おはよう!だから、ここで私のPHPコードにいくつかの問題があります。 理由はわかりませんが、送信ボタンを押すと$ _POSTに情報は送信されません。なぜこれが何であるかについてのいかなる推論?
$pageId = "Quiz";
$questions = array(
array('question' => 'How do you install Apache2 on Debian?',
'answer' => 'sudo apt-get install apache2',
'choices' => array('1' => 'apt-get update', '2' => 'sudo apt-get install apache2', '3' => "sudo apt-get install apache", '4' => 'apt-get install apache2',),
array('question' => 'What command enables ufw?',
'answer' => 'sudo ufw enable',
'choices' => array('1' => 'sudo ufw allow', '2' => 'sudo ufw enable 80', '3' => 'ufw allow', '4' => 'sudo ufw enable',),
array('question' => 'What ports do you keep open to ensure your web content can be driven?',
'answer' => '80 and 443',
'choices' => array('1' => '80 and 443', '2' => '88 and 441','3' => "80 and 4443", '4' => '90 and 433',),
array('question' => 'What OS was this tutorial tailored for?',
'answer' => 'Debian',
'choices' => array('1' => 'Debian', '2' => 'Ubuntu','3' => 'CentOS', '4' => 'FreeBSD',),
array('question' => 'What are some of the benefits to setting up your own web server?',
'answer' => 'choice 1 data',
'choices' => array('1' => 'choice 1 data', '2' => 'choice 2 data',),
include 'includes/header.html.php';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
<div class="container" id="theBestStuff">
<?php foreach ($questions as $q => $question) : ?>
<li><?= $question['question']?></li>
<?php foreach ($question['choices'] as $c => $choice) : ?>
<label><input type="radio" name="question<?= $q ?>" value="<?= $choice ?>"><?= $choice ?></label>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<input class="btn btn-info" action="" method="post" type="submit" value="submit">
include 'includes/footer.html.php';
善良私のああ、あなたは正しいです!私はそれを知っていた。何かそんなにシンプルなもの... 数時間のトラブルシューティングの後でさえ、あなたはただ見落としていることの一つです。 –