レンダラをアクティビティ内の変数として保持することができます(たくさんの人が行うように、MyRenderer myRenderer = new MyRenderer(); mGLView.setRenderer(myRenderer);
public class Test3D extends Activity{
private MyRenderer renderer; // keep hold of the renderer as a variable in activity
private MyAsyncTask gameLoop;
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
myRenderer = new MyRenderer(); // create the renderer object
GLSurfaceView mGLView = (GLSurfaceView)findViewById(R.id.glsurfaceview1);
mGLView.setRenderer(myRenderer); // set the surfaceView to use the renderer
gameLoop = new MyAsyncTask();
gameLoop.execute(); // start a new, non-UI, thread to do something
/// non-UI thread (inner class of my Test3D activity)
class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>{
protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0) {
myRenderer.startCalc(); // tell renderer to start calculation
// waiting for calc to finish, but not blocking UI thread
try {
long x = 1000;
// sleep the thread for x amount of time to save cpu cycles
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// when calculation has finished, we will drop out of the loop
// and update the UI
protected void onProgressUpdate(Void... progress) {
// update UI
public class MyRenderer implements Renderer{
private boolean startCalc = false;
private boolean finishCalc = false;
public void startCalc(){
finishCalc = false;
startCalc = true;
public boolean isFinishedCalc(){
return finishCalc;
public void onDraw(GL10 gl){
// do calculation using GL handle
// always performed in the GL thread
finishCalc = true;
startCalc = false;
// draw
public class MyRenderer implements Renderer{
private Handler handler = null;
public static final int CALC_FINISHED = 1;
public void startCalc(Handler handler){
this.handler = handler;
public void onDraw(GL10 gl){
// do calculation using GL handle
int flag = MyRenderer.CALC_FINISHED;
handler.dispatchMessage(Message.obtain(handler, flag));
// adds a message to the UI thread's message queue
handler = null;
// draw
myRenderer.startCalc(new Handler(){
public void handleMessage (Message msg){
// Update UI
// this code will always be executed in the UI thread
うわー、ありがとう。私は仕事に戻ったときに明日近く見ることができます。 – Lennart