私はを見ました。 get()を持つファンクタの定義です。これは何を返すだろうか?
abstract class Functor6<F,T> {
protected abstract <U> Function<? extends Functor6<F,T>,? extends Functor6<?,U>> fmap(Function<T,U> f);
abstract class Applicative<F,T>extends Functor6<F,T> {
public abstract <U> U get(); // what is this in terms of category theory?
protected abstract <U> Applicative<?,U> unit(U value); // what is this in terms of category theory?
protected final <U> Function<Applicative<F,T>,Applicative<?,U>> apply(final Applicative<Function<T,U>,U> ff) {
return new Function<Applicative<F,T>,Applicative<?,U>>() {
public Applicative<?,U> apply(Applicative<F,T> ft) {
Function<T,U> f=ff.get();
T t=ft.get();
return unit(f.apply(t));