2017-10-25 26 views

I 3ビットマップアレイを有し、Iは、以下の条件に基づいてブール結果を計算する:この例では、BIT3とBIT2さでC、ビットマップ操作

Bit index -----------> 3 2 1 0 
1) Bitmap#1: 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 (here, "?" could be 0 or 1) 
2) Bitmap#2: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 
3) Bitmap#3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 

1) Neighboring even and odd index bits are a pair (the pair relationship will be provided by a bitmap). For example: pair0 = (bit1, bit0); pair1 = (bit3, bit2); etc. 

2) For a given bit, if its pair has been already set to 0, then return false; else, return true. 


1) If bit #2 (the "?") in Bitmap#1 is 0, then return false; 
2) If bit #2 (the "?") in Bitmap#1 is 1, then return true; 




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この擬似コードは、どのような結果に対しても2ビットのペアをテストする方法を示しています。 8ビットのビットマップでペア0..3を使用できます。

unsigned char mask = 0x3; // 00000011 -> mask for two bits 
unsigned int pair=1;  // pair with bit #2 and #3 
unsigned char result = (bitmap & (mask<<(pair*2)) // shift the mask pair * 2 bits to left (00001100) 
result >>= (pair*2);   // shift result back pair * 2 bits 

if(result == 0x3) return both;  // bit #3 and #2 are 1 
if(result == 0x2) return onlyleft; // bit #3 is 1 #2 is 0 
if(result == 0x1) return onlyright; // bit #3 is 0 #2 is 1 
if(result == 0x0) return none;  // bit #3 and #2 are 0