2012-01-12 18 views




public class TestAsciiBitmapActivity extends Activity { 

private static String BLACK = "@"; 
private static String CHARCOAL = "#"; 
private static String DARKGRAY = "8"; 
private static String MEDIUMGRAY = "&"; 
private static String MEDIUM = "o"; 
private static String GRAY = ":"; 
private static String SLATEGRAY = "*"; 
private static String LIGHTGRAY = "."; 
private static String WHITE = " "; 
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ 
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
    final TextView tv=(TextView) findViewById(R.id.tv); 
    Button bu=(Button) findViewById(R.id.bu); 
    Drawable dw = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.a2); 
    final Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) dw).getBitmap(); 

    bu.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 

     public void onClick(View v) { 
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub 

public static String GrayscaleImageToASCII(Bitmap bmp) 
    StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); 

     // Create a bitmap from the image 

     // The text will be enclosed in a paragraph tag with the class 

     // ascii_art so that we can apply CSS styles to it. 

     // html.append("<br/&rt;"); 

     // Loop through each pixel in the bitmap 

     for (int y = 0; y < bmp.getHeight(); y++) 
      for (int x = 0; x < bmp.getWidth(); x++) 
       // Get the color of the current pixel 

       int c = bmp.getPixel(x, y); 

       // To convert to grayscale, the easiest method is to add 

       // the R+G+B colors and divide by three to get the gray 

       // scaled color. 

       int r = Color.red(c); 
       int g = Color.green(c); 
       int b = Color.blue(c); 

       // Get the R(ed) value from the grayscale color, 

       // parse to an int. Will be between 0-255. 

       int rValue = (r + g + b)/3; 

       // Append the "color" using various darknesses of ASCII 

       // character. 


       // If we're at the width, insert a line break 

       // if (x == bmp.getWidth() - 1) 
       // html.append("&lt;br/&rt"); 

     // Close the paragraph tag, and return the html string. 

    // html.append("&lt;/p&rt;"); 

     return html.toString(); 
    catch (Exception exc) 
     return exc.toString(); 

private static String getGrayShade(int redValue) 
    String asciival = " "; 

    if (redValue >= 230) 
     asciival = WHITE; 
    else if (redValue >= 200) 
     asciival = LIGHTGRAY; 
    else if (redValue >= 180) 
     asciival = SLATEGRAY; 
    else if (redValue >= 160) 
     asciival = GRAY; 
    else if (redValue >= 130) 
     asciival = MEDIUM; 
    else if (redValue >= 100) 
     asciival = MEDIUMGRAY; 
    else if (redValue >= 70) 
     asciival = DARKGRAY; 
    else if (redValue >= 50) 
     asciival = CHARCOAL; 
     asciival = BLACK; 

    return asciival; 



編集2:コードが正しい、効果が良くないために:携帯電話の画面がtamファイルに出力できれば、すべてがクールです。 だから私の別の質問は:私はビットマップに変換することができますので、私は人々がそれを使用して電話を読むことができるようにスケールすることができますか?ありがとう
