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<p class="q"><samp class="q-no">1.</samp> Interpret the following directions:</p>
<p class="q-equation">i cap po qid × 10d</p>
<p class="an"><span class="choice">a.</span> Take one capsule by mouth four times a day for ten days.</p>
<p class="an"><span class="choice">b.</span> Take one capsule by mouth three times a day for ten days.</p>
<p class="an"><span class="choice">c.</span> Take one capsule by mouth twice a day for ten days.</p>
<p class="an"><span class="choice">d.</span> Take one capsule by mouth once a day for ten days.</p>
<div class="content">
<a class="answer" href="04b-Ch4-Answers.html #anchor-24-anchor">Answer</a>
<div class="keep">
<p class="q"><samp class="q-no">2.</samp> Interpret the following directions:</p>
<p class="q-equation">ii tab po tid × 7d.</p>
<p class="an"><span class="choice">a.</span> Take two tablets by mouth four times a day for seven days.</p>
<p class="an"><span class="choice">b.</span> Take two tablets by mouth three times a day for seven days.</p>
<p class="an"><span class="choice">c.</span> Take two tablets by mouth twice a day for seven days.</p>
<p class="an"><span class="choice">d.</span> Take two tablets by mouth once a day for seven days.</p>
<div class="content">
<a class="answer" href="04b-Ch4-Answers.html #anchor-25-anchor">Answer</a>
AJAXリクエストは動作しますか?そうでない場合は、サーバー側の言語を使用する必要があります。 – zzzzBov
正直言って、AJAXリクエストがepubで動作するかどうかはわかりません。これは私が試した唯一のものです。残念ながら、これはepubファイルなので、サーバー側の言語は適用されません。 Javascript自体は、EPUB3標準の電子書籍にとってまったく新しいものです。 – Fluketyfluke