2012-04-19 10 views

以前は、Google Translate API V1を使用して、.poファイルを自動的に翻訳するいくつかのサービスがありました。.poファイルを自動的に翻訳しますか?

GoogleはV1 APIを停止し、V2では1.000.000ワードで20ドルを請求します。

私は検索しましたが、V2版の翻訳を提供するツールは見つかりませんでした。誰かがツールを更新し、20,000ワードで$ 2を請求し、良い利益を上げることを期待します。



あなたはお勧めします... – daveagp



を提供あなたも、ホームフォルダをしようとしませんでしたか? http://www.po-auto-translator.tk/はうまく動作し、ソフトウェアをダウンロードしたばかりです。


このウェブサイトも死んでいる – Alberto


上記の重複 – Sam


サイトが動作しない – OzzyCzech





それは素晴らしいです! %s変数と%d変数でいくつかのバグがありましたが、全体的には素晴らしいことです。ありがとうございました – JohnWolf




上記の複製 – Sam


訂正やより良いエラー処理を加えるために、この投稿を編集してください。私は.poファイルフォーマットのエキスパートではありませんが、これは私の角gettextのニーズに対応すると思います。私が使った唯一の外部ライブラリは、NewtonsoftのJson.NETでした。私はFrenglyと提携していません。それはGoogle上に来た。 3秒間に1回以上の翻訳が必要な場合は、別の翻訳APIを使用することをおすすめします。


msgid "" 
msgstr "" 
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 

#: Comment 
msgid "You do not have permission to view this application" 
msgstr "" 

msgid "You have permission to view this application" 
msgstr "" 

入力コマンド:> program.exe template.pot en es_VE fr_FR

出力ファイル1:en.cache.json これが作成されますそのため、どの翻訳utiあなたが使用していることは何度も繰り返す必要はありません。

    "es_VE": { 
    "You do not have permission to view this application": "Tu no la habana permiso que vista este aplicación", 
    "You have permission to view this application": "Tu tienes permiso que vista este aplicación" 
    "fr_FR": { 
    "You do not have permission to view this application": "Vous le faites pas as autorisation a vue cette une demande", 
    "You have permission to view this application": "Tuas autorisation a vue cette une demande" 


msgid "" 
msgstr "" 
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 

#: Comment 
msgid "You do not have permission to view this application" 
msgstr "Tu no la habana permiso que vista este aplicación" 

msgid "You have permission to view this application" 
msgstr "Tu tienes permiso que vista este aplicación" 


msgid "" 
msgstr "" 
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 

#: Comment 
msgid "You do not have permission to view this application" 
msgstr "Vous le faites pas as autorisation a vue cette une demande" 

msgid "You have permission to view this application" 
msgstr "Tuas autorisation a vue cette une demande" 


public interface ICache 
    void Add(string language, IEntry entry); 

    IEntry Get(string language, string id); 

    string GetSerialized(); 

public class JsonCache : ICache 
    private Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> _cache; 

    public JsonCache(string json) 
     this._cache = 
      json == null ? 
      new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>() : 
      JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>>(json); 

    public void Add(string language, IEntry entry) 
     if (!this._cache.ContainsKey(language)) 
      this._cache.Add(language, new Dictionary<string, string>()); 

     var languageCache = this._cache[language]; 

     languageCache.Add(entry.Id, entry.Value); 

    public IEntry Get(string language, string id) 
     if (!this._cache.ContainsKey(language)) 
      return null; 

     var languageCache = this._cache[language]; 

     Entry result = null; 

     if (languageCache.ContainsKey(id)) 
      result = new Entry(); 
      result.Id = id; 
      result.Value = languageCache[id]; 

     return result; 

    public string GetSerialized() 
     return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this._cache, Formatting.Indented); 

public interface IReader : IDisposable 
    IEntry Read(); 

public class PoReader : IReader 
    private StreamReader _reader; 

    public PoReader(string fileName) 
     this._reader = new StreamReader(fileName); 

    public void Dispose() 
     if (this._reader != null) 

    public IEntry Read() 
     var entry = new Entry(); 

     while (entry.Id == null || entry.Value == null) 
      var line = this._reader.ReadLine(); 
      if (line == null) 
       return null; 

      if (line.StartsWith(Constants.StartComment)) 
       entry.Comment = line.Substring(Constants.StartComment.Length); 
      else if (line.StartsWith(Constants.StartId)) 
       entry.Id = line.Substring(Constants.StartId.Length); 
       // Remove the double quotes. 
       entry.Id = entry.Id.Substring(1, entry.Id.Length - 2); 
      else if (line.StartsWith(Constants.StartValue)) 
       entry.Value = line.Substring(Constants.StartValue.Length); 
       // Remove the double quotes. 
       entry.Value = entry.Value.Substring(1, entry.Value.Length - 2); 

     // Skip the first entry 
     if (entry.Id.Length == 0) 
      return this.Read(); 

     return entry; 

public class CachedTranslator : ITranslator 
    private ITranslator _translator; 
    private ICache _cache; 

    public CachedTranslator(ICache cache, ITranslator translator) 
     this._translator = translator; 
     this._cache = cache; 

    public IEntry Translate(string language, IEntry entry) 
     var result = this._cache.Get(language, entry.Id); 
     if (result == null) 
      result = this._translator.Translate(language, entry); 
      this._cache.Add(language, result); 
      // We don't want to use the cached comment. 
      var clone = new Entry(); 

      clone.Comment = entry.Comment; 
      clone.Value = result.Value; 
      clone.Id = result.Id; 

      result = clone; 
     return result; 

public class FrenglyTranslator : ITranslator 
    private string _password; 
    private string _email; 
    private string _inLanguage; 

    public FrenglyTranslator(string email, string password, string inLanguage) 
     this._email = email; 
     this._password = password; 
     this._inLanguage = inLanguage; 

    public IEntry Translate(string language, IEntry entry) 
     var url = string.Format("http://syslang.com?src={4}&dest={0}&text={1}&email={2}&password={3}&outformat=json", 
      language.Substring(0, 2), 

     var result = new Entry(); 
     result.Id = entry.Id; 
     result.Comment = entry.Comment; 

     using (var client = new HttpClient()) 
      var clientResult = client.GetStringAsync(url).Result; 
      var jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(clientResult);    
      result.Value = jo.Property("translation").Value.Value<string>(); 

     // Must wait 3 seconds between calls. 

     return result; 

public interface ITranslator 
    IEntry Translate(string language, IEntry entry); 

public interface IWriter : IDisposable 
    void Write(IEntry entry); 

public class PoWriter : IWriter 
    private StreamWriter _writer; 

    public PoWriter(string fileName) 
     this._writer = new StreamWriter(fileName); 

     var header = @"msgid """" 
msgstr """" 
""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" 
""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"""; 


    public void Write(IEntry entry) 

     if (entry.Comment != null && entry.Comment.Length > 0) 
      this._writer.WriteLine(Constants.StartComment + entry.Comment); 

     this._writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\"{1}\"", Constants.StartId, entry.Id)); 
     this._writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\"{1}\"", Constants.StartValue, entry.Value)); 

    public void Dispose() 
     if (this._writer != null) 

public static class Constants 
    public const string StartComment = "#: "; 
    public const string StartId = "msgid "; 
    public const string StartValue = "msgstr "; 

public class Entry : IEntry 
    public string Comment { get; set; } 

    public string Value { get; set; } 

    public string Id { get; set; } 

public interface IEntry 
    string Comment { get; } 

    string Value { get; } 

    string Id { get; } 

class Program 
    private const string cacheFileNameSuffix = ".cache.json"; 
    private const string frenglyEmail = "[email protected]"; 
    private const string frenglyPassword = "YourPassword"; 

    static void Main(string[] args) 
     var inFileName = args[0]; 
     var inLanguage = args[1]; 
     var outLanguages = args.Skip(2); 

     // ICache 
     var cacheFileName = inLanguage + cacheFileNameSuffix; 
     var json = File.Exists(cacheFileName) ? File.ReadAllText(cacheFileName) : null; 
     ICache cache = new JsonCache(json); 

     // ITranslator 
     ITranslator translator = new FrenglyTranslator(frenglyEmail, frenglyPassword, inLanguage); 
     ITranslator cachedTranslator = new CachedTranslator(cache, translator); 

     // IWriters 
     var writers = new Dictionary<string, IWriter>(); 
     foreach (var language in outLanguages) 
      writers.Add(language, new PoWriter(language + ".po")); 

      using (IReader reader = new PoReader(inFileName)) 
       // RUN 
       IEntry entry = null; 
       while (true) 
        entry = reader.Read(); 
        if (entry == null) 

        foreach (var kv in writers) 
         var translated = cachedTranslator.Translate(kv.Key, entry); 
      // Store the cache. 
      File.WriteAllText(cacheFileName, cache.GetSerialized()); 

      // CLEANUP 

      // Dispose of the writers. 
      foreach (var writer in writers.Values) 
       if (writer != null) 