2016-12-28 18 views




the bullet spawns correctly when facing upwards

the bullet spawns incorrectly when facing every other direction



if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) { 
       //Creates bullets when the spacebar is pressed, as long as the user is not exceeding 3 at a time 
       if(player.amountOfBullets() >= 0 && player.amountOfBullets() < 10) 
       player.setNB(player.getGunX(), player.getGunY(), player.getAngle()); 


public class Player { 
private BufferedImage spriteSheet; 

private double x; 
private double y; 
private int height; 
private int width; 

private int gunX; 
private int gunY; 

private BufferedImage[] sprites = new BufferedImage[13]; 
private BufferedImage currentImg; 
private int frame; 
private double angle = 0; 

private ArrayList<Bullet> nb = new ArrayList<Bullet>(10); 

public Player(){ 
    try { 
     spriteSheet = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("/Sprites.png")); 
    } catch (IOException e) { 
     System.err.println("Sprites3.png could not be found"); 

    for (int i = 0; i < sprites.length; i++){ 
     sprites[i] = grabImage(1, i+1, 100); 
    currentImg = sprites[0]; 
    x = 10; 
    y = 10; 
    width = currentImg.getWidth(); 
    height = currentImg.getHeight(); 

    gunX = (int) x + width - 15; 
    gunY = (int) y; 

public BufferedImage grabImage(int col, int row, int length){ 
    BufferedImage img = spriteSheet.getSubimage(((col-1) * length), ((row-1) * length), length, length); 
    return img; 

public void paint(Graphics2D g2d){ 

    for(int i = 0; i < nb.size(); i++) 
     if(nb.get(i).getTime()*10 >= 15) 
      nb.set(0, null); 
      nb.remove(nb.get(0));//removes bullets based on the time they are in game 

    double rotationRequired = Math.toRadians (angle); 
    double locationX = currentImg.getWidth()/2; 
    double locationY = currentImg.getHeight()/2; 
    AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotationRequired, locationX, locationY); 
    AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); 

    for (int i = 0; i < nb.size(); i++) 
     nb.get(i).move();//moves the bullets 

    // Drawing the rotated image at the required drawing locations 
    g2d.drawImage(op.filter(currentImg, null), (int)x, (int)y, null); 
    //g2d.fillOval(x, y, 10, 10); 
    int x = (int) this.x; 
    int y = (int) this.y; 
    g2d.fillOval(gunX, gunY, 10, 10); 

public void update(){ 
    currentImg = sprites[frame]; 

public void move(double xM, double yM){ 
    if (yM == 5) xM = -5; 
    else xM = 5; 
    x += xM * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); 
    y += yM * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); 

    gunY += yM * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); 
    gunX += xM * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); 

    if (frame < 12){ 
    else frame = 0; 

public void turn(double angle){  
    this.angle += angle; 

public int getX() { 
    return (int) x; 

public int getY(){ 
    return (int) y; 

public int getGunX() { 
    return gunX; 

public int getGunY(){ 
    return gunY; 

public int getHeight(){ 
    return height; 

public int getWidth(){ 
    return width; 

public void setNB(int x, int y, double angle)//sets position and movement of bullet 
    if (nb.size() > 10) 
     nb.set(0, null); 
     nb.remove(nb.get(0));//removes the bullets from the game when tried to exceed 3 
    if (nb.size() < 10)//only 3 shots allowed at a time 
     nb.add(new Bullet(x, y, angle));//adds bullets to list when a new one is shot 

public ArrayList<Bullet> getNB()//sets position and movement of bullet 
    return nb; 

public void removeNB(int i)//removes bullet from game when it hits an asteroid 
    nb.set(i, null); 

public int getBulletX(int i)//gets bullet X coord 
    return nb.get(i).getX(); 

public int getBulletY(int i)//gets bullet Y coord 
    return nb.get(i).getY(); 

public int getBulletWidth(int i)//gets bullet width 
    return nb.get(i).getWidth(); 

public int getBulletHeight(int i)//gets bullet height 
    return nb.get(i).getHeight(); 

public int getBulletAngle(int i)//gets bullet angle 
    return nb.get(i).getAngle(); 

public double getAngle() { 
    return angle; 

public int amountOfBullets() //checks amount of bullets in game 
    return nb.size(); 


public class Bullet 
//width = 6px, height = 8px 
private BufferedImage bullet = null; 
private BufferedImage img2 = null; 
private double x, y; 
private double angle; 
//Creates an instance of timer since each bullet is supposed to only last 1.5 seconds 
private Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); 

public Bullet(int x, int y, double angle) 
    //Get the image of the normal bullet 
    try { 
     bullet = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("/Bullet.png")); 
    } catch (IOException e) { 
     System.err.println("Bullet.png could not be found"); 
    //Sets the position and direction of the bullet relative to the spacecraft when it is created 

public void paint(Graphics2D g2d) 
    //Since the bullet sprite is not always oriented in the direction of the shot, orient it properly 

    double rotationRequired = Math.toRadians(angle); 
    double locationX = bullet.getWidth()/2; 
    double locationY = bullet.getHeight()/2; 
    AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotationRequired, locationX, locationY); 
    AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); 

    // Drawing the rotated image at the required drawing locations 
    int x = (int) this.x; 
    int y = (int) this.y; 
    //g.drawImage(img2, x - 150, y - 150, null); 
    g2d.drawImage(op.filter(bullet, null), x, y, null); 
    //Change the angle back to the original for the bullet to travel in the correct direction 


public void move() 
    //Move the projectile in the direction it is facing 
    x+=-5* Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); 
    y+=-5* Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); 

//Returns how long the bullet has been in existence 
public long getTime() 
    return timer.getElapsedTime(); 

public int getX()//returns the x position of the bullet for collision detection 
    return (int)x; 

public int getY()//returns the y position of the bullet for collision detection 
    return (int)y; 

public int getWidth()//returns the width of the sprite for collision detection 
    return bullet.getWidth(); 

public int getHeight()//returns the height of the sprite for collision detection 
    return bullet.getHeight(); 

public int getAngle()//returns the angle of the bullet 
    return (int)angle; 

paintまたはpaintComponentメソッドのデータオブジェクトの状態を変更しないでください。あなたのコントロール下にないあらゆる種類の理由により、1秒に何回かペイントを開始することができます。マウスを動かすだけでトリガーになることがあります。 – VGR


「どのような場合でも、paintまたはpaintComponentメソッドのデータオブジェクトの状態を変更する必要はありません。」:主な問題に対処することを拒否しながら、これらの想像力を繰り返し提案することで、 – gpasch



[OK]をHERESにあなたの新しいペンキの動きや方法を回す - あなたはまた、銃のポイントを変換する必要があります。

public void paint(Graphics g2d){ 
    // Drawing the rotated image at the required drawing locations 
    if(op!=null) g2d.drawImage(op.filter(currentImg, null), (int)x, (int)y, null); 
    else g2d.drawImage(currentImg, (int)x, (int)y, null); 
    g2d.fillOval(gunX, gunY, 10, 10); 

public void move(double xM, double yM){ 
    x += xM * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); 
    y += yM * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); 

    gunY += yM * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); 
    gunX += xM * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); 


public void turn(double angle){  
    this.angle += angle; 
    double rotationRequired = Math.toRadians (this.angle); 
    double locationX = currentImg.getWidth()/2; 
    double locationY = currentImg.getHeight()/2; 
    AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotationRequired, locationX, locationY); 
    op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); 
    int gx= currentImg.getWidth() - 15; 
    int gy=0; 
    Point pt1=new Point(gx, gy), pt2=new Point(); 
    tx.transform(pt1, pt2); 
    gunX=(int)x+pt2.x; gunY=(int)y+pt2.y; 



AffineTransformOp op; 



あなたのソリューションは非常に理解しやすく、機能しました。どうもありがとうございます! –
