a = int(input("Input an integer : ")) # takes integer as input and stores it as integer in variable a # consider input as 7
n1 = int("%s" % a) # when "%s" will give you result "7" and it is stored in n1 as integer 7 because int() is used as int("7")
n2 = int("%s%s" % (a,a)) # similarly when %s is written twice it requires two numbers in this case it is same hence you will get "77" to converted to integer and stored in n2
n3 = int("%s%s%s" % (a,a,a)) # just like n2 number is used three times instead of two so you will get n3=777 in this case
print (n1+n2+n3) # as all values of n1,n2 and n3 are integer it can be added 7+77+777 and you will get result 861
a = input("Input an integer : ") # gets any input but if you need validation you can try it using while loop and if condition or try block
aa = a+a # in python when two string are concatnated i.e. "71"+"71" result will be like "7171"
aaa = a+a+a # concatnated three string
print(int(a)+int(aa)+int(aaa)) # Note: if input won't be a number this will throw ValueError
あなたはstring formatting
これは、このコードを実行するように見えるものです。 –