以下の2つの方法があります。ログインメソッドはうまく動作し、セッショントークンを取得して設定します。 GetEvents()、GetEvents()のリクエストでsessionTokenを送信する必要があります。C#:Webサービスログインが動作していますが、別の方法でエラーが発生しています
The Entire Source can be downloaded here: (Copy and Paste into your browser)
public static string SessionToken = ""; // Set by Login();
static LoginResp Login()
// Make a new BFGS instance
BFGlobal = new BFGlobalService.BFGlobalService();
// Set up the request in [req]
LoginReq req = new LoginReq();
req.username = username;
req.password = password;
req.productId = productId;
req.vendorSoftwareId = softwareId;
// Set up the response in [resp]
// Execute the call, and pass in the request
LoginResp resp = BFGlobal.login(req);
// Sets our public variable above to the recieved sessionToken
SessionToken = resp.header.sessionToken;
// return [resp] - which is the response from the call
return resp;
public Array GetEvents()
// This will set the sessionToken declared at the top.
// Make a new instance of the web service
BFGlobal = new BFGlobalService.BFGlobalService();
// Load up the request
GetEventsReq req = new GetEventsReq();
// Error Line Below:
req.header.sessionToken = SessionToken; // <--- Here is where I get the error
// Error Above Line: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
GetEventsResp resp = BFGlobal.getEvents(req);
Array marketItems = resp.marketItems;
return marketItems;
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