2017-03-18 9 views


1 errors in context 1 of 2: 
==10545== Invalid write of size 4 
==10545== at 0x4009C3: DP (dp.c:70) 
==10545== by 0x400914: main (dp.c:39) 
==10545== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd 
=10545== 1 errors in context 2 of 2: 
==10545== Use of uninitialised value of size 8 
==10545== at 0x4009C3: DP (dp.c:70) 
==10545== by 0x400914: main (dp.c:39) 


int **V, **keep; // 2d arrays for use in the dynamic programming solution 
// keep[][] and V[][] are both of size (n+1)*(W+1) 

int i, w, K; 

// Dynamically allocate memory for variables V and keep 
V = (int**)malloc((n+1) * (W+1) * sizeof(int*)); 
keep = (int**)malloc((n+1) * (W+1) * sizeof(int*)); 

// set the values of the zeroth row of the partial solutions table to zero 
for (w = 0; w <= W; w++) 
    V[0][w] = 0; 

// main dynamic programming loops , adding one item at a time and looping   through weights from 0 to W 
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) 
    for (w = 0; w <= W; w++) 
    if ((wv[i] <= w) && (v[i] + V[i-1][w - wv[i]] > V[i - 1][w])) 
     V[i][w] = v[i] + V[i-1][w-wv[i]]; 
     keep[i][w] = 1; 

     V[i][w] = V[i-1][w]; 
     keep[i][w] = 0; 

K = W; 
for (i = n; i >= 1; i--); 
    if (keep[i][K] == 1) 
    printf("%d\n", i); 
    K = K - wv[i]; 
return V[n][W]; 

'NULL'ポインタ逆参照です。 –


V = (int**)malloc((n+1) * (W+1) * sizeof(int*)); 
for (w = 0; w <= W; w++) 
    V[0][w] = 0; 


Vを2次元配列として使用する場合は、最初にallocate it properlyを使用してください。
