2016-03-21 6 views

私は人工知能には新しく、理論的にはComputer Science/AIでの経験が豊富です。ちょっとしたプロジェクトとして、私は数年前のGoogle AIのチャレンジの簡略化されたバージョンでminimaxアルゴリズムを実装しようとしています。残念ながら、多くの試しと擬似コードの読書の後、私はまだそれをうまく実装することができませんでした。Minimax Implementation Planet Wars Python



max_depth = 4 

def minmax(pw, depth): 
    max_player(pw, depth) 
    return [max_source,max_dest] 

def min_player(pw, depth): 
    if depth > max_depth: 
    return evaluate_state(pw) 
    min_score = 10000 

for my_planet in pw.my_planets(pw): 
    for not_my_planet in pw.not_my_planets(pw): 
     sim = simulate_move(pw) 
     simulated_pw.SimulateAttack(my_planet, not_my_planet) 
     score = max(sim, depth +1) 
     if score < min_score: 
      score = min_score 
return min_score 

def max_player(pw, depth): 
    if depth > max_depth: 
     return evaluate_state(pw) 
    max_score = -10000 
    global max_source 
    global max_dest 
for my_planet in pw.my_planets(pw): 
    for not_my_planet in pw.not_my_planets(pw): 
     sim = simulate_move(pw) 
     sim.SimulateAttack(my_planet, not_my_planet) 
     score = min(sim, depth +1) 
     if score > max_score: 
      score = max_score 
      max_source = my_planet 
      max_dest = not_my_planet 
return max_score 

def do_turn(pw): 
    source = None 
    destination = None 

# (1) Implement an algorithm to determine the source planet to send your ships from 
source = minmax(pw, 4)[0] 

# (2) Implement an algorithm to determine the destination planet to send your ships to 
destination = minmax(pw, 4)[1] 

# (3) Attack/Defend 
# If the source and destination variables contain actual planets, then 
# send half of the ships from source to destination. 
if source is not None and destination is not None: 
    pw.issue_order(source, destination) 


Johannas-MacBook-Pro:PlanetWars johannakorte$ python play.py -1 MinMax2.py  -2 BullyBot.py -s 

Game[1]: Something went wrong, engine output dump: 


Engine entering main game loop. Mode serial 

Game state turn 0 

Player 1 said: Traceback (most recent call last): 

Player 1 said: File "src/python/MinMax2.py", line 74, in <module> 

Player 1 said:  main() 

Player 1 said: File "src/python/MinMax2.py", line 69, in main 

Player 1 said:  do_turn(pw) 

Player 1 said: File "src/python/MinMax2.py", line 52, in do_turn 

Player 1 said:  source = minmax(pw, 4)[0] 

Player 1 said: File "src/python/MinMax2.py", line 14, in minmax 

Player 1 said:  max_player(pw, depth) 

Player 1 said: File "src/python/MinMax2.py", line 36, in max_player 

Player 1 said:  for my_planet in pw.my_planets(pw): 

Player 1 said: TypeError: my_planets() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) 

Player 1 timeout: you missed a turn! Consider to make your bot faster, or increase the maxTurnTime. 

Game state turn 1 

Game state turn 2 

Couldn't write to stdin of player 1 





この行のためコードがクラッシュする:for my_planet in pw.my_planets(pw):

for my_planet in pw.my_planets():に置き換えると、少なくとも1つのエラーが取り除かれます。これは、pwがクラスであるため、そのクラスのすべての関数が自動的にselfを最初のパラメータとして使用するためです。あなたは、この最初のパラメータを供給しないでください。簡単な例でそれを説明するために

class MyClass(object): 
    def __init__(self): pass 
    def show42(self): 
     return 42 
class1 = MyClass() 

# This will work: 
# 42 

# ... but this will crash 
# It will crash with: TypeError: show42() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)