COMPANY-ID_ABC_123 ==> This should give three outputs (COMPANY-ID,ABC,123)
COMPANY-ID ==> this should give give three outputs such as (COMPANY-ID,null,null)
COMPANY-ID-FLAG ==> this should give give three outputs such as (COMPANY-ID,FLAG,null)
COMPANY-ID-FLAG-ES ==> this should give give three outputs such as (COMPANY-ID,FLAG,ES)
COMPANY-ID-ES ==> this should give give three outputs such as (COMPANY-ID,ES,null)
IOB-2003 ==> if i give any other string other than the above , it has to just display (IOB-2003,null,null)
正しく書いたことがありますか? (COMPANY-ID-FLAGやCOMPANY-ID_FLAGなどの奇妙なものが2つまたは3つ見つかりますが、他にも説明があります) – etsa
はいCOMPANY-IDはデフォルトです。アンダースコア_。すべてのハイフンを置いてください。 –
そうなら、plsは質問を修正して編集します。 COMPANY-IDを書くときなど、何か値を意味するか、単に「COMPANY_ID」ですか? – etsa