2016-04-26 14 views


<!doctype html> 


    <title>Photo Gallery Final Project</title> 
    <meta charset = "UTF-8"> 
    <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "gallery.css"> 



    <div class = "main"> 

     <div class = "wrapper"> 

      <div id = "largeImage"> 

     <img src = "images/machine_1_big.jpg" alt = "machining image" width = "920" height = "400" id = "myImage" class = "border"/> 


      <div class = "thumbnail"> 

       <img src="machine_1.jpg" alt = "machining lathe" id="machine_1"/> 
       <img src="machine_2.jpg" alt = "machining lathe" id="machine_2"/> 
       <img src="machine_3.jpg" alt = "machining lathe" id="machine_3"/> 
       <img src="machine_4.jpg" alt = "machining lathe" id="machine_4"/> 
       <img src="machine_5.jpg" alt = "machining lathe" id="machine_5"/> 
       <img src="machine_6.jpg" alt = "machining lathe" id="machine_6"/> 


    <script src = "gallery.js"></script> 



//this will load the gallery in the browser and enable the gallery function 
//window.onload = gallery; 
//gallery funtion declared 
function gallery(){ 
    //variable allGalleryImages created. This is where all the images will be held 
    var allGalleryImages = document.images; 
    //for loop declared for the image array 
    for(var i = 0; i < allGalleryImages.length; i++){ 
      if(allGalleryImages[i].id.indexOf("small") > -1){ 
       //this will add a listener to the thumb images 
       allGalleryImages[i].onclick = imgChanger; 

//this is the image changer function 
function imgChanger(){ 
    //this will change the src attribute value of the large image. 
    //document.getElementById('myImage').src ="images/"+this.id+"_big.jpg"; 
     document.getElementById('myImage').src = " " + this.id +"_big.jpg"; 


JQueryで大丈夫ですか? – theblindprophet


先に進んで撃つ。 – Murk



私はJQueryを使用しました。 HTMLを変更する必要はありませんでした。すべてのサムネイルを作成して並べる理由はありません。

$(document).ready(function() { 
    $(".thumbnail img").on("click", function() { 

    //this is the image changer function 
    function imgChanger(theSRC) { 
     //this will change the src attribute value of the large image. 
     //document.getElementById('myImage').src ="images/"+this.id+"_big.jpg"; 
     var beforeJPG = theSRC; 
     beforeJPG = beforeJPG.substring(0, beforeJPG.length-4); 
     console.log(beforeJPG + "_big.jpg"); 
     $("myImage").attr("src", beforeJPG + "_big.jpg"); 


  1. は "_big.jpg" を追加し、フロントに "/画像を" 追加 "の.jpg" src
  2. クリックされた画像のチョップを下車後ろに
  3. のsrcを変更する#myImage

