2017-08-21 5 views

内SUM私はtransaction_weekSQL - サブクエリ

SELECT a.transaction_week, 
SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6,37,13) THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as SalesVol 
FROM table 1 a 
LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a.transaction_date 
LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a.product 
WHERE series in (62,236,501,52) 
GROUP BY a.transaction_week 
ORDER BY a.transaction_week 

| tw | SalesVol | 
| 1 | 4768 |   
| 2 | 4567 | 
| 3 | 4354 | 
| 4 | 4678 | 


SELECT a.transaction_week, 

(SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6,37,13) THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as SalesVol 
FROM table 1 a 
LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a.transaction_date 
LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a.product 
WHERE series in (62,236,501,52)) as personal care 

(SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6,37,13) THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as SalesVol 
FROM table 1 a 
LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a.transaction_date 
LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a.product 
WHERE series in (37,202,203,456)) as white goods 

FROM table 1 a 
LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a.transaction_date 
LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a.product 
GROUP BY a.transaction_week 
ORDER BY a.transaction_week 



どの[DBMS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBMS)を使用していますか? Postgres?オラクル? –




SELECT a.transaction_week, 
    sum(CASE WHEN series IN (62,236,501,52) AND record_type IN (6,37,13) 
     THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as personal_care, 
    sum(CASE WHEN series IN (37,202,203,456) AND record_type IN (6,37,13) 
     THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as white_goods 
FROM table 1 a 
LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a.transaction_date 
LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a.product 
GROUP BY a.transaction_week 
ORDER BY a.transaction_week; 

優秀、完璧に動作します! –



SELECT a.transaction_week, 
    SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6,37,13) THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as SalesVol 
    FROM table 1 a2 
    LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a2.transaction_date 
    LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a2.product 
    WHERE series in (62,236,501,52) AND a2.transaction_week = a.transaction_week 
) as personal care, 
    SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6,37,13) THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as SalesVol 
    FROM table 1 a 2 
    LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a2.transaction_date 
    LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a2.product 
    WHERE series in (37,202,203,456) AND a2.transaction_week = a.transaction_week 
) as white goods 
FROM table 1 a 
GROUP BY a.transaction_week 
ORDER BY a.transaction_week 

UNION演算子を使用する必要があります。 CASE文の条件にseriesを追加し、代わりにサブクエリを使用しての

select a.transaction_week, SalesVol from 
(SELECT a.transaction_week as transaction_week, 
SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6,37,13) THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as SalesVol 
FROM table 1 a 
LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a.transaction_date 
LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a.product 
WHERE series in (62,236,501,52) 
SELECT a.transaction_week as transaction_week, 
SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6,37,13) THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) as SalesVol 
FROM table 1 a 
LEFT JOIN table 2 b ON b.Date = a.transaction_date 
LEFT JOIN table 3 c ON c.sku = a.product 
WHERE series in (37,202,203,456) 
) AS tbl1 
GROUP BY tbl1.transaction_week 
ORDER BY tbl1.transaction_week 


SELECT a.transaction_week , 
     whitegoods.SalesVol AS 'White Goods' , 
     personalcare.SalesVol1 AS 'Personal Care' 
FROM table1 a 
     LEFT JOIN table2 b ON b.[Date] = a.transaction_date 
     LEFT JOIN table3 c ON c.sku = a.product 
     CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6, 37, 13) 
             THEN quantity 
             ELSE 0 
            END) AS SalesVol 
         FROM  table1 a2 
         WHERE  b.[Date] = a2.transaction_date 
           AND c.sku = a2.product 
           AND series IN (37, 202, 203, 456) 
           AND a2.transaction_week = a.transaction_week 
        ) whitegoods 
     CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN record_type IN (6, 37, 13) 
             THEN quantity 
             ELSE 0 
            END) AS SalesVol1 
         FROM  table1 a2 
         WHERE  b.[Date] = a2.transaction_date 
           AND c.sku = a2.product 
           AND series IN (62, 236, 501, 52) 
           AND a2.transaction_week = a.transaction_week 
        ) personalcare 
GROUP BY a.transaction_week 
ORDER BY a.transaction_week