2017-06-09 8 views

Minecraft demoに続いて。どのようにブロックを同じ場所に産まないようにすることができますか? This is the script which spawns the boxes.Aframe:2つのオブジェクトが重ならないようにします。


  1. は(私はボックスを設定した座標の追跡リストを作成し、交点が一致ば作成防止又は閾値に近い)。
  2. レティクルがバウンディングボックスに一致するかどうかを確認します(使用方法がわからないThreejs 'Box3を使用)。



はまあ、私はちょうど#2を行いました。それはすべてのソリューションの中で最もきれいではないかもしれませんが、機能しています。誰もまだそれについてコメントしていないなら、私は確かに解決策を共有することができます。 –


私はこれらのどちらも問題ないと思います。より大きい場面(1)ではより効果的です。しかし、それが問題になるまで最適化する必要はありません。 :) –


あなたのソリューションを共有してください、私はあなたがそれをやったかと思います:) –



これは#2への私の答えです: 私は配列を作成しました。この配列には、evt.detail.intersection.pointのポイントが含まれます。新しいオブジェクトを挿入する前に、Pythagoras(x、z点)を適用し、それをしきい値と比較します。スレッショルドを上回っている場合に限り、それを継続して新しいポイントを保存することができます。





export default class IntersectionSpawn { 
    constructor(lamp) { 
     //The array that will track the position. 
     this.positionHistory = new Array(); 
     //The spacing which it will allow to span another light. 
     this.minSpacing = 2; 
     //Captures the class' *this* so it can be used in the 
     //Event Listener. 
     const _this = this; 
     //Dependency Injection. Injects the lamp class that manages 
     //the lamp creation. 
     this.lamp = lamp; 

     AFRAME.registerComponent('intersection-spawn', { 
      schema: { 
       default: '', 
       parse: AFRAME.utils.styleParser.parse 

      init: function() { 
       //This data comes from the HTML's <a-entity> attribute 
       const data = this.data; 
       //References the current element. This comes from A-Frame. 
       const el = this.el; 
       //Reducing the code a little bit. 
       //This will create an event listener and pass it to the 
       //intersection method. 
       el.addEventListener(data.event, evt => { 
        _this.intersection(evt, el, data) 

    //This takes care of create the element and insert it. 
    intersection(evt, el, data) { 

     //Just a safeguard. If the event data doesn't contain 
     //the intersection property, then I can't do anything. 
     if (evt.detail.hasOwnProperty("intersection") === false) 
     //Define a position object to keep hold of everything. 
     //Note that in here I'm just selecting points x and z 
     //because in my app, those are the only ones which interests 
     //me. "y" is also available by using vt.detail.intersection.point.y 
     let pos = { 
      x: evt.detail.intersection.point.x, 
      z: evt.detail.intersection.point.z 

     //If true then it continues, and adds the element. 
     //Otherwise exit. 
     if (!this.canAddToGrid(pos)) 

     //Creates a new lamp to be inserted. 
     const elem = this.lamp.generate(data, pos); 
    //Adds to the current history to be tracked. 
    appendToHistory(pos) { 

    * Checks whether it's posisble to add to the grid or not. 
    * This will check if the distance of the current insertion point 
    * is equal or smaller to the distance to any of the cylinders. 
    * If that's the case, it will return false. Otherwise it will return 
    * true. 
    * The position of the current object to be inserted. 
    * @param pos 
    canAddToGrid(pos) { 
     for (let position of this.positionHistory) { 
      if (this.calcDistance(pos.x, pos.z, position.x, position.z) <= this.minSpacing) { 
       return false; 
     return true; 

    * Calculates the distance from the center of the lamp to the center 
    * of the insertion points. 
    * @param x1 Position x of the object to be inserted 
    * @param z1 Position z of the object to be inserted 
    * @param x2 Position x of the object inside the array 
    * @param z2 Position z of the object inside the array 
    calcDistance(x1, z1, x2, z2) { 
     return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2 - x1), 2) + Math.pow((z2 - z1), 2)); 



export default class Lamp { 
    constructor() { 

    * Creates the Lamp. Right now it's a cylinder. 
    * @param pos The positions you want the lamp to be in. 
    create(pos) { 
     let elem = (document.createElement("a-cylinder")); 
     elem.setAttribute('width', "1"); 
     elem.setAttribute('height', "4"); 
     elem.setAttribute('depth', "1"); 
     elem.setAttribute('position', `${pos.x} 0 ${pos.z}`); 
     return elem; 

    * This works like a decorator. this was originaly in the intersection-spawn. 
    * I do not know a lot what it does, but it's necessary for the element to work. 
    * @param elem The generated element from the create(pos) method. 
    * @param data Comes from A-Frame's data. 
    AddAframeUtils(elem, data) { 
     Object.keys(data).forEach(name => { 
      if (name === 'event') { return; } 
      AFRAME.utils.entity.setComponentProperty(elem, name, data[name]); 

     return elem; 


    * The public method which generates a fully functional element. 
    * @param data This comes from A-Frame's data. 
    * @param position The position in which I want to create the element. 
    generate(data, position) { 
     return this.AddAframeUtils(this.create(position), data); 



import Lamp from './js/lamp/lamp'; 
import IntersectionSpawn from './js/components/intersection-spawn'; 

new IntersectionSpawn(new Lamp()); 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 

    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> 
    <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.5.0/aframe.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="https://rawgit.com/mayognaise/aframe-mouse-cursor-component/master/dist/aframe-mouse-cursor-component.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="script.js"></script> 

     <a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky> 
      <!-- We include the intersection-spawn in here:--> 
      <a-cursor intersection-spawn="event: click;"></a-cursor> 


HTMLではスクリプトをHeadに入れていることがわかります。これはこれのためです:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44401702/a-entity-text-only-showing-when-created-by-the-inspectorフィードバックを私に与えること自由に:) –
