私はMagento以外の製品タイトルを生成するために製品仕様を使用するアプリケーション(php + mySQL)をビルドしています。 は、現在、私のコードは次のようである:mySQL:製品属性のattribute_idを取得するにはどうすればよいですか?
//select attributes
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT P.entity_id, P.sku, V.value AS Name, T2.value AS ShortDesc, D.value AS Price
FROM catalog_product_entity AS P INNER JOIN
catalog_product_entity_varchar AS V ON P.entity_id = V.entity_id AND V.attribute_id = 60 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_text AS T2 ON P.entity_id = T2.entity_id AND T2.attribute_id = 62 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_decimal AS D ON P.entity_id = D.entity_id AND D.attribute_id = 64";
//Run the query
$query = mysql_query($sql);
//Loop through and print each products info
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
echo '<p>';
echo $row['entity_id']." - ".$row['sku']." - ".$row['Name']." - ".$row['ShortDesc']." - ".$row['Price'];
echo '</p>';