$id = $_GET['id'];
// Define MySQL Information.
$mysqlhost="************************"; // Host name of MySQL server.
$mysqlusername="**************"; // Username of MySQL database.
$mysqlpassword="**************"; // Password of the above MySQL username.
$mysqldatabase="**************"; // Name of database where the table resides.
// Connect to MySQL.
mysql_connect("$mysqlhost", "$mysqlusername", "$mysqlpassword")or die("Could not connect to MySQL.");
mysql_select_db("$mysqldatabase")or die("Could not connect to selected MySQL database.");
$infosql = "SELECT * FROM premiersounds_users WHERE customer_id = $id";
$inforesult = mysql_query($infosql) or die(mysql_error());
$info = mysql_fetch_array($inforesult);
//Get current date from server
//set sessions
$_SESSION['current_date'] = $c_date;
$_SESSION['lockout_date'] = $l_date;
//Check is Current date = lockout date
if ($c_date >= $l_date)
{ header("location:/planner_scripts/documnet_editors/edit_weddingplanner.php?id=$id"); } else {echo 'Whoops! Were sorry your account has been locked to edits because your event is less than 48 hours from now or your event has passed. To make changes to your event please contact your DJ.'; echo'<br/>'; echo ' Todays Date: ';echo $c_date; echo ','; echo ' Last Date for edits: '; echo $l_date;}
なぜあなたはh eadersはまだ送られていますか? – jeroen
私はその質問を理解していません。 PSでは、リダイレクトヘッダの 'Location:'(大文字のLとコロンの後のスペースに注意してください)を使用する方が良いでしょう。 –