2017-03-22 14 views

こんにちは、私は、幅のアルゴリズムを持つtwigとブートストラップを使ってフォトギャラリーを作成しようとしています。 例: すべてのセクションが太い黒線で分けられていることを希望します。 ブートストラップカラム用のTwigイメージギャラリーアルゴリズム

enter image description here


     <div class="row row-no-gutter"> 
      {% setcontent miniaanbod = "aanbod" %} 
      {% for items in miniaanbod|reverse %} 

       {% set cols = 3 %} 
       {% set totaal = miniaanbod|length %} 

       {# this is the beginning. #} 
        {% if totaal - cols <=0 %} {# if the total is less than 0 it means it is 1 or 2. so my colwidht would be or 6 or 12 #} 

         {% set colwidth = 12/totaal %} {# expected that totaal is 1 or 2 here #} 

        {% else %} 

         {% set totaal = totaal - cols %} {# expected that if the totaal is 4 it takes of 3 and goes back to the begining with 1. so the first IF statement can catch it. #} 
         {% set colwidth = 12/3 %} {# expected that totaal is 3 here so most likely I can just do 12/3 so I did that #} 

        {% endif %} 

       {#{{ dump(colwidth) }}#} 
       <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-{{ colwidth }}"> 
        <div class="product"> 
         <img src="{{ image(items.gallerij[0].filename, 1620, 880) }}" alt=""> 
         <div class="product__cnt"> 
          <h5 class="uppercase">{{ items.type }}</h5> 
          <ul class="pricing-table"> 
           <li>Prijs : <span class="price">{{ items.prijs }}</span></li> 
          <span class="link"><a href="/aanbod/{{ items.slug }}">Continue</a></span> 
      {% endfor %} 





     <div class="row row-no-gutter"> 
      {% setcontent miniaanbod = "aanbod" %} 

       {% set teller4 = 0 %} 
       {% set teller6 = 0 %} 

       {% set breedte = 0 %} 
       {% set alles = miniaanbod|length %} 
       {% for item in miniaanbod|reverse %} 
        {% if (alles >= 3) or (teller4 is not divisible by(3)) %} 
         {% set breedte = 4 %} 
         {% set teller4 = teller4 + 1 %} 
         {% set alles = alles - 1 %} 
        {% elseif (alles > 1) or (teller6 is not divisible by(2)) %} 
         {% set breedte = 6 %} 
         {% set teller6 = teller6 + 1 %} 
         {% set alles = alles - 1 %} 
        {% else %} 
         {% set breedte = 12 %} 
         {% set alles = alles - 1 %} 
        {% endif %} 

        <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-{{ breedte }}"> 
         <div class="product"> 
          <img src="{{ image(item.gallerij[0].filename, 1620, 880) }}" alt=""> 
          <div class="product__cnt"> 
           <h5 class="uppercase">{{ item.type }}</h5> 
           <ul class="pricing-table"> 
            <li>Prijs : <span class="price">{{ item.prijs }}</span></li> 
           <span class="link"><a href="/aanbod/{{ item.slug }}">Continue</a></span> 
       {% endfor %} 

