私はこのSencha Touch 2 MVCの例に従おうとしています:https://github.com/FrancisShanahan/SenchaTouch2MVCHelloworld。Sencha Touch 2 MVCリストイベント配線
Ext.define('HelloWorld.controller.Home', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
views: ['Home', 'SimpleList'],
stores: ['Stations'],
// These "refs" will generate "getters" for each of the view component instances
// e.g. getBottomField and getStationList
refs: [{
selector: 'carousel > panel > #bottomInput',
ref: 'bottomField'
selector: 'carousel > list',
ref: 'stationList'
init: function() {
console.log('Init home controller');
// Start listening for events on views
// example of listening to *all* button taps
'button': { 'tap': function() {
console.log('Every button says Hello world');
// Example of listening by an explicit id
'#firstButton': { 'tap': function() {
console.log('Only the button with id=firstButton says Hello');
onLaunch: function() {
console.log('onLaunch home controller');
// The "getter" here was generated by specifying the
// stores array (above)
var stationsStore = this.getStationsStore();
callback: this.onStationsLoad,
scope: this
onStationsLoad: function() {
console.log('onStationsLoad home controller');
// get a reference to the view component
var stationsList = this.getStationList();
// do something
onStationSelect: function(selModel, selection) {
// Fire an application wide event
this.application.fireEvent('stationstart', selection[0]);