(私の悪い英語をよろしくお願いします!)コンピュータ(Windows 10 Pro、64x)にdlibライブラリをインストールしようとしている間にトラップに入りましたが、Dlibインストールエラー:Boostが見つからない
- Visual Studioのコミュニティ2017バージョン15.1
- インストールアナコンダインストール::私はすでにやっていること
ブースト見つけることができません|アナコンダ4.3.1(64ビット)のPython 3.6.0 を|
- ダウンロードboost_1_64_0.7zをWIN32に(デフォルトでは、2016年12月23日、午前11時57分41秒)MSC v.1900 64ビット(AMD64)]と
- それを解凍し、ブートストラップ
b2 -a --with-python address-model=64 toolset=msvc runtime-link=static
set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\Users\Lelek\boost_1_64_0\stage\lib
set BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=C:\Users\Lelek\boost_1_64_0
set BOOST_ROOT=C:\Users\Lelek\boost_1_64_0
7:The Boost C++ Libraries were successfully built!
は、メッセージが表示されました私は、出力(同じエラーがcmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DPYTHON3=1 .\tools\python
を呼び出すようにしようとしたときに表示される)を取得DLIBディレクトリからrun python setup.py install
CMake Warning at C:/Program Files/Cmake/share/cmake-3.8/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1521 (message):
No header defined for python-py34; skipping header check
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:6 (include)
-- Could NOT find Boost
CMake Warning at C:/Program Files/Cmake/share/cmake-3.8/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1521 (message):
No header defined for python-py35; skipping header check
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Users/Lelek/dlib-19.4/dlib/cmake_utils/add_python_module:63 (FIND_PACKAGE)
CMakeLists.txt:6 (include)
-- Could NOT find Boost
CMake Warning at C:/Program Files/Cmake/share/cmake-3.8/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1521 (message):
No header defined for python3; skipping header check
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Users/Lelek/dlib-19.4/dlib/cmake_utils/add_python_module:66 (FIND_PACKAGE)
CMakeLists.txt:6 (include)
-- Could NOT find Boost
-- Could NOT find Boost
-- Found PythonLibs: C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/libs/python36.lib (found suitable version "3.6.0", minimum required is "3.4")
-- We couldn't find the right version of boost python. If you installed boost and you are still getting this error then you might have installed a version of boost that was compiled with a different version of visual studio than the one you are using. So you have to make sure that the version of visual studio is the same version that was used to compile the copy of boost you are using.
-- Set the BOOST_ROOT and BOOST_LIBRARYDIR environment variables before running cmake.
-- E.g. Something like this:
-- set BOOST_ROOT=C:\local\boost_1_57_0
-- set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\local\boost_1_57_0\stage\lib
-- You will also likely need to compile boost yourself rather than using one of the precompiled
-- windows binaries. Do this by going to the folder tools\build\ within boost and running
-- bootstrap.bat. Then run the command:
-- b2 install
-- And then add the output bin folder to your PATH. Usually this is the C:\boost-build-engine\bin
-- folder. Finally, go to the boost root and run a command like this:
-- b2 -a --with-python address-model=64 toolset=msvc runtime-link=static
-- When it completes, set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR equal to wherever b2 put the compiled libraries.
-- Note that you will need to set the address-model based on if you want a 32 or 64bit python library.
-- Next, when you invoke cmake to compile dlib you may have to use cmake's -G option to set the
-- 64 vs. 32bit mode of visual studio. Also, if you want a Python3 library you will need to
-- add -DPYTHON3=1. You do this with a statement like:
-- cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" -DPYTHON3=1 ..\..\tools\python
-- Rather than:
-- cmake ..\..\tools\python
-- Which will build a 32bit Python2 module by default on most systems.
CMake Error at C:/Users/Lelek/dlib-19.4/dlib/cmake_utils/add_python_module:116 (message):
Boost python library not found.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:6 (include)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/Lelek/dlib-19.4/tools/python/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
error: cmake configuration failed!
"完了したら、BOOST_LIBRARYDIRをb2がコンパイルしたライブラリを置く場所と同じに設定します。" - しかしそれはどこですか?それを見つけることができません。 – Suisse
@Suisse答えを探している場合は、 "C:\ Users \ ... \ boost_1_64_0 \ stage \ lib"のようなディレクトリを探してください。 –
私は自分のWindowsラップトップをゴミ箱に投げ入れ、Macを持っています。もう問題はない。ありがとう。 – Suisse