Function Get-FolderSize
#$graterthan and $ZeroSizeFolders cannot be used together
#Convert the size specified by Greaterhan parameter to Bytes
$size = 1000000000 * $graterthan
Process {#Check whether user has access to the folders.
Try {
Write-Host "Performing initial tasks, please wait... " -ForegroundColor Magenta
$subfolders = If ($Recurse) {Get-ChildItem $FolderPath -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
Else {Get-ChildItem $FolderPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
Catch [exception]{}
#Calculate folder size
If ($subfolders)
Write-Host "Calculating size of folders in $FolderPath. This may take sometime, please wait... " -ForegroundColor Magenta
$Items = $subfolders | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $TRUE -and `
@(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $_.Fullname -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer}).Length -gt '0'}}
ForEach ($i in $Items)
$subFolders =
If ($graterthan)
{Get-ChildItem -Path $i.FullName -Recurse | Measure-Object -sum Length | Where-Object {$_.Sum -ge $size -and $_.Sum -gt 1000000 } }
{Get-ChildItem -Path $i.FullName -Recurse | Measure-Object -sum Length | Where-Object {$_.Sum -gt 1000000 }}
#Return only values not equal to 0
ForEach ($subFolder in $subFolders) {
#If folder is less than or equal to 1GB, display in MB, If above 1GB, display in GB
$si = If (($subFolder.Sum -ge 1000000000) ) {"{0:N2}" -f ($subFolder.Sum/1GB) + " GB"}
ElseIf (($subFolder.Sum -lt 1000000000) ) {"{0:N0}" -f ($subFolder.Sum/1MB) + " MB"}
$Object = New-Object psobject -pro @{
'Folder Name' = $i.Name
'Size' = $si
'Full Path' = $i.FullName
[array]$space = $Object
$Object | Select-Object 'Folder Name', 'Full Path',Size
End {
Write-Host "Task completed...if nothing is displayed:
you may not have access to the path specified or
all folders are less than 1 MB" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Name Created **FilePath** SizeMB
---- ------- -------- ------
Microsoft Analysis Services 3/13/2017 11:31:16 PM C:\Program Files\Microsoft An... 102.14
Microsoft DNX 3/16/2017 3:17:02 PM C:\Program Files\Microsoft DNX 0.08
Microsoft Help Viewer 3/20/2017 3:31:30 PM C:\Program Files\Microsoft He... 55.89
Microsoft IT Diagnostics U... 3/17/2017 5:36:08 PM C:\Program Files\Microsoft IT... 0.09
私は完全なファイルパスを取得しようとしています。でも、私はout-string -width 300
を試して、ファイルを外そうとしました。 out-stringを試してみると、完全なファイルパスが表示されていますが、オブジェクトは新しい出力行の前に毎回印刷されます。この
Name Created FilePath SizeMB
---- ------- -------- ------
Program Files (x86) 9/29/2017 6:46:33 AM C:\Program Files (x86) 10616.26
Name Created FilePath SizeMB
---- ------- -------- ------
TURBOC3 12/2/2017 4:57:56 AM C:\TURBOC3 1