if (GetComponent<DetectedEnemies>().locked)//checks bool to see if lockOn button was pressed
mainCam.SetActive(false);//turns off main cam
lockCam.SetActive(true);//turns on lockOn cam
movesetting.tarObject = GetComponent<DetectedEnemies>().Closest;//target object will be the closest enemy to player
this.transform.LookAt(movesetting.tarObject.transform.position);//player will look at the target object at all times
if (currXRot.x > maxXRot.x)//if the current x rot of this object exceeds the maxXRot it can go...
currXRot.x = maxXRot.x;//it gets reset
transform.Translate(Vector3.right * movesetting.speed * Time.deltaTime * turnInput);//orbits around the target object
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * movesetting.speed * Time.deltaTime * forwardInput);//in control of moving towards and away from target