2016-12-04 11 views

私は、異なるサイズの四角形を画面の異なる領域に印刷するタスクを持っています。私は、各正方形が他の正方形から等しく離れているようにしたい。あなたが見ることができるように、各広場間の距離は常に減少します。私は、問題は私がlengthOFsideAXにを更新するとき、それは変更されないということだと思います My Result:異なるサイズの四角形を隣り合わせに印刷する


; multi-segment executable file template.  

newline=160 ;number of chars to move to next line 
col = 2  ;each column is another charachter 
lengthOFside = 5 ;side of square, grows each time of the loop 
numRow = 5 ;which row to start from 
numCol = 30 ;which col to start from 
numSquares = 4 ;number of squares 

data segment 
    ; add your data here! 
    pkey db "press any key...$" 

stack segment 
    dw 128 dup(0) 

code segment 
; set segment registers: 
    mov ax, data 
    mov ds, ax 
    mov AX,0B800H 
    MOV ES,AX 

    ; add your code here 

    ;first print 

    MOV DH, numSquares  ;number of squares I want to print 
    MOV AX,lengthOFside  
    MOV BL,numRow ;number line 
    MOV BH,numCol ;num col 
    MOV CX,lengthOFside ;length of one side 
    CALL print_square ;CALL the function that prints the square 
    DEC DH 

    lengthOFside = ax 
    ADD BH,lengthOFside+2 ; move right lengthOFside times. 
    ADD AX,2 
    MOV CX,AX 
    CALL print_square ;print square 

    DEC DH 
    jnz loopPrint 

    lea dx, pkey 
    mov ah, 9 
    int 21h  ; output string at ds:dx 

    ; wait for any key....  
    mov ah, 1 
    int 21h 

    mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system. 
    int 21h 

    print_square: ;get (x,y) as (bh,bl) and cx = length of one side. Prints a square from that point.     

     MOV SI,0 

     PUSH BX 
     CALL Get2startpoint ;get to starting point 
     POP BX 

     PUSH CX 
     CALL Horizontal_Line ;print the first horizontal line 
     POP CX 

     PUSH CX 
     CALL Vertical_Line ;print the first vertical line 
     POP CX 

     PUSH BX 
     CALL Get2startpoint ;return to starting point 
     POP BX 

     PUSH CX 
     call Vertical_Line ;print another vertical line 
     POP CX 

     PUSH CX 
     SUB SI,newline ;we do because the function vertical line adds new line every END of it's loop. 
         ;So SI is on the next line so the vertical line will be n+1. so we decrease one line from si 
     CALL Horizontal_Line ;print anohter horizontal line 
     POP CX 


     ADD SI,newline  ;prints vertical line adds to si 160 after printing * 
     DEC CX    ;prints vertical line adds to si 160 after printing * 
     LOOP2:    ;prints vertical line adds to si 160 after printing * 
     MOV ES:[SI],'*'  ;prints vertical line adds to si 160 after printing * 
     ADD si,newline  ;prints vertical line adds to si 160 after printing * 
     LOOP LOOP2   ;prints vertical line adds to si 160 after printing * 

    Horizontal_Line:   ;add si,2 to get to the next data cell and insert * 
     MOV ES:[SI],'*'  ;add si,2 to get to the next data cell and insert * 
     DEC CX    ;add si,2 to get to the next data cell and insert * 
     LOOP1:    ;add si,2 to get to the next data cell and insert * 
     ADD SI,2    ;add si,2 to get to the next data cell and insert * 
     MOV ES:[SI],'*'  ;add si,2 to get to the next data cell and insert * 
     LOOP LOOP1   ;add si,2 to get to the next data cell and insert * 

    Get2startpoint:    ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     MOV SI,0    ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     ADD_NEW_LINE:   ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     ADD SI,newline   ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     DEC BL     ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     JNZ ADD_NEW_LINE  ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
           ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     SKIP_TO_COL:   ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     ADD SI,col    ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     DEC BH     ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 
     JNZ SKIP_TO_COL   ;gets (x,y) as <bh,bl> and gets to the point where it should start printing the square 


end start ; set entry point and stop the assembler. 

AXレジスタにある側の現在長さに加えて相対してください! :)とにかく、デバッガを使用してコードをステップ実行し、どこが間違っているかを確認します。 – Jester


@Jesterの問題は、私のソフトウェアでどのようにデバッグするのか分かりません。そして、そういうコメントも私を傷つけます:) – user6219654


http://courses.ee.sun.ac.za/OLD/2003/Rekenaarstelsels245/8086_Instruksies/emulator.html – Ped7g


ADD BH,lengthOFside+2 ; move right lengthOFside times. 


add  bh, al 
add  bh, 2 
add  ax, 2 


add  ax, 2 
add  bh, al 

しかし、この解決策は128の正方形の右にのみ有効ですか? 'AX'レジスタの下位8ビット、すなわち – user6219654


@ user6219654を取るので、生成すると思われるマスはいくつありますか?あなたは画面のサイズを考えていませんか?この答えは**正方形の間に適切な間隔があるため**正しい**です。チェックマーク✔をクリックしてそれを受け入れる必要があります。 –


私はそれが間違っていたと言っていませんでした。私はそれを正しく理解したかどうかを理解しようとしています。 – user6219654
