2016-11-13 9 views


import re 

# so, we're looking for the object 'HeyThere' 
objectname = 'HeyThere' 

with open('input.txt', 'r+') as f: 
    line = f.readline() 
    pos = f.tell() 
    found = False 
    while line: 

     # we only want to alter the part with the 
     # right ObjectAlias, so we use the 'found' flag 
     if 'ObjectAlias ' + objectname in line: 
      found = True 
     if 'EndObject' in line: 
      found = False 

     if found and 'BeginKeyframe' in line: 

      # we found the Keyframe part, so we read all lines 
      # until EndKeyframe and count each line with 'default' 
      sub_line = f.readline() 
      frames = 0 
      while not 'EndKeyframe' in sub_line: 
       if 'default' in sub_line: 
        frames += 1 
       sub_line = f.readline() 

      # since we want to override the 'BeginKeyframe', we 
      # have to move back in the file to before this line 

      # now we read the rest of the file, but we skip the 
      # old 'BeginKeyframe' line we want to replace 
      rest = f.read() 

      # we jump back to the right position again 

      # and we write our new 'BeginKeyframe' line 
      f.write(re.sub('\d+', str(frames), line, count=1)) 

      # and write the rest of the file 
      # nothing to do here anymore, just quit the loop 

     # before reading a new line, we keep track 
     # of our current position in the file 
     pos = f.tell() 
     line = f.readline() 


objectlist = ['GoodMoring', 'GoodAfternoon'] 

    while line: 
     while objectlist: 
      if 'ObjectAlias ' + objectlist in line: 



オブジェクトとファイルはどのように関連していますか?すべてのオブジェクトのすべてのファイルを検索する必要がありますか、または各オブジェクトが特定のファイルに対応していますか? – Blckknght


@Blckknght私が今扱っているコードは、** HeyThere ** ** input.txt **で扱うコードです。 ** GoodMoring ** ** GoodAfternoon **などです。 – Tian


whileの代わりにcloseになっています。objectlistのobjectnameに変更してください。 'ObjectAlias' + objectname in line: – Skycc




for objectname in objectlist: 
    if 'ObjectAlias ' + objectname in line: 
     found = True 


found = any('ObjectAlias ' + objectname in line for objectname in objectlist) 


objectlist = ['GoodMoring', 'GoodAfternoon'] 

# can add another for loop here for list of file to process 
# for ff in os.listdir(): 
#  with open(ff, 'r+') as f 
with open('input.txt', 'r+') as f: 
    line = f.readline() 
    pos = f.tell() 
    found = False 
    while line: 
     # if found already true skip checking 
     found = found or any('ObjectAlias ' + objectname in line for objectname in objectlist) 
     if 'EndObject' in line: 
      found = False 

     if found and 'BeginKeyframe' in line: 
      # we found the Keyframe part, so we read all lines 
      # until EndKeyframe and count each line with 'default' 
      sub_line = f.readline() 
      frames = 0 
      while not 'EndKeyframe' in sub_line: 
       if 'default' in sub_line: 
        frames += 1 
       sub_line = f.readline() 

      pos2 = f.tell() # save pos to continue for next Keyframe if there is 
      # pos2 should store position of EndKeyframe now 

      # since we want to override the 'BeginKeyframe', we 
      # have to move back in the file to before this line 

      # skip read rest of file coz we wanna continue next Keyframe 

      # and we write our new 'BeginKeyframe' line 
      f.write(re.sub('\d+', str(frames), line, count=1)) 

      f.seek(pos2) # restore pos because we wanna continue to process next Leyfram if there is any 

      # skip write the rest of the file 
      # don't truncate and break here bcoz we wanna continue 

     # before reading a new line, we keep track 
     # of our current position in the file 
     pos = f.tell() 
     line = f.readline() 

どちらも動作していません。 – Tian


なぜうまくいけないのか分からない、他のエキスパートからのより良い答えを待つことができます – Skycc


エラーメッセージはありますか?ハング?コードは私が疑問に思っている間に 'EndKeyframe' sub_line部分ではありません。そして入力ファイルはどのようにして – Skycc
