
        fstp aImaginary ; store into aImaginary 
        fld zReal ; load zReal 
        fstp bReal ; store into bReal 
        fld zImaginary ; load zImaginary 
        fstp bImaginary ; store into bImaginary 
        call mulComplex ; Mul(derivative_value, z) 
        fld realResult ; load realResult 
        fstp aReal ; store into aReal 
        fld imaginaryResult ; load imaginaryResult 
        fstp aImaginary ; store into aImaginary 

        mov RBX, RCX ; loop counter to RBX 
        dec RBX 
        imul RBX, 8 ; memory locations of DerivativeCoefficients[i-1] 
        fld REAL8 ptr[RAX+RBX] ; load DerivativeCoefficients[i-1] 
        fstp doubleNumber ; store into aReal 
        call addDouble ; AddDouble(DerivativeCoefficients[i-1], Mul(derivative_value, z)) 
        fld realResult ; load realResult 
        fstp derivativeValueReal ; store into polynomialValueReal 
        fld imaginaryResult ; load imaginaryResult 
        fstp derivativeValueImaginary ; store into polynomialValueImaginary 
       DEC RCX 
       CMP RCX, 0 
       JNE derivativeValueLoop 
       pop RCX 

       fld1 ; load 1 
       fadd iterations ; iterations + 1 
       fstp iterations ; store into iterations 

       fld zReal ; load zReal 
       fstp zpReal ; store into zpReal 
       fld zImaginary ; load zImaginary 
       fstp zpImaginary ; store into zpImaginary 

       fld polynomialValueReal ; load polynomialValueReal 
       fstp aReal ; store into aReal 
       fld polynomialValueImaginary ; load polynomialValueImaginary 
       fstp aImaginary ; store into aImaginary 
       fld derivativeValueReal ; load derivativeValueReal 
       fstp bReal ; store into bReal 
       fld derivativeValueImaginary ; load derivativeValueImaginary 
       fstp bImaginary ; store into bImaginary 
       call divComplex ; Div(polynomial_value, derivative_value) 
       fld realResult ; load realResult 
       fstp bReal ; store into bReal 
       fld imaginaryResult ; load imaginaryResult 
       fstp bImaginary ; store into bImaginary 
       fld zReal ; load zReal 
       fstp aReal ; store into aReal 
       fld zImaginary ; load zImaginary 
       fstp aImaginary ; store into aImaginary 
       call subComplex ; Sub(z, (Div(polynomial_value, derivative_value))) 
       fld realResult ; load realResult 
       fstp zReal ; store into zReal 
       fld imaginaryResult ; load imaginaryResult 
       fstp zImaginary ; store into zImaginary 

       fld zReal ; load zReal 
       fstp aReal ; store into aReal 
       fld zImaginary ; load zImaginary 
       fstp aImaginary ; store into aImaginary 
       fld zpReal ; load zpReal 
       fstp bReal ; store into bReal 
       fld zpImaginary ; load zpImaginary 
       fstp bImaginary ; store into bImaginary 
       call subComplex ; Sub(z, zp) 
       fld realResult ; load realResult 
       fstp aReal ; store into aReal 
       fld imaginaryResult ; load imaginaryResult 
       fstp aImaginary ; store into aImaginary 
       call absComplex ; (Abs(Sub(z, zp)) 

       fld sqrtResult ; load sqrtResult 
       fcomp whileCondition ; compare sqrtResult with 0.01 
       fstsw AX 
       jb toEnd; if sqrtResult < 0.01 end doWhileLoop 

       fld iterations ; load iterations as int 
       fcomp maxiterations ; compare iterations with maxiterations 
       fstsw AX 
       jb doWhileLoop ; if iterations >= maxiterations end doWhileLoop 
      fld iterations ; load iterations 
      mov RAX, R9 ; pointer to resultTable to RAX 
      fstp REAL8 ptr[RAX+RDI] ; add iterations to resultTable: result_table[counter] = iterations 
      add RDI, 8 

      fld1 ; load 1 
      fadd counter ; counter + 1 
      fstp counter ; store into counter 

      inc k 
     dec RCX 
     cmp RCX, 0 
     JNE mainInnerLoop 

     inc j 
     mov k, 0 
     pop RCX 
    dec RCX 
    cmp RCX, 0 
    JNE mainOuterLoop 
countPointsInAsm ENDP 


#define PIXELSWIDTH 436 
#define PIXELSHEIGHT 391 
#define TABLELENGTH 170476 

typedef struct 
    double real; 
    double imaginary; 
} Complex; 

Complex Add(Complex a, Complex b) 
    Complex result_complex; 
    result_complex.real = a.real + b.real; 
    result_complex.imaginary = a.imaginary + b.imaginary; 
    return result_complex; 

Complex AddDouble(double a, Complex b) 
    Complex result_complex; 
    result_complex.real = a + b.real; 
    result_complex.imaginary = b.imaginary; 
    return result_complex; 

Complex Sub(Complex a, Complex b) 
    Complex result_complex; 
    result_complex.real = a.real - b.real; 
    result_complex.imaginary = a.imaginary - b.imaginary; 
    return result_complex; 

Complex Mul(Complex a, Complex b) 
    Complex result_complex; 
    result_complex.real = a.real*b.real - a.imaginary*b.imaginary; 
    result_complex.imaginary = a.real*b.imaginary + a.imaginary*b.real; 
    return result_complex; 

Complex Div(Complex a, Complex b) 
    Complex result_complex; 
    result_complex.real = (a.real*b.real + a.imaginary*b.imaginary)/(b.real*b.real + b.imaginary*b.imaginary); 
    result_complex.imaginary = (a.imaginary*b.real - a.real*b.imaginary)/(b.real*b.real + b.imaginary*b.imaginary); 
    return result_complex; 

double Abs(Complex z) 
    double result = sqrt((z.real*z.real) + (z.imaginary*z.imaginary)); 
    return result; 

int* CountPointsInC(double PolynomialCoefficients[10], double Intervals[2][2]) 
    int counter = 0; 
    int iterations = 0; 
    int max_iterations = 1000; 
    double DerivativeCoefficients[9]; 
    Complex z; 
    Complex zp; 
    Complex polynomial_value; 
    Complex derivative_value; 
    int* result_table = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*TABLELENGTH); 
    for (int j = 0; j < PIXELSHEIGHT; j++) 
     for (int k = 0; k < PIXELSWIDTH; k++) 
      iterations = 0; 
      z.real = (Intervals[0][0] + k*((Intervals[1][0] - Intervals[0][0])/436)); 
      z.imaginary = (Intervals[0][1] + j*((Intervals[1][1] - Intervals[0][1])/391)); 
      for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) 
       DerivativeCoefficients[i] = PolynomialCoefficients[i + 1] * (i + 1); 

       polynomial_value.real = PolynomialCoefficients[9]; 
       polynomial_value.imaginary = 0; 
       derivative_value.real = DerivativeCoefficients[8]; 
       derivative_value.imaginary = 0; 
       for (int i = 8; i >= 0; i--) 
        polynomial_value = AddDouble(PolynomialCoefficients[i], Mul(polynomial_value, z)); 
       for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) 
        derivative_value = AddDouble(DerivativeCoefficients[i], Mul(derivative_value, z)); 
       iterations += 1; 
       zp = z; 
       z = Sub(z, (Div(polynomial_value, derivative_value))); 
      } while ((Abs(Sub(z, zp)) >= 0.01) && (iterations < max_iterations)); 
      result_table[counter] = iterations; 
    return result_table; 

類似しました。 レジスタはオーバーフローしていましたが、clear: 'finit'が役に立ちましたので、先にFPUスタックに問題がありました。


STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUNは非常に深刻な事故で、常にアプリケーションを即座に終了します。 Cプログラムで診断を取得しても、バグが存在しないことを意味するわけではなく、/ GSでコンパイルしなかったか、破損が重大なものにダメージを与えなかったため、簡単に逃すことができます。スタックを壊すことは、アセンブリコードで行うのが非常に簡単です。私たちはそれを見ることができません。 –


[mcve]、つまりアセンブリコードも含めてください。 –



各呼び出し規約では、関数内で変更しようとしているCPUレジスタをプッシュポップする必要があります。あなたはそれをしますか?私はあなたのasmコードの開始時にプッシュ命令を見ることができず、その最後にポップ命令が表示されます。 eax/raxなどを使用できますが、すべてではありません。完全なリストについては、Cの呼び出し規約を参照してください。

更新:64ビットコードのレジスタに関するこのMSDN記事が見つかりました。が保存されたという名前のすべてのレジスタを手動でプッシュポップする必要があります。 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6t169e9c.aspx


これは何らかの形で役立ちますが、今はエラー005の「アクセス違反」が発生しています。私はそれがptr配列に問題があることができますが、私はコードでそのような問題に気づいていないことをお読みください。特別な方法でC#で配列を渡す必要がありますか? MASMはこの配列に書き込みますか? – sebax


デバッガを使用して、どのアレイポインタがアクセス違反を引き起こしているかを検出します。 –


それはスタックの私の愚かな欠陥だった。すべてが正しいと動作します。どうもありがとうございました。プッシュポップレジスタは解決策でした。 – sebax
