2016-06-23 18 views

CRMのオンライン環境からLINQクエリを使用してすべての予定を取得しようとしています(私はプログラミングの初心者です)。予定データを取得するのは簡単ですが、予定の必須出席者(これはアカウント、連絡先など)を取得し、出席者からメタデータ(名前、Eメールアドレスなど)を取得したい場合もあります。残念ながら、これを行うことは不可能と思われ、誰かが私を助けてくれることを望んでいました。Dynamics CRM 2016(オンライン) - 予定の取得

public AppointmentData[] RetrieveActivities(bool persistChange) 
     var appointmentData = new List<AppointmentData>(); 

     using (var context = new FmServiceContext(_service)) 
      var appointments = (from app in context.AppointmentSet 
       join a in context.AccountSet on app.Account_Appointments.AccountId equals a.AccountId 
       where app.StateCode != 0 
       select new {app, a}); 

      foreach (var apappointments in appointments) 
       appointmentData.Add(new AppointmentData 
        //this should be the list of required attendees 
        RequiredAttendees = new ActivityParty[] 
         Attendeename = apappointments.a.Name 

        //Appointment data 
        AppointmentType = apappointments.app.fm_Typeafspraak == null ? null : DataHelper.GetOptionSetValueLabel(apappointments.app.LogicalName, "fm_typeafspraak", apappointments.app.fm_Typeafspraak.Value, _service), 
        Subject = apappointments.app.Subject, 
        StartDate = apappointments.app.ScheduledStart, 
        EndDate = apappointments.app.ScheduledEnd, 
        Duration = apappointments.app.ScheduledDurationMinutes, 
        Location = apappointments.app.Location, 
        Description = apappointments.app.Description, 
        Priority = apappointments.app.PriorityCode == null ? null : DataHelper.GetOptionSetValueLabel(apappointments.app.LogicalName, "prioritycode", apappointments.app.PriorityCode.Value, _service), 
        Status = apappointments.app.StateCode.ToString() 

     return appointmentData.ToArray(); 




foreach(var app in appointments) 
    var requiredAttendees = app.RequiredAttendees.ToList(); 

    foreach(var ra in requiredAttendees) 
     // do whatever you want with each required attendee here, perform a separate retrieve for more details 





public AppointmentData[] RetrieveAppointments(bool persistChange) 
     var appointmentData = new List<AppointmentData>(); 

     using (var context = new FmServiceContext(_service)) 
      //First we get all relevant appointments 
      var appointments = (from app in context.AppointmentSet 
           where app.StateCode != 0 
           select new { app}); 

      foreach (var appointment in appointments) 
       //we loop all the returned attendees of the appointments 
       var attendees = new List<Attendee>(); 
       foreach (var attendee in appointment.app.RequiredAttendees) 
        if (attendee.PartyId != null) 
         //if an attendee is an account 
         if (attendee.PartyId.LogicalName == "account") 
          var account = (from acc in context.AccountSet 
           where acc.AccountId == attendee.PartyId.Id 
           select new {acc}); 

         //add the attendee 
          attendees.Add(new Attendee 

           // get additional metadata of the attendee 
         appointmentData.Add(new AppointmentData 
        Attendees = attendees, 
        // get additional metadata of the appointment 
      return appointmentData.ToArray(); 

