2016-05-26 8 views


PUT test-recipe 
    "mappings": { 
    "recipe" : { 
     "properties" : { 
     "ingredients" : { 
      "type" : "string", 
      "analyzer": "english", 
      "stopwords": ["my", "stop", "words"] 


    "error": { 
     "root_cause": [ 
      "type": "mapper_parsing_exception", 
      "reason": "Mapping definition for [ingredients] has unsupported parameters: [stopwords : [Best®, Halves, organic, island, free, gluten, high-gluten, segments, baking, cooking, new, active, dry, leaves, slices, sliced, warm, root, hot, jack, extract, slivered, sliver, non-fat, fat, chopped, skinless, seed, nonfat, melted, cracked, in, split, vegetable, smoked, medium, nectar, all-purpose, fraîche, fresh]]" 
     "type": "mapper_parsing_exception", 
     "reason": "Failed to parse mapping [recipe]: Mapping definition for [ingredients] has unsupported parameters: [stopwords : [Best®, Halves, organic, island, free, gluten, high-gluten, segments, baking, cooking, new, active, dry, leaves, slices, sliced, warm, root, hot, jack, extract, slivered, sliver, non-fat, fat, chopped, skinless, seed, nonfat, melted, cracked, in, split, vegetable, smoked, medium, nectar, all-purpose, fraîche, fresh]]", 
     "caused_by": { 
     "type": "mapper_parsing_exception", 
     "reason": "Mapping definition for [ingredients] has unsupported parameters: [stopwords : [Best®, Halves, organic, island, free, gluten, high-gluten, segments, baking, cooking, new, active, dry, leaves, slices, sliced, warm, root, hot, jack, extract, slivered, sliver, non-fat, fat, chopped, skinless, seed, nonfat, melted, cracked, in, split, vegetable, smoked, medium, nectar, all-purpose, fraîche, fresh]]" 
    "status": 400 





#remove index 
#DELETE recipe 

#put mapping, analyzer and filter for stop words 
PUT recipe 
    "settings": { 
    "analysis": { 
     "analyzer": { 
     "cooking_nonstop": { 
      "type": "custom", 
      "tokenizer": "standard", 
      "filter": [ 
     "filter": { 
      "my_stopwords": { 
      "type": "stop", 
      "stopwords": "Best®,Halves,organic,island,free,gluten,high-gluten,segments,baking,cooking,new,active,dry,leaves,slices,sliced,warm,root,hot,jack,extract,slivered,sliver,non-fat,fat,chopped,skinless,seed,nonfat,melted,cracked,in,split,vegetable,smoked,medium,nectar,all-purpose,fraîche,fresh" 
    "mappings": { 
     "recipe": { 
     "properties": { 
      "ingredients": { 
      "type": "string", 
      "analyzer": "cooking_nonstop" 

#check analyzer 
GET /recipe/_analyze?analyzer=cooking_nonstop&text=put+fresh+egs+in+hot+water 

#create document 
POST recipe/recipe/boiled_egs 
    "ingredients":"put fresh egs in hot water" 

#another stop word filter demonstration 
POST recipe/_search 
    "aggs": { 
    "terms": { 
     "terms": { 
     "field": "ingredients", 
     "size": 10 

をそれを使用する必要があります:カスタムAnalyzerは、[cooking_nonstop]の名前でフィルタを見つけることができませんでした[english_morphology] – mel


あなたは右、単に "cooking_nonstop"アナライザーから削除するか、[ここ](https://github.com/imotov/elasticsearch-analysis-morphology)からインストールしてください。私はコピー/貼り付けの問題です=) – pkhlop
