2012-04-15 8 views



プロパティまたはインデクサ「System.Drawing.Rectangle.Bottom」に割り当てられて することはできません - それは唯一の




public void RotateRectangles(List<Rectangle> Rectangles, int startPositionX, int userInput, Graphics DrawingSurface) 
     Graphics RectangleGraphics = DrawingSurface; 

      // loop in reverse to compare one rectangle to all the other rectangles in the vector 

      for (int i = Rectangles.Count - 1; i > -1; --i) 
       bool mustChange = true; 

       for (int t = Rectangles.Count - 1; t > -1; --t) 
        // only compare if the current position in the vector A if different to the position in vector B. 
        if (i > t) 
         if (mustChange == true) 
          // If the top Y coordinate of RECT at Position i in vector A is bigger than Y coordinate 
          // at Position t in vector B 

          if (Rectangles[i].Top >= Rectangles[t].Top) 
           //adjusting points accordingly 
           Rectangles[i].Left = (Rectangles[t].Left); 
           Rectangles[t].Bottom = (Rectangles[i].Top); 
           // If the Y coordinate is not bigger, then we need to stop checking 
           mustChange = false; 

      // loop forward to compare one rectangle to all the other rectangles in the vector 
      for (int i = 0; i < Rectangles.Count; ++i) 
       bool forwardChange = true; 

       for (int t = 0; t < Rectangles.Count; ++t) 
        // If the top Y coordinate of RECT at Position i in vector A is bigger than Y coordinate at Position t 
        // in vector B AND the two rectangales touch 

        if (i < t && Rectangles[i].Top <= Rectangles[t].Bottom) 
         if (forwardChange == true) 

          // If the top Y coordinate of RECT at Position i in vector A is bigger than Y coordinate at Position t 

          // in vector B 

          if (Rectangles[i].Top > Rectangles[t].Top) 
           //adjusting points accordingly 
           Rectangles[i].Right = (Rectangles[t].Right); 
           Rectangles[t].Bottom = (Rectangles[i].Top); 
           // If the Y coordinate is not bigger, then we need to stop checking 
           forwardChange = false; 
           // Addjust the Y position of each rectangle so it does not overlap with the first drawing 

           for (int z = 0; z < Rectangles.Count; ++z) 
            Rectangles[z].Top = (250 - Rectangles[z].Top); 
            Rectangles[z].Bottom = (250 - Rectangles[z].Bottom); 
      for (int z = 0; z < Rectangles.Count; ++z) 

       Rectangle DrawRec = myRectangleClass.MyRectangle(Rectangles[z].Left, Rectangles[z].Top, Rectangles[z].Right, Rectangles[z].Bottom); 
       RectangleGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pen, DrawRec); 

       ReadWrite.writeOutput(Rectangles[z].Left, Rectangles[z].Top, Rectangles[z].Right, Rectangles[z].Bottom); 
     catch (Exception e) 


Rectangles[i].Left = (Rectangles[t].Left); 
Rectangles[t].Bottom = (Rectangles[i].Top); 

Rectangles[i].Right = (Rectangles[t].Right); 
Rectangles[t].Bottom = (Rectangles[i].Top); 

Rectangles[z].Top = (250 - Rectangles[z].Top); 
Rectangles[z].Bottom = (250 - Rectangles[z].Bottom); 



リストに長方形値をバック格納する必要があります。新しい値を作成する必要があります。 –



性質を私に指示することができますしてください右、左、上、下は読み取り専用です。 OffsetとInflateメソッド、位置、サイズ、幅、高さのプロパティを使用して矩形の位置とサイズを調整するか、既存の矩形を新しく作成したものに置き換えることができます。

Rectangle ri = Rectangles[i]; 
Rectangle rt = Rectangles[t]; 

Rectangle[i] = new Rectangle(rt.Left, ri.Bottom, rt.Height, rt.Width); 
Rectangles[i] = new Rectangle(Rectangles[t].Left, Rectangles[i].Top, Rectangles[i].Width, Rectangles[i].Height); 



問題は矩形の値の型よりも少なくなり、List []演算子は新しい値オブジェクトを返します。

List<Rectangle> a; 

a[4].X += 4; // does the same like the following code: 

var r = a[4] 
r.X += 4; // will change r, but not a[4] 

ますので、Rectangleは* *値のタイプである