2016-04-01 11 views



#' @param DATA data frame. This is the data set containing the data to be grouped, 
#' ordered, and used in the calculation. 
#' @param GROUP_BY character vector. This is a vector of the columns of the data 
#' frame that are to be used to group different observations which are then 
#' FUNCTIONed across. 
#' @param ORDER_BY character. This is the name of the column of DATA that is 
#' to be used for determining the WINDOW. 
#' @param CALC_OVER character. The name of the column over which the calculation is 
#' to be performed in accordance with FUNCTION. 
#' @param WINDOW integer. Positive integer will sum the WINDOW values of CALC_OVER 
#' on and after each ORDER_BY. Negative integer will sum the WINDOW values of CALC_OVER 
#' values on and before each ORDER_BY. 
#' @param FUNCTION character. Name of function to be used on values defined by 
#' CALC_OVER over the WINDOW. 
#' FUNCTION applied to the CALC_OVER data. 
#' @export 

ApplyFunctionWindow <- function(DATA, GROUP_BY, ORDER_BY, CALC_OVER, 
           WINDOW = -4L, FUNCTION) {    
    # dplyr's arrange, order_by, and mutate would probably be faster but are a pain 
    # to implement with dynamic variables 
    if (length(GROUP_BY) > 1) { 
    grouped_data <- split(x = DATA, f = as.list(DATA[, GROUP_BY]), drop = TRUE) 
    } else { 
    grouped_data <- split(x = DATA, f = DATA[, GROUP_BY], drop = TRUE) 

    calculations <- dplyr::data_frame() 

    for (g in 1:length(grouped_data)) { 
    grouped_data_frame <- grouped_data[[g]] 

    for (r in 1:nrow(grouped_data_frame)) { 
     grouped_data_frame <- grouped_data_frame[ 
     order(grouped_data_frame[, ORDER_BY]), 

     if(WINDOW < 0) { 
     if((r + 1 + WINDOW) < 1L | (r + 1 + WINDOW) > nrow(grouped_data_frame)) { 
      grouped_data_frame[r, paste(CALC_OVER, FUNCTION, WINDOW, sep = "_")] <- NA 
     } else { 
      grouped_data_frame[r, paste(CALC_OVER, FUNCTION, WINDOW, sep = "_")] <- 
      do.call(what = FUNCTION, 
        args = list(grouped_data_frame[r:(r + 1 + WINDOW), CALC_OVER])) 
     } else { 
     if((r - 1 + WINDOW) > nrow(grouped_data_frame)) { 
      grouped_data_frame[r, paste(CALC_OVER, FUNCTION, WINDOW, sep = "_")] <- NA 
     } else { 
      grouped_data_frame[r, paste(CALC_OVER, FUNCTION, WINDOW, sep = "_")] <- 
      do.call(what = FUNCTION, 
        args = list(grouped_data_frame[r:(r - 1 + WINDOW), CALC_OVER])) 

     calculations <- dplyr::bind_rows(calculations, grouped_data_frame) 
    } else { 
     calculations <- dplyr::bind_rows(calculations, grouped_data_frame) 




example_data <- data.frame(id_1 = c(rep("jane", 8), rep("joe", 12), rep("jack", 16)), 
        id_2 = c(rep("doe", 8), rep("doe", 12), rep("smith", 16)), 
        year = c(rep(2010, 4), rep(2011, 4), 
          rep(2008, 4), rep(2009, 4), rep(2010, 4), 
          rep(2005, 4), rep(2006, 4), rep(2007, 4), rep(2008, 4)), 
        quarter = rep(seq(1:4), 9), 
      data_value = rnorm(36, 10, 1), 
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE 

example_data[, "year_quarter"] <- paste(example_data[, "year"], 
             example_data[, "quarter"]) 

trailing_four_quarters <- ApplyFunctionWindow(DATA = example_data, 
               GROUP_BY = c("id_1", "id_2"), 
               ORDER_BY = "year_quarter", 
               CALC_OVER = "data_value", 
               WINDOW = -4L, 
               FUNCTION = "sum", 
               OMIT_NA = FALSE) 

これを本質的に減らしてください。 –


@ G.Grothendieck私はテキストを減らしました。うまくいけば、それは読みやすくなります。答えをありがとう。パフォーマンスと柔軟性をチェックするためのさまざまなオプションをテストしています。 –



適用は物事はrに成し遂げるための唯一の方法ではありません - これははるかに良いdata.table


cols <- c("data_value") 
cols_L4Q <- paste0(cols,"_L4Q") 

example_data <- example_data[order(id_1,id_2,year,quarter)] 

example_data[, (cols_L4Q) := lapply(.SD, function(x) { Reduce(`+`, shift(x, 0L:(4 - 1L), type = "lag")) }), .SDcols = cols, by = .(id_1,id_2)] 




ありがとうございます。私は 'data.table'を広範囲に使用していませんが、今後は進めていきます。これは信じられないほど高速です。さらに、これは非常に一般的な解決策です。 –




roll <- function(x) if (length(x) >= 4) rollsumr(x, 4, fill = NA) else NA 
transform(example_data, four_quarters = ave(data_value, id_1, id_2, FUN = roll)) 