2016-08-05 15 views


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enter image description here


public class VisualizerView extends View { 
    private static final int LINE_WIDTH = 15; // width of visualizer lines 
    private static final int LINE_SCALE = 55; // scales visualizer lines 
    private List<Float> amplitudes; // amplitudes for line lengths 
    private int width; // width of this View 
    private int height; // height of this View 
    private Paint linePaint; // specifies line drawing characteristics 

    // constructor 
    public VisualizerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { 
     super(context, attrs); // call superclass constructor 
     linePaint = new Paint(); // create Paint for lines 
     linePaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#a4410e")); // set color to green 
     linePaint.setStrokeWidth(LINE_WIDTH); // set stroke width 

    // called when the dimensions of the View change 
    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { 
     width = w; // new width of this View 
     height = h; // new height of this View 
     amplitudes = new ArrayList<Float>(width/LINE_WIDTH); 

    // clear all amplitudes to prepare for a new visualization 
    public void clear() { 

    // add the given amplitude to the amplitudes ArrayList 
    public void addAmplitude(float amplitude) { 
     amplitudes.add(amplitude); // add newest to the amplitudes ArrayList 

     // if the power lines completely fill the VisualizerView 
     if (amplitudes.size() * LINE_WIDTH >= width) { 
      amplitudes.remove(0); // remove oldest power value 

    // draw the visualizer with scaled lines representing the amplitudes 
    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { 
     int middle = height/2; // get the middle of the View 
     float curX = 0; // start curX at zero 

     // for each item in the amplitudes ArrayList 
     for (float power : amplitudes) { 
      float scaledHeight = power/LINE_SCALE; // scale the power 
      curX += LINE_WIDTH; // increase X by LINE_WIDTH 


      // draw a line representing this item in the amplitudes ArrayList 
      canvas.drawLine(curX, middle + scaledHeight/2, curX, middle 
        - scaledHeight/2, linePaint); 




を変更することにより、あなたは私はあなたがこの事を実装する方法教えてくださいことはできますか?私はこのクラスを使って波形を表示する方法を意味しますか? –





private static final int LINE_WIDTH = 2 (from 15 to 2); // width of visualizer lines 
curX += LINE_WIDTH+5; // increase X by LINE_WIDTH (adding +5) 

public class VisualizerView extends View { 
    private static final int LINE_WIDTH = 2; // width of visualizer lines 
    private static final int LINE_SCALE = 55; // scales visualizer lines 
    private List<Float> amplitudes; // amplitudes for line lengths 
    private int width; // width of this View 
    private int height; // height of this View 
    private Paint linePaint; // specifies line drawing characteristics 

    // constructor 
    public VisualizerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { 
     super(context, attrs); // call superclass constructor 
     linePaint = new Paint(); // create Paint for lines 
     linePaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#a4410e")); // set color to green 
     linePaint.setStrokeWidth(LINE_WIDTH); // set stroke width 

    // called when the dimensions of the View change 
    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { 
     width = w; // new width of this View 
     height = h; // new height of this View 
     amplitudes = new ArrayList<Float>(width/LINE_WIDTH); 

    // clear all amplitudes to prepare for a new visualization 
    public void clear() { 

    // add the given amplitude to the amplitudes ArrayList 
    public void addAmplitude(float amplitude) { 
     amplitudes.add(amplitude); // add newest to the amplitudes ArrayList 

     // if the power lines completely fill the VisualizerView 
     if (amplitudes.size() * LINE_WIDTH >= width) { 
      amplitudes.remove(0); // remove oldest power value 

    // draw the visualizer with scaled lines representing the amplitudes 
    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { 
     int middle = height/2; // get the middle of the View 
     float curX = 0; // start curX at zero 

     // for each item in the amplitudes ArrayList 
     for (float power : amplitudes) { 
      float scaledHeight = power/LINE_SCALE; // scale the power 
      curX += LINE_WIDTH+5; // increase X by LINE_WIDTH 


      // draw a line representing this item in the amplitudes ArrayList 
      canvas.drawLine(curX, middle + scaledHeight/2, curX, middle 
        - scaledHeight/2, linePaint); 


大丈夫私にお試しください –


それは完全に感謝しました:D –


私はあなたの解決策に問題に直面している。 'curX + = LINE_WIDTH + 5; 'を使用すると、長い時間の経過後に波形がスクロールし始めます。 'curX + = LINE_WIDTH'を使うと、スクロールの問題でうまく動作します。 –
