編集:サンプルサイズが小さすぎました。 8つのCPUで実際のデータと比較してみると、7.2倍の速度向上が見られました。 )私のコードに4文字を追加するためにあまり目立たない;)スカラ並列コレクションランタイム困惑
InteliJ Scalaのプラグイン
のWindows 7 64ビット、クアッドコアプロセッサ(なしハイパースレッディング)
import util.Random
// simple Vector3D class that has final x,y,z components a length, and a '-' function
class Vector3D(val x:Double, val y:Double, val z:Double)
def length = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
def -(rhs : Vector3D) = new Vector3D(x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z)
object MainClass {
def main(args : Array[String]) =
println("Available CPU's: " + Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors())
println("Parallelism Degree set to: " + collection.parallel.ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.getParallelism);
// my position
val myPos = new Vector3D(0,0,0);
val r = new Random(0);
// define a function nextRand that gets us a random between 0 and 100
def nextRand = r.nextDouble() * 100;
// make 10 million random targets
val targets = (0 until 10000000).map(_ => new Vector3D(nextRand, nextRand, nextRand)).toArray
// take the .par hit before we start profiling
val parTargets = targets.par
println("Created " + targets.length + " vectors")
// define a range function
val rangeFunc : (Vector3D => Double) = (targetPos) => (targetPos - myPos).length
// we'll select ones that are <50
val within50 : (Vector3D => Boolean) = (targetPos) => rangeFunc(targetPos) < 50
// time it sequentially
val startTime_sequential = System.currentTimeMillis()
val numTargetsInRange_sequential = targets.filter(within50)
val endTime_sequential = System.currentTimeMillis()
println("Sequential (ms): " + (endTime_sequential - startTime_sequential))
// do the parallel version 10 times
for(i <- 1 to 10)
val startTime_par = System.currentTimeMillis()
val numTargetsInRange_parallel = parTargets.filter(within50)
val endTime_par = System.currentTimeMillis()
val ms = endTime_par - startTime_par;
println("Iteration[" + i + "] Executed in " + ms + " ms")
Available CPU's: 4
Parallelism Degree set to: 4
Created 10000000 vectors
Sequential (ms): 216
Iteration[1] Executed in 227 ms
Iteration[2] Executed in 253 ms
Iteration[3] Executed in 76 ms
Iteration[4] Executed in 78 ms
Iteration[5] Executed in 77 ms
Iteration[6] Executed in 80 ms
Iteration[7] Executed in 78 ms
Iteration[8] Executed in 78 ms
Iteration[9] Executed in 79 ms
Iteration[10] Executed in 82 ms
管理の売り方については、http://scala-boss.heroku.com/#1をご覧ください(次のスライドを見るには矢印キーを使用してください)。 – huynhjl
一般に、並列配列を並列ベクトルよりも優先します。少なくとも、連結がベクトルに追加されるまでです。 – axel22
@huynhjl - 最初の2つの漫画に描かれた私の人生を見て、プレゼンテーションが価値があったことは分かっていました。ありがとう! – fbl