intからbigint、realからfloat、varcharからtextなど、SQLサーバーからcassandraにいくつかのデータ型をマッピングします。 SQL Serverからcassandraへのマッピングはどこで入手できますか?SQLとCassandraのデータ型のマッピング
intからbigint、realからfloat、varcharからtextなど、SQLサーバーからcassandraにいくつかのデータ型をマッピングします。 SQL Serverからcassandraへのマッピングはどこで入手できますか?SQLとCassandraのデータ型のマッピング
比較では、文字データ型の照合セットやこのデータを変換してSQL Serverに渡す方法など、データ型の表現を変更するSQL Serverの設定は考慮されていません。
CQL Data Type | Match? | SQL Server Data Type | Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list N none A collection; no native SQL equivalent. Perhaps sql_variant or XML could be used but operations on list in CQL wouldn't apply in SQL Server. Custom data types and CLR integrations would most likely be required map N none Similar to above except as of SQL Server 2016, [JSON Data](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/dn921897.aspx) handling has been introduced so it's possible it could parse CQL maps set N none " int Y int Both represent 32-bit signed integers bigint Y bigint Both represent 64-bit signed integers varint ? smallint Not clear if varint storage size will change, so if precision was -32768 to 32767, would it take 2 bytes? Also, if varint has values outside of smallint range, you may run into overflow errors. From smallint to varint, there's no indication in the above links varint ? tinyint Similar to above except if precision was 0 to 255, would it take 1 bytes? float Y float decimal ? decimal Not clear of the precision and scaling limits of CQL decimal ascii ? char, varchar Not clear this mapping is accurate, more an assumption. Limits and conversion behaviour are not known text ? ntext Based on UTF-8 encoding and that CQL seems to have varchar/text as does SQL. So it's likely text represents larger length text strings varchar ? nchar, nvarchar Based on UTF-8 encoding supported by both. Not clear what varchar limits are or the conversion behaviour timestamp ? datetime Not clear what timestamp limits are or the conversion behaviour boolean ? bit Not clear on conversion behaviour blob ? binary, varbinary Not clear what the limits are on length of a CQL blob uuid ? uniqueidentifier uuid follows standard UUID format, most likely 128 bits (16 bytes) which is the same storage size as uniqueidentifier. Not clear on the conversion behaviour
使用するデータ型を決定する必要があります。この種のものには標準がない。 –