2016-05-04 3 views

私は、テキストを書式設定するのに使いやすい方法を提供するためにBBcodeを実装するテキスト領域を持っています。問題は、ユーザーがボタンを押したときに強調表示されたテキストの周囲にこのBBcodeをラップしたいと思うことです。 JavaScriptでこれを行う方法はありますか?JavaScriptを使用して現在選択されているテキストをBBcodeでラップするにはどうすればよいですか?





    //First of all, lets make sure the HTML is completely loaded. 
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ 

     //Here, we will go ahead and grab our textarea, and our button. 
     txtArea = document.getElementById('your text area name here'); 

     //We will name this button 'bold', for simplicity. 
     bold = document.getElementById('your button name here'); 

     //The next 3 lines of code will tell the browser to keep an eye on any 
     //changes that the user makes on the page. 
     txtArea.addEventListener("focus", function(){hasFocus();}); 
     txtArea.addEventListener("blur", function(){lostFocus();}); 

     //Notice the two parameters of this function. The first parameter is 
     //the textarea object, and the second parameter is the letter that 
     //you want to use for the BBcode. 
     bold.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){wrap(txtArea, 'b');}); 

    //We need to make sure that the text area is in focus, so we need a 
    //variable to keep track of that. 
    var textAreaFocus = false; 

    //The functions "hasFocus" and "lostFocus" seem redundant, but I have 
    //not found any better alternatives for keeping track of this. 
    function hasFocus() { 
     textAreaFocus = true; 
    function lostFocus() { 
     textAreaFocus = false; 

    //Here is our wrap function. It's going to wrap the BBcode around our text. 
    function wrap(id, tag) { 
     //This if statement will make sure the right text area is in focus. 
     if(textAreaFocus) { 
     //Now, here we will grab all of the selected text and put it in selObj. 
     selObj = window.getSelection(); 
     //Here we are going to create our BBcode around the text, you will notice 
     //this makes your custom tag wrap around the selection. 
     modifiedText = '[' + tag + ']' + selObj + '[/' + tag + ']'; 
     //rawText will simply reference the entire textarea content. 
     rawText = id.value; 
     //This is where we split up the text area, so that we can reconstruct it 
     //with your BBcode in the middle! 
     firstPart = rawText.slice(0, id.selectionStart); 
     lastPart = rawText.slice(id.selectionEnd, rawText.length); 
     product = firstPart + modifiedText + lastPart; 

     //And lastly, we put the finished product back into the text area! 
     id.value = product; 

var command = "cmd_insertText"; 
var controller =   document.commandDispatcher.getControllerForCommand(command); 
    if (controller && controller.isCommandEnabled(command)) { 
     var params = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/command- params;1"]. 
     var win = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; 
     var textbox = win.document.activeElement; 
     var selection = textbox.value. 
     substring(textbox.selectionStart, textbox.selectionEnd); 

//////////////////// Change this BB code tag here for tag you want for this  button ///////////////////  

      var text = "[b]" + selection + "[/b]"; 

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////  
     params.setStringValue("state_data", text); 
     doCommandWithParams(command, params); 