2016-09-08 5 views


`SELECT IFNULL(party.`user_id`, 0) as isparticipant, a.`id`, a.`created`,` `a.`lastreplied`,` 

a.`type`, b.`created_by`, b.`message`, c.`isread` 

FROM `jos_social_conversations` AS `a` 

LEFT JOIN `jos_social_conversations_participants` as party on a.id = party.conversation_id 
and party.user_id = '602' 

INNER JOIN `jos_social_conversations_message` AS `b` ON 
`a`.`id` = `b`.`conversation_id` 

INNER JOIN `jos_social_conversations_message_maps` AS `c` 
ON `c`.`message_id` = `b`.`id` and c.`conversation_id` = b.`conversation_id` 

(select cm.`conversation_id`, max(cm.`message_id`) as `message_id` from 
`jos_social_conversations_message_maps` as cm 

inner join `jos_social_conversations_message` as bm 
on cm.`message_id` = bm.`id` 

LEFT JOIN `jos_social_block_users` AS `bus` ON `bm`.`created_by` = `bus`.`user_id` 

AND `bus`.`target_id` = '602' 

WHERE `cm`.`user_id` = '602' AND(SELECT count(isread) AS newMsg 

FROM jos_social_conversations_message_maps as maps WHERE a.id = maps.conversation_id AND 
maps.isread = 0 AND maps.user_id = '602') AND `cm`.`state` = '1' and `bus`.`id` IS NULL 
group by cm.`conversation_id`) as x ON c.`message_id` = x.`message_id` 

LEFT JOIN `jos_social_block_users` 
as bus ON a.`created_by` = bus.`user_id` AND bus.`target_id` = '602' 

WHERE `c`.`user_id` = '602' 

AND bus.`id` IS NULL AND `c`.`state` = '1' 


1054 - 'where句' 内の不明な列 'a.id'


AND(SELECT count(isread) AS newMsg FROM jos_social_conversations_message_maps WHERE conversation_id = 3 AND isread = 0 AND user_id = '602') 

電流出力: enter image description here




あなたはクエリを書式設定するのに少し力を入れることができますか? –


@ GordonLinoff、簡潔さのためにコード行を削除しました.. – 112233


あなたのSELECTリストには8列が含まれています。あなたは別のものがなければならないと思いますか? @Gordonが示唆しているように、完全なクエリを、読めるように書いてください。 – MJH




SELECT IFNULL(party.`user_id`, 0) as isparticipant, a.`id`, a.`created`, a.`lastreplied`, a.`type`, b.`created_by`, b.`message`, c.`isread` 
FROM `jos_social_conversations` AS `a` 
LEFT JOIN `jos_social_conversations_participants` as party on a.id = party.conversation_id and party.user_id = '602' 
INNER JOIN `jos_social_conversations_message` AS `b` ON `a`.`id` = `b`.`conversation_id` 
INNER JOIN `jos_social_conversations_message_maps` AS `c` ON `c`.`message_id` = `b`.`id` and c.`conversation_id` = b.`conversation_id` 
INNER JOIN (select cm.`conversation_id`, max(cm.`message_id`) as `message_id` 
      from `jos_social_conversations_message_maps` as cm 
      inner join `jos_social_conversations_message` as bm on cm.`message_id` = bm.`id` 
      LEFT JOIN `jos_social_block_users` AS `bus` ON `bm`.`created_by` = `bus`.`user_id` AND `bus`.`target_id` = '602' 
      WHERE `cm`.`user_id` = '602' AND(SELECT count(isread) AS newMsg 
               FROM jos_social_conversations_message_maps 
               WHERE conversation_id = 3 AND isread = 0 AND user_id = '602' 
              AND `cm`.`state` = '1' 
              and `bus`.`id` IS NULL 
      group by cm.`conversation_id` 
      ) as x ON c.`message_id` = x.`message_id` 
LEFT JOIN `jos_social_block_users` as bus ON a.`created_by` = bus.`user_id` AND bus.`target_id` = '602' 
WHERE `c`.`user_id` = '602' 
    AND bus.`id` IS NULL AND `c`.`state` = '1' 


SELECT IFNULL(party.`user_id`, 0) as isparticipant, a.`id`, a.`created`, a.`lastreplied`, a.`type`, b.`created_by`, b.`message`, c.`isread`, 
     (SELECT count(isread) 
     FROM jos_social_conversations_message_maps 
     WHERE conversation_id = 3 AND isread = 0 AND user_id = '602' 
     ) AS newMsg 
FROM `jos_social_conversations` AS `a` 
{remainder removed for brevity} 

答えが期待どおりに機能してくれました.. ANd yeah今、私はmysql..thanksのフォーマット版をもう一度知っています – 112233