私のシフトレジスタが正しく回転しない理由を理解できますか? sw(15)でsw(14)を切り替えたのでスイッチの入力ではなく、それでもまだ左に回転していますが、正しくはありません。私はそれが実際のコーディングで何かだと思うが、私は何がわからない。VHDLシフトレジスタが正しく回転しない
library IEEE;
entity question2 is
Port (
led: buffer std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
clk: in std_logic;
btnU: in std_logic;
btnD: in std_logic;
btnC: in std_logic;
sw: in std_logic_vector (15 downto 14)--------rotate prob. is not in switches
end question2;
architecture Behavioral of question2 is
constant active: std_logic :='1';
signal DataIn: std_logic_vector (9 downto 0):= "0000000001";
signal Load: std_logic := btnD;
signal Reset: std_logic := btnC;
signal Left: std_logic:= sw(15);
signal Right: std_logic:= sw(14);
signal DataOut: std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
signal Clear: std_logic:= btnU;
signal speed_enable: std_logic;
led<= DataOut;
SpeedControl: process (clk, Reset)
variable counter: integer range 0 to 10000000;
speed_enable<=not active;
if Reset = Active then
counter:= 0;
elsif (rising_edge (clk)) then
counter := counter + 1;
if (counter=10000000) then
speed_enable<= Active;
end if;
end if;
end process;
shiftregister: process(clk, clear)
if rising_edge (clk) then
if clear= active or reset=active then
DataOut <= (others => '0');
elsif load = active then
DataOut <= DataIn ;
elsif Left = active and Right = not active then
if speed_enable = active then
DataOut <= DataOut(8 downto 0) & DataOut(9) ;
elsif Right = active and left = not active then
if speed_enable = active then
DataOut <= DataOut(0) & DataOut (9 downto 1) ;
dataout <= "0000000000";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;