2017-03-29 25 views








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if(!require(library(plotrix))){install.packages('plotrix') } 
library(plotrix)    ## A package for drawing ellipses ## 

# In the "plotrix": 

# "x" and "y" are the coordinates of the center. 
# "a" and "b" give the radii of the ovals. 

plot(1, ty='n', ann = F, xlim = c(-4, 6), ylim = c(-3, 1.5)) ## A platform for ellipses 

draw.ellipse(x = rep(1, 11), y = rep(-1.2, 11), 
     a = seq(1, 6, by = .4), b = seq(1/4.5, 6/4.5 , by = .4/4.5), 
     lty = 2, border = 'gray60')  ## Draw multiple Concentric ellipses ## 

AA <- seq(-4, 6, len = 13)  ## A range of values on the x-xis just like "xlim" ## 
BB <- dcauchy(AA, 1, .95)*5 ## The Height for the AA according to a distribution ## 

segments(AA, rep(-1.2, length(AA)), AA, BB, lty = 3, lwd = 2, col= 'green4') 

curve(dcauchy(x, 1, .95)*5, -4, 6, add = T, col ='magenta', lwd = 3) 



el_x = 1 #Centre of ellipse 
el_y = -1.2 #Centre of ellipse 
n = 13 #The number of ellipses (13 in this example) 
el_a = seq(1, 6, length.out = n) #'a' values 
#You likely have 'b' too, but I am computing for now 
el_b = seq(1/4.5, 6/4.5, length.out = n) 

#Retain only every other 'a' value 
if (n %%2 !=0){ #Odd 'n' 
    el_a_2 = el_a[seq_along(el_a) %% 2 != 0] 
} else { #Even 'n' 
    el_a_2 = el_a[seq_along(el_a) %% 2 == 0] #Modify if necessary 

#Store curve in a variable for now 
cc = curve(dcauchy(x, 1, .95)*5, min(el_x - el_a), max(el_x + el_a)) 

#Calculate x-values (subtract and add 'a' to 'el_x') of ellipse extremes 
AA <- c(el_x - el_a_2, el_x, el_x + el_a_2) #The x-values you need for segments 
AA = sort(AA) #To plot lines and points as you want 

#Calculate y-values from AA 
BB <- dcauchy(AA, 1, .95)*5 #The y-values you need for segments 

#Raise the curve to have 0.2 distance (OPTIONAL) 
Raise_curve = max(el_b + el_y) + 0.2 - (min(BB) - max(el_b + el_y)) 

BB = BB + Raise_curve #Raise BB 

plot(1, type = 'n', ann = F, 
    xlim = c(min(el_x - el_a), max(el_x + el_a)), 
    ylim = c(min(el_y - el_b), max(BB))) 

draw.ellipse(x = rep(el_x, n), y = rep(el_y, n), 
     a = el_a, b = el_b, 
     lty = 2, border = 'gray60') 

segments(x0 = AA, x1 = AA, y0 = el_y, y1 = BB, lty = 3, lwd = 2, 
    col = c(rep('green3', floor(length(AA)-3)/2), 
     rep('navy', 3), 
     rep('green3', length(AA) - 3 - floor(length(AA)-3)/2))) 

lines(cc$x, cc$y+ Raise_curve, lwd = 2, col = "red") 

points(AA, rep(-1.2, length(AA)), pch = c(rep(22, 6), 21, rep(22, 6)), 
    col = c(rep('blue', 6), 'red', rep('blue', 6)), 
    bg = c(rep('blue', 6), 'red', rep('blue', 6)), cex = 3) 

xx <- seq(AA[7], AA[9], length.out = 1000) 
yy = dcauchy(xx, 1, .95)*5 
yy = yy+Raise_curve 
polygon(c(AA[7], xx, AA[9]), c(el_y, yy, el_y), border = NA, 
         col= adjustcolor('green', alpha.f = .2)) 

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@parvinkarimi:それは彼らが描かれている順序に関係しています '虹を(使用してください。 15、終わり= 0.9) 'col引数で'私はあなたが見ると思う。 0から始まり、左に移動し、中央にジャンプし、右に移動します。 – AkselA
