2016-08-22 18 views



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public class NNInfo 
    public string networkName = "Agent"; 

    [Header("Movement Properties")] 
    public float movementSpeed = 10f; 
    public float rotationSpeed = 1f; 

    [Header("Learning Properties")] 
    public float learningRate = 0.1f; 
    public float momentum = 0f; 
    public Rewards rewardFunc; 
    public int[] hiddenLayers; 

    [Header("Other Properties")] 
    public int maxHealth = 1000; 

    [Header("Optional Inputs")] 
    public bool m_PointToNearestBall = false;   // input which is 1 while the agent is facing a ball and -1 when facing away 
    public bool m_DistanceToNearestBall = false;  // input which is 1 while the agent is at the ball and -1 when at max possible distance away 
    public bool m_PointToEndzone = false;    // similar to m_PointToNearestBall but for the endzone 
    public bool m_Position = false;      // two inputs which inform the player of its normalized x and y coordinates on the field 
    public bool m_WhetherHoldingBall = false;   // tells the player whether its holding a ball 
    public bool m_CanSeeHealth = false;     // Whether the player can know its own health 

    [Header("Optional Outputs")] 
    public bool m_ForwardLeft = false;     // turn left and move forward simultaneously 
    public bool m_ForwardRight = false;     // turn right and move forward simultaneously 
    public bool m_Reverse = false;      // move backwards 
    public bool m_Flip = false;       // instantly switch to opposite direction 
    public bool m_TurnToBall = false;     // instantly turn to face nearest ball 
    public bool m_TurnToLeft = false;     // instantly turn to face left side of field 
    public bool m_Attack = false;      // attack a player (or idle if no contact) 

これは本当にクールなアイデアですが、私はそれが(簡単な方法で)可能ではないと思います。 – byxor


私はこれがSOに属していないと思います。質問はUnity Devツールに関するものであるため、純粋なプログラミングには直接関係しません。これはGame Dev(http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/)に属している必要があります。Unity AnswersのWebサイト(http://answers.unity3d.com/)には記載されていません。 –


を使用して、エディタコードを更新する(または独自の関数を記述する)必要があります。それは非常に困難ではなく、オンラインで多くのチュートリアルがあります。 – Cabrra




これらを管理するための独自のコードを記述することで、UnityエディタでInspector Viewのプロパティをどのように表示するかを記述できます。

開始するには、documentation site,にアクセスしてください。このコードには、基になるコードが含まれています。 (Javacrpt、C#のバージョンがリンクの下に見つけることができます)



enum IngredientUnit { Spoon, Cup, Bowl, Piece } 

// Custom serializable class 
class Ingredient extends System.Object { 
    var name : String; 
    var amount : int = 1; 
    var unit : IngredientUnit; 

var potionResult : Ingredient; 
var potionIngredients : Ingredient[]; 

function Update() { 
    // Update logic here... 


class IngredientDrawer extends PropertyDrawer { 

    // Draw the property inside the given rect 
    function OnGUI (position : Rect, property : SerializedProperty, label : GUIContent) { 
     // Using BeginProperty/EndProperty on the parent property means that 
     // prefab override logic works on the entire property. 
     EditorGUI.BeginProperty (position, label, property); 

     // Draw label 
     position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel (position, GUIUtility.GetControlID (FocusType.Passive), label); 

     // Don't make child fields be indented 
     var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; 
     EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; 

     // Calculate rects 
     var amountRect = new Rect (position.x, position.y, 30, position.height); 
     var unitRect = new Rect (position.x+35, position.y, 50, position.height); 
     var nameRect = new Rect (position.x+90, position.y, position.width-90, position.height); 

     // Draw fields - passs GUIContent.none to each so they are drawn without labels 
     EditorGUI.PropertyField (amountRect, property.FindPropertyRelative ("amount"), GUIContent.none); 
     EditorGUI.PropertyField (unitRect, property.FindPropertyRelative ("unit"), GUIContent.none); 
     EditorGUI.PropertyField (nameRect, property.FindPropertyRelative ("name"), GUIContent.none); 

     // Set indent back to what it was 
     EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent; 


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