metamethodsを使用して別の方法で行うことができます。 はあなたがt
t = {} -- Create your table, can be called anything
t.r_index = {} -- Holds the number value, i.e. t[1] = 'Foo'
t.r_table = {} -- Holds the string value, i.e. t['Foo'] = 1
mt = {} -- Create the metatable
mt.__newindex = function (self, key, value) -- For creating the new indexes
if value == nil then -- If you're trying to delete an entry then
if tonumber(key) then -- Check if you are giving a numerical index
local i_value = self.r_index[key] -- get the corrosponding string index
self.r_index[key] = nil -- Delete
self.r_table[i_value] = nil
else -- Otherwise do the same as above, but for a given string index
local t_value = self.r_table[key]
self.r_index[t_value] = nil
self.r_table[key] = nil
table.insert(self.r_index, tonumber(key), value) -- For t[1] = 'Foo'
self.r_table[value] = key -- For t['Foo'] = 1
mt.__index = function (self, key) -- Gives you the values back when you index them
if tonumber(key) then
return (self.r_index[key]) -- For For t[1] = 'Foo'
return (self.r_table[key]) -- For t['Foo'] = 1
setmetatable(t, mt) -- Creates the metatable
t[1] = "Rock1" -- Set the values
t[2] = "Rock2"
print(t[1], t[2]) -- And *should* proove that it works
print(t['Rock1'], t['Rock2'])
t[1] = nil
print(t[1], t[2]) -- And *should* proove that it works
print(t['Rock1'], t['Rock2'])
ここで書いたように、 'Rocks'と' RocksB'は同じ配列です。あなたは 'RocksB'のインデックスと値を' {[a rock] = 1、... 'として逆転させたいと思っていました。 – RBerteig
@RBerteig Oh yeah;私はそれを信じられません。それを指摘してくれてありがとう。 –