2017-05-17 32 views



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enter image description here



* { 
    margin: 0; 

    background-color: #EAFFE5; 
    margin: 0px; 
    padding: 0px; 
    font-family: Calibri; 

    border: 0px solid #000; 
    margin: 0px auto 0px auto; 
    clear: both; 
    text-align: center; 
    min-height: 700px; 


.content a:link, 
.content a:visited{ 

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    border: 0px solid #000; 
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<div id="body" ng-controller="recipeSubmitController"> 
     <div class="content"> 
      <title>Submit a recipe</title> 
      <h3>Recipe Submission</h3> 
      <div class='display'> 
       <form name="recipeSubmitForm"> 
        <p>Recipe Title: *</p> 
        <input type ='text' maxlength="200" id="titleInput" class="forminput" ng-model="titleInput"style="float:left;" placeholder="Paste or write recipe title here." required> 


        <p>Ingredients: *</p> 
        <textarea rows="5" maxlength="3600" class='formtextarea' ng-model="ingredientsInput" placeholder="Paste or write recipe ingredients here." required></textarea> 

        <p>Instructions: *</p> 
        <textarea rows="5" maxlength="3600" class='formtextarea' ng-model="instructionsInput" placeholder="Paste or write recipe instructions here." required></textarea> 

        <button id="basicRecipeSubmitButton" class="buttonstyled" style="float:right;" ng-click='basicRecipeSubmitClicked()'>Submit data</button> 

       <div id="recipeMainBody" ng-show="parsedDataShown" ng-cloak="true"> 
        <h4>Here's a sneak peek of how the recipe will look:</h4> 
        <h4><span ng-bind="recipeObject.title"></span></h4> 
        <div id="recipeSideInfo" style="float:left; width:20%; text-align: left;"> 
         <li ng-repeat="ingredients in recipeObject.ingredients | orderBy:'-Amount'"> 
          {{ ingredients.Amount + ' ' + ingredients.Units + ' '+ ingredients.Name}} 

        <div id="recipeInstructions" style="float:right; width:75%"> 
         <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
          {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 





あなたが.clearfixクラスを作成し、浮いた子供たちと両親にそれを適用するか、あなただけのこの.clearfix CSSへ#recipeMainBody

* { 
    margin: 0; 

    background-color: #EAFFE5; 
    margin: 0px; 
    padding: 0px; 
    font-family: Calibri; 

    border: 0px solid #000; 
    margin: 0px auto 0px auto; 
    clear: both; 
    text-align: center; 
    min-height: 700px; 


.content a:link, 
.content a:visited{ 

    width: 90%; 
    border: 0px solid #000; 
    margin: 0px auto 0px auto; 
    text-align: justify;  

.clearfix:after { 
    display: table; 
    content: ''; 
    clear: both; 
<div id="body" ng-controller="recipeSubmitController"> 
    <div class="content"> 
    <title>Submit a recipe</title> 
    <h3>Recipe Submission</h3> 
    <div class='display'> 
     <form name="recipeSubmitForm"> 
     <p>Recipe Title: *</p> 
     <input type='text' maxlength="200" id="titleInput" class="forminput" ng-model="titleInput" style="float:left;" placeholder="Paste or write recipe title here." required> 


     <p>Ingredients: *</p> 
     <textarea rows="5" maxlength="3600" class='formtextarea' ng-model="ingredientsInput" placeholder="Paste or write recipe ingredients here." required></textarea> 

     <p>Instructions: *</p> 
     <textarea rows="5" maxlength="3600" class='formtextarea' ng-model="instructionsInput" placeholder="Paste or write recipe instructions here." required></textarea> 

     <button id="basicRecipeSubmitButton" class="buttonstyled" style="float:right;" ng-click='basicRecipeSubmitClicked()'>Submit data</button> 

     <div id="recipeMainBody" class="clearfix" ng-show="parsedDataShown" ng-cloak="true"> 
     <h4>Here's a sneak peek of how the recipe will look:</h4> 
     <h4><span ng-bind="recipeObject.title"></span></h4> 
     <div id="recipeSideInfo" style="float:left; width:20%; text-align: left;"> 
      <li ng-repeat="ingredients in recipeObject.ingredients | orderBy:'-Amount'"> 
      {{ ingredients.Amount + ' ' + ingredients.Units + ' '+ ingredients.Name}} 

     <div id="recipeInstructions" style="float:right; width:75%"> 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 
      <li ng-repeat="instruction in recipeObject.instructions | orderBy: 'Step'" style="list-style-type: none;"> 
      {{ instruction.Step + '. ' + instruction.Text }} 



