2017-09-07 5 views

私のエディタに、改行を含むすべてのコードを 'LF'に保存してもらいたいです。アトムにそれをさせる方法はありますか?私はグーグルで試してみますが、そのトピックだけを見つけました - >How to keep OS specific configuration for eslint Windowsでラインブレークを 'LF'にするようにAtomエディタを設定するには?

と私はAtomの設定ファイルを持っています。追加する場所を教えてくださいend_of_line = lf私のエディタを常にLFとして保存しますか?

var Promise = require('bluebird'); 
var fs = require('fs'); 
var os = require('os'); 
var path = require('path'); 
var semver = require('semver'); 
var util = require('util'); 
var whenReadFile = Promise.promisify(fs.readFile); 

var iniparser = require('./lib/ini'); 
var minimatch = require('./lib/fnmatch'); 
var pkg = require('./package.json'); 

var knownProps = [ 
].reduce(function (set, prop) { 
    set[prop] = true; 
    return set; 
}, {}); 

function fnmatch(filepath, glob) { 
    var matchOptions = {matchBase: true, dot: true, noext: true}; 
    glob = glob.replace(/\*\*/g, '{*,**/**/**}'); 
    return minimatch(filepath, glob, matchOptions); 

function getConfigFileNames(filepath, options) { 
    var paths = []; 
    do { 
    filepath = path.dirname(filepath); 
    paths.push(path.join(filepath, options.config)); 
    } while (filepath !== options.root); 
    return paths; 

function getFilepathRoot(filepath) { 
    if (path.parse !== undefined) { 
    // Node.js >= 0.11.15 
    return path.parse(filepath).root; 
    if (os.platform() === 'win32') { 
    return path.resolve(filepath).match(/^(\\\\[^\\]+\\)?[^\\]+\\/)[0]; 
    return '/'; 

function processMatches(matches, version) { 
    // Set indent_size to "tab" if indent_size is unspecified and 
    // indent_style is set to "tab". 
    if ("indent_style" in matches && matches.indent_style === "tab" && 
    !("indent_size" in matches) && semver.gte(version, "0.10.0")) { 
    matches.indent_size = "tab"; 

    // Set tab_width to indent_size if indent_size is specified and 
    // tab_width is unspecified 
    if ("indent_size" in matches && !("tab_width" in matches) && 
    matches.indent_size !== "tab") 
    matches.tab_width = matches.indent_size; 

    // Set indent_size to tab_width if indent_size is "tab" 
    if("indent_size" in matches && "tab_width" in matches && 
    matches.indent_size === "tab") 
    matches.indent_size = matches.tab_width; 

    return matches; 

function processOptions(options, filepath) { 
    options = options || {}; 
    return { 
    config: options.config || '.editorconfig', 
    version: options.version || pkg.version, 
    root: path.resolve(options.root || getFilepathRoot(filepath)) 

function buildFullGlob(pathPrefix, glob) { 
    switch (glob.indexOf('/')) { 
    case -1: glob = "**/" + glob; break; 
    case 0: glob = glob.substring(1); break; 
    return path.join(pathPrefix, glob); 

function extendProps(props, options) { 
    for (var key in options) { 
    var value = options[key]; 
    key = key.toLowerCase(); 
    if (knownProps[key]) { 
     value = value.toLowerCase(); 
    try { 
     value = JSON.parse(value); 
    } catch(e) {} 
    if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null) { 
     // null and undefined are values specific to JSON (no special meaning 
     // in editorconfig) & should just be returned as regular strings. 
     value = String(value); 
    props[key] = value; 
    return props; 

function parseFromFiles(filepath, files, options) { 
    return getConfigsForFiles(files).then(function (configs) { 
    return configs.reverse(); 
    }).reduce(function (matches, file) { 
    var pathPrefix = path.dirname(file.name); 
    file.contents.forEach(function (section) { 
     var glob = section[0], options = section[1]; 
     if (!glob) return; 
     var fullGlob = buildFullGlob(pathPrefix, glob); 
     if (!fnmatch(filepath, fullGlob)) return; 
     matches = extendProps(matches, options); 
    return matches; 
    }, {}).then(function (matches) { 
    return processMatches(matches, options.version); 

function parseFromFilesSync(filepath, files, options) { 
    var configs = getConfigsForFilesSync(files); 
    var matches = {}; 
    configs.forEach(function(config) { 
    var pathPrefix = path.dirname(config.name); 
    config.contents.forEach(function(section) { 
     var glob = section[0], options = section[1]; 
     if (!glob) return; 
     var fullGlob = buildFullGlob(pathPrefix, glob); 
     if (!fnmatch(filepath, fullGlob)) return; 
     matches = extendProps(matches, options); 
    return processMatches(matches, options.version); 

function StopReduce(array) { 
    this.array = array; 

StopReduce.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); 

function getConfigsForFiles(files) { 
    return Promise.reduce(files, function (configs, file) { 
    var contents = iniparser.parseString(file.contents); 
     name: file.name, 
     contents: contents 
    if ((contents[0][1].root || '').toLowerCase() === 'true') { 
     return Promise.reject(new StopReduce(configs)); 
    return configs; 
    }, []).catch(StopReduce, function (stop) { 
    return stop.array; 

function getConfigsForFilesSync(files) { 
    var configs = []; 
    for (var i in files) { 
    var file = files[i]; 
    var contents = iniparser.parseString(file.contents); 
     name: file.name, 
     contents: contents 
    if ((contents[0][1].root || '').toLowerCase() === 'true') { 
    return configs; 

function readConfigFiles(filepaths) { 
    return Promise.map(filepaths, function (path) { 
    return whenReadFile(path, 'utf-8').catch(function() { 
     return ''; 
    }).then(function (contents) { 
     return {name: path, contents: contents}; 

function readConfigFilesSync(filepaths) { 
    var files = []; 
    var file; 
    filepaths.forEach(function(filepath) { 
    try { 
     file = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8'); 
    } catch (e) { 
     file = ''; 
    files.push({name: filepath, contents: file}); 
    return files; 

module.exports.parseFromFiles = function (filepath, files, options) { 
    return new Promise (function (resolve, reject) { 
    filepath = path.resolve(filepath); 
    options = processOptions(options, filepath); 
    resolve(parseFromFiles(filepath, files, options)); 

module.exports.parseFromFilesSync = function (filepath, files, options) { 
    filepath = path.resolve(filepath); 
    options = processOptions(options, filepath); 
    return parseFromFilesSync(filepath, files, options); 

module.exports.parse = function (filepath, options) { 
    return new Promise (function (resolve, reject) { 
    filepath = path.resolve(filepath); 
    options = processOptions(options, filepath); 
    var filepaths = getConfigFileNames(filepath, options); 
    var files = readConfigFiles(filepaths); 
    resolve(parseFromFiles(filepath, files, options)); 

module.exports.parseSync = function (filepath, options) { 
    filepath = path.resolve(filepath); 
    options = processOptions(options, filepath); 
    var filepaths = getConfigFileNames(filepath, options); 
    var files = readConfigFilesSync(filepaths); 
    return parseFromFilesSync(filepath, files, options); 



Atomのデフォルト設定の新規ファイルのDefault line endingを持っline-ending-selectorパッケージ。
