2017-10-06 14 views

私はファブリックjsでHTML5 CANVASを使用しています。最後にSVGに変換されます。私たちは、画像や切り抜きをサークル、長方形にアップロードすることができます..画像も切り取られ、テキストが追加されます。私が直面している問題は、画像がsvg.It下記のようなフル画像を表示します.iはでも試しました。何をすべきか、何か間違っている場合はどうか提案してください。キャンバスをsvgに変換すると、クロップされたコンテンツのみが必要

var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('Canvas',{backgroundColor: '#ffffff',preserveObjectStacking: true}); 
canvas.clipTo = function (ctx) { 
ctx.arc(250, 300, 200, 0, Math.PI*2, true); 

fabric.Image.fromURL('https://fabric-canvas.s3.amazonaws.com/Tulips.jpg', function(oImg) { 
canvas.add(new fabric.IText('Welcome ', { 
       left : fabric.util.getRandomInt(50,50), 
       top:fabric.util.getRandomInt(430, 430) 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.18/fabric.js"></script> 

<div class="container"> 
    <div id='canvascontain' width='1140' height='600' style='left:0px;background-color:rgb(240,240,240)'> 
    <canvas id="Canvas" width='1140' height='600'></canvas> 
    <input type='button' id='tosvg_' value='create SVG'> 
    <div id='svgcontent'></div>


svgはベクターです。これはどうやってやるの? –


はい私はsvg..svgとして変換されるキャンバスで何をしているかは、PDF形式で変換されます..ベクトル形式の最終出力..つまり、私はsvg..otherwise canvas自体をPDFで変換する必要があります期待どおりの品質ではありません。 @JonMarkペリー – lalithkumar




    var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('Canvas',{backgroundColor: '#ffffff',preserveObjectStacking: true}); 
    canvas.clipTo = function (ctx) { 
    ctx.arc(250, 300, 200, 0, Math.PI*2, true); 
    // Using a JQuery deferred object as a promise. This is used to 
    // synchronize execution, so that the SVG is never created before 
    // the image is added to the canvas. 
    var dImageLoaded = $.Deferred(); 
    fabric.Image.fromURL('https://fabric-canvas.s3.amazonaws.com/Tulips.jpg', function(oImg) { 
    // Insert the image object below any existing objects, so that 
    // they appear on top of it. Then resolve the deferred. 
    canvas.insertAt(oImg, 0); 
    canvas.add(new fabric.IText('Welcome ', { 
    left : fabric.util.getRandomInt(50,50), 
    top:fabric.util.getRandomInt(430, 430) 
    // Wait for the deferred to be resolved. 
    dImageLoaded.then(function() { 
     // Get the SVG string from the canvas. 
     var svgString = canvas.toSVG({ 
     viewBox: { 
      x: 50, 
      y: 100, 
      width: 400, 
      height: 400, 
     width: 400, 
     height: 400, 
     // SVG content is not HTML, nor even standard XML, so doing 
     // $(svgString) might mutilate it. Therefore, even though we 
     // will be modifying the SVG before displaying it, we need to 
     // insert it straight into the DOM before we can get a JQuery 
     // selector to it. 
     // The plan is to hide the svgcontent div, append the SVG, 
     // modify it, and then show the svcontent div, to prevent the 
     // user from seeing half-baked SVG. 
     var $svgcontent = $('#svgcontent').hide().html(svgString); 
     var $svg = $svgcontent.find('svg'); 
     // Create some SVG elements to represent the clip path, and 
     // append them to $svg. To create SVG elements, we need to use 
     // document.createElementNS, not document.createElement, which 
     // is also what $('<clipPath>') and $('<circle>') would call. 
     var $clipPath = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'clipPath')) 
      .attr('id', 'clipCircle') 
     var $circle = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'circle')) 
      .attr('r', 200) 
      .attr('cx', 250) 
      .attr('cy', 300) 
     // This part is brittle, since it blindly writes to the 
     // transform attributes of the image and text SVG elements. 
     // SVG clip paths clip content relative to the pre-transformed 
     // coordinates of the element. The canvas.toSVG method places 
     // the image and the text each inside of group elements, and 
     // transforms the group elements. It does not transform the 
     // image and text. Because transforms work equally well on 
     // image and text as on groups, we move the transform attribute 
     // from the two groups to their contents. Then, we can use the 
     // same clip-path on all groups. 
     // If the contents of the groups already had transforms, we 
     // would need to create multiple clip paths - one for each group 
     // - based on the groups' transforms. 
     $svg.find('g').each(function() { 
     var $g = $(this); 
     // Move transform attribute from group to its children, and 
     // give the group a clip-path attribute. 
     $g.children().attr('transform', $g.attr('transform')); 
     $g.removeAttr('transform').attr('clip-path', 'url(#clipCircle)'); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.18/fabric.js"></script> 

<div class="container"> 
    <div id='canvascontain' width='1140' height='600' style='left:0px;background-color:rgb(240,240,240)'> 
    <canvas id="Canvas" width='1140' height='600'></canvas> 
    <input type='button' id='tosvg_' value='create SVG'> 
    <div id='svgcontent'></div> 

