2016-09-20 9 views

私はいくつかのアニメーションといくつかのjqueryの助けを借りて研究してきました。私はマウスを使ってmousemove jqueryイベントヒットボックスは、オブジェクトが回転すると予想されるよりも、そのエッジの近くで打たれた場合、特定の長さを移動し、画面上の別の四角形(square2)に衝突します。オブジェクトが回転すると、正方形の輪郭の擬似残像が作成されるという問題があります。最初は、clearRect()メソッドを使ってsquare2の周りの広い領域を囲むことでafterImageを削除することができたと思っていましたが、これで問題が解決されるだけでなく、望ましくない最初の四角形の一部が見えなくなりました。もし誰かがこのコードでどこが間違っていたのか理解できたら、間違いなくそれを感謝します。キャンバス上のローテーションアニメーション中に予期しない動作が発生しました

draw: function() { 
     ctx.fillStyle = "white"; 
     ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size) 


var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); 
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 
    canvas.width = 1000; 
    canvas.height = 400; 
    var width = canvas.width; 
    var height = canvas.height; 
    var particles = []; 

    var mouseSize = 50; 
    var isColliding = false; 
    var mouseX; 
    var mouseY; 
    var animationForward = false; 

    function particle() { 
     var particle = { 
     originX: width/2, 
     originY: height/2, 
     x: width/2, 
     y: height/2, 
     size: 30, 
     centerPointX: this.x + this.size/2, 
     centerPointY: this.y + this.size/2, 
     decay: .98, 
     vx: 0, 
     vy: 0, 
     rotate: 0, 
     vr: 0, 

     draw: function() { 
      ctx.fillStyle = "white"; 
      ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size) 

      //   rotation logic 
// method found at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2677671/how-do-i-rotate-a-single-object-on-an-html-5-canvas 
      function drawImageRot(x, y, width, height, deg) { 
      ctx.clearRect(x, y, width, height); 
      //Convert degrees to radian 
      var rad = deg * Math.PI/180; 
      //Set the origin to the center of the image 
      ctx.translate(x + width/2, y + height/2); 
      //Rotate the canvas around the origin 
      //draw the image  
      ctx.fillRect(width/2 * (-1), height/2 * (-1), width, height); 
      //reset the canvas 
      ctx.rotate(rad * (-1)); 
      ctx.translate((x + width/2) * (-1), (y + height/2) * (-1)); 

      //check for collision 
      if (mouseX < particles[0].x + particles[0].size && 
      mouseX + mouseSize > particles[0].x && 
      mouseY < particles[0].y + particles[0].size && 
      mouseSize + mouseY > particles[0].y) { 
      isColliding = true; 
      } else { 
      isColliding = false; 

      //controlling velocity dependending on location of collision. 
      if (isColliding) { 
      //x axis 
      animationForward = true; 

      // checking below to see if mouseRect is hitting near the center of particleRect. 
      // if it hits near center the vy or vx will not be as high depending on direction and if it    //does not than we will make square rotate 
      if (mouseX < this.x) { 
       this.vr = 3 + Math.random() * 10 
       if (mouseX + mouseSize/2 > this.x) { 
       this.vx = 0 + Math.random() * 2; 
       } else { 
       this.vx = 3 + Math.random() * 3; 

      } else { 
       this.vr = -3 - Math.random() * 10 
       if (mouseX + mouseSize/2 < this.x + this.size) { 
       this.vx = 0 - Math.random() * 2; 
       } else { 
       this.vx = -3 - Math.random() * 3; 

      //y axis checking 

      if (mouseY < this.y) { 
       if (mouseY + mouseSize/2 > this.y) { 
       this.vy = 0 + Math.random() * 2; 
       } else { 
       this.vy = 3 + Math.random() * 3; 
      } else { 
       if (mouseY + mouseSize/2 < this.y + this.size) { 
       this.vy = 0 - Math.random() * 2; 
       } else { 
       this.vy = -3 - Math.random() * 3; 


      //decay all motions each frame while animation is forward 
      if (animationForward) { 
      this.vx *= this.decay; 
      this.vy *= this.decay; 
      this.vr *= this.decay; 

      //when animation is done, set all velocities to 0 
      if (this.x != this.originX && Math.abs(this.vx) < .1 && this.y != this.originY && Math.abs(this.vy) < .1) { 
      animationForward = false; 
      this.vx = 0; 
      this.vy = 0; 
      this.vr = 0 

      //x check to see if animation over. if it is slowly put square back to original location 
      if (this.x != this.originX && !animationForward) { 
      if (this.x > this.originX) { 
       this.vx = -1; 
      if (this.x < this.originX) { 
       this.vx = 1; 

      if (this.x > this.originX && this.x - this.originX < 1) { 
       this.vx = 0; 
       this.x = this.originX; 
      if (this.x < this.originX && this.originX - this.x < 1) { 
       this.vx = 0; 
       this.x = this.originX; 
      //   end x collison 

      //   y check to see if animation over 

      if (this.y != this.originX && !animationForward) { 
      if (this.y > this.originY) { 
       this.vy = -1; 
      if (this.y < this.originY) { 
       this.vy = 1; 

      if (this.y > this.originY && this.y - this.originY < 1) { 
       this.vy = 0; 
       this.y = this.originY; 
      if (this.y < this.originY && this.originY - this.y < 1) { 
       this.vy = 0; 
       this.y = this.originY; 
      //   end y collison 

      //check rotation 

      if (this.rotate != 0 && !animationForward) { 
      this.rotate = Math.round(this.rotate); 

      if (this.rotate < 0) { 
       if (this.rotate < -300) { 
       this.rotate += 10 
       } else if (this.rotate < -200) { 
       this.rotate += 7 
       } else if (this.rotate < -125) { 
       this.rotate += 5 
       } else if (this.rotate < -50) { 
       this.rotate += 3 
       } else { 
      } else { 
       if (this.rotate > 300) { 
       this.rotate -= 10; 
       } else if (this.rotate > 200) { 
       this.rotate -= 7 
       } else if (this.rotate > 125) { 
       this.rotate -= 5 
       } else if (this.rotate > 50) { 
       this.rotate -= 3 
       } else { 


      // move the rect based off of previous set conditions and make square rotate if edges hit 

      this.x += this.vx; 
      this.y += this.vy; 
      this.rotate += this.vr; 
      drawImageRot(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size, this.rotate); 

      //   boundary control 

      if (this.x + this.size > width || this.x < 0) { 
      this.vx = -this.vx * 2 
      if (this.y + this.size > height || this.y < 0) { 
      this.vy = -this.vy * 2 

     return particle; 

    function createParticles() { 

     //wouldnt be too hard to put more particles. would have to go back and change the isColliding and animationForward global variable and make each object have their own to check. also would have to go back and implement for loops wherever i mention an element in my array 


    function draw() { 
     ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 

     ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; 
     ctx.fillRect(mouseX, mouseY, mouseSize, mouseSize); 



    $("#canvas").mousemove(function(event) { 
     mouseX = event.pageX; 
     mouseY = event.pageY; 

    window.onload = draw(); 





hmm今、興味深いことに、私がdrawImagerot関数で正方形をとにかく描画するので、それを削除する必要があることは意味があります。どうもありがとうございます! –
