2017-01-08 4 views

私は大学コースの基本的なプロジェクトエディタを作ろうとしています。私はかなり前に休止状態を使用していないので、私はかなりの問題を抱えており、これは私に困惑しています。hibernate ElementCollectionが間違った列を探します


Hibernate: select activities0_.Project_Id as Project_6_0_0_, activities0_.activities_Id as activiti8_0_0_, activity1_.Id as Id1_0_1_, activity1_.Description as Descript2_0_1_, activity1_.Duration as Duration3_0_1_, activity1_.End_Date as End_Date4_0_1_, activity1_.Name as Name5_0_1_, activity1_.Project_Id as Project_6_0_1_, activity1_.Start_Date as Start_Da7_0_1_ from Activities activities0_ inner join Activities activity1_ on activities0_.activities_Id=activity1_.Id where activities0_.Project_Id=? 
18:40:44.775 [qtp94264799-20] WARN org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - SQL Error: 1054, SQLState: 42S22 
18:40:44.776 [qtp94264799-20] ERROR org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - Unknown column 'activities0_.activities_Id' in 'field list' 



@Table(name = "Projects") 
public class Project implements java.io.Serializable{ 

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5115375190980452672L; 

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 
    @Column(name = "Project_Id") 
    private int id; // this should be set once on creation and never touched 
        // again as it identifies the project uniquely 
    @Column(name = "Owner_Id") 
    private int ownerId; 
    @Column(name = "Name") 
    private String name; 
    @CollectionTable(name="Activities", [email protected](name="Project_Id")) 
    private List<Activity> activities; 

    public Project(){ 

    * Constructor to load existing project 
    * @param idToLoad id of the project to load 
    public Project(int idToLoad) { 
//  MySqlDriver.loadObjectWithId(this, idToLoad); 
     org.hibernate.Session session; 
     }catch(Exception e){ 
      System.out.println("Could not load project."); 
      System.out.println("Error while creating mysql session: "+e); 
      session.load(this, idToLoad); 
     }catch(Exception e){ 
      System.out.println("Could not load project."); 
      System.out.println("Error while committing changes: "+e); 

    * Creates new project 
    * @param newName name of the new project 
    * @param newId id of the new project 
    public Project(String newName, int owner_Id) { // on creation a project 
                 // only has a name and a 
                 // unique id 
     this.name = newName; 
     this.ownerId = owner_Id; 
     this.activities = null; 

    public void addActivity(String activityName) { // add new activity to the 
                // project with given 
                // attributes 
     Activity newActivity = new Activity(activityName, this.id); 

    public void setName(String newName) { // change project name 
     this.name = newName; 

    public String getName() { // return project name 
     return this.name; 

    public List<Activity> getActivities(){ 
     return this.activities; 

    public int getId(){ 
     return this.id; 

    public void commitChanges() { 
     for (Activity act : this.activities) 
      act.commitChanges(); // commit changes made to all activities in the 
            // project 

    public void deleteProject() { 

    public Activity selectActivity(String activityName) { 
     for (Activity act : activities) { // cycle through activities and return 
              // the one with the given name 
      if (act.getName().equals(activityName)) 
       return act; 
     return null; 

    public void deleteActivity(String deleteMeName) { 
     for (Activity act : activities) { // cycle through activities and delete 
              // the one with the given name 
      if (act.getName().equals(deleteMeName)) { 

    public void grantAccessToProject(String otherUser) { 
     // grants permission to view and modify project database to user 
     // otherUser 

public class Activity { 

    private static final long minDateDiff = 3600000; //1H in milliseconds 

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 
    private int id; 
    private String name; //using same name for activities in same project not supported. 
    private String description; 
    private Date startDate; 
    private Date endDate; 
    private long duration; 
    private int parent; 

    * Activity constructor, automatically sets default start and end date. 
    * @param newName Name of the new activity 
    * @param parent id of parent project 
    public Activity(String newName, int parent){ 
     this.parent = parent; 
     this.name = newName; 
     this.startDate = new Date(); //start date by default is creation time 
     this.endDate = new Date(); 
     this.endDate.setTime(startDate.getTime() + Activity.minDateDiff); //end date by default is 1 hour ahead of start date 
     this.description = new String(); 
     this.getDateDiff(startDate, endDate, TimeUnit.HOURS); //set default duration 

    public void getDateDiff(Date date1, Date date2, TimeUnit timeUnit) { //converts difference between dates from 
                       //milliseconds to given time unit 
                      //credit to Sebastien Lorber (from StackOverflow) 
     long diffInMillies = date2.getTime() - date1.getTime(); 

    public void setName(String newName){ 
     this.name = newName; 

    public String getName(){ 
     return this.name; 

    public void setStartDate(Date newStartDate){ 
     Date dummyDate = new Date(); 
     if(newStartDate.getTime() > dummyDate.getTime()){ //rough check to ensure start date 
                  //isn't in the past - precise enough 
                  //for application's needs 
      this.startDate = newStartDate; 
     if(this.startDate.getTime() >= this.endDate.getTime()){ //shifts endDate 1 hour ahead of startDate if the new startDate 
                   //is higher 
      this.endDate.setTime(this.startDate.getTime() + 3600000); 

    public void setEndDate(Date newEndDate){ 
     Date dummyDate = new Date(); 
     if(newEndDate.getTime() > dummyDate.getTime() && this.startDate.getTime() < newEndDate.getTime()){ 
                  //rough check to ensure end date 
                  //isn't in the past or before start date - precise enough 
                  //for application's needs 
      this.endDate = newEndDate; 

    public void setDescription(String newDescription){ 
     this.description = newDescription; 

    public String getDescription(){ 
     return this.description; 

    public void addManager(String newManager){ 


    * Returns how long the Activity will take. 
    * @return Activity duration in hours. 
    public long getDuration(){ //returns how long the activity will take in hours. 
     return this.duration; 

    * Saves Activity data to database 
    public void commitChanges(){ 

    public void loadData(int activityToLoadId){ //loads data of activity with name activityToLoadName from database 
     this.id = activityToLoadId; 
     MySqlDriver.loadObjectWithId(this, activityToLoadId); 


ご覧のとおり、「activities_Id」という列はそれほど魅力的ではなく、ロードしようとしているコードはsession.get()とhibernate.initialize() :

for(Integer projId : this.myProjectIds){ 
     Session newSession = Start.getFactory().getCurrentSession(); 
     Project dummyProject = (Project) newSession.get(Project.class, projId); 
    }catch(Exception e){ 


-update- 私はOneToManyを使用してみましたが、今まで言及したことのない列についても同様の苦情があります。これは私が(代わりにelementcollectionの)プロジェクトクラスで、今持っているものです。

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true) 
    private List<Activity> activities; 

、これは私が(代わりに親ID intの)活動クラスに持っているものです。

private Project parent; 


Hibernate: select activities0_.Project_Project_Id as Project_1_2_0_, activities0_.activities_Id as activiti2_2_0_, activity1_.Id as Id1_0_1_, activity1_.Description as Descript2_0_1_, activity1_.Duration as Duration3_0_1_, activity1_.End_Date as End_Date4_0_1_, activity1_.Name as Name5_0_1_, activity1_.parent_Project_Id as parent_P7_0_1_, activity1_.Start_Date as Start_Da6_0_1_, project2_.Project_Id as Project_1_1_2_, project2_.Name as Name2_1_2_, project2_.Owner_Id as Owner_Id3_1_2_ from Projects_Activities activities0_ inner join Activities activity1_ on activities0_.activities_Id=activity1_.Id left outer join Projects project2_ on activity1_.parent_Project_Id=project2_.Project_Id where activities0_.Project_Project_Id=? 
15:54:02.463 [qtp94264799-20] WARN org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - SQL Error: 1146, SQLState: 42S02 
15:54:02.464 [qtp94264799-20] ERROR org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - Table 'Project32.Projects_Activities' doesn't exist 

:私は今、取得エラーがさらに混乱です。たぶん私はmysqlテーブルに何かが見当たりません、私は、 "Project_Id"のアクティビティの列と、プロジェクトテーブルの同じ名前のプライマリキーの間に参照があります。


ElementCollectionは何ではありませんを実装しますここで使用する必要があります。アクティビティはエンティティです。エンティティ間の関連付けには、OneToMany、OneToOne、ManyToOneまたはManyToManyを使用します。 ElementCollectionは、基本型または埋め込み可能な要素のコレクション用です。 –


私はそれを試みました(今質問を更新しました)、私はまだ似たような問題があります – Sauron


心配しないで、私は問題を見つけました、とにかく感謝 – Sauron



私は疑問に思ったとおり、アノテーションを適切に使用していなかったので、プロジェクトとアクティビティの両方で@JoinColumnを指定する必要がありました(そして、私は最初に忘れたアクティビティシリアライズ可能です)。今のクラス次のとおりです。 @Entity @Table(名前= "活動") パブリッククラス活動にjava.io.Serializable {

private static final long minDateDiff = 3600000; //1H in milliseconds 

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 
    private int id; 
    private String name; //using same name for activities in same project not supported. 
    private String description; 
    private Date startDate; 
    private Date endDate; 
    private long duration; 
    private Project parent; 

    public Activity(){ 

    * Activity constructor, automatically sets default start and end date. 
    * @param newName Name of the new activity 
    * @param parent id of parent project 
    public Activity(String newName, int parentId){ 
     this.parent = new Project(parentId); 
     this.name = newName; 
     this.startDate = new Date(); //start date by default is creation time 
     this.endDate = new Date(); 
     this.endDate.setTime(startDate.getTime() + Activity.minDateDiff); //end date by default is 1 hour ahead of start date 
     this.description = new String(); 
     this.getDateDiff(startDate, endDate, TimeUnit.HOURS); //set default duration 

    public void getDateDiff(Date date1, Date date2, TimeUnit timeUnit) { //converts difference between dates from 
                       //milliseconds to given time unit 
                      //credit to Sebastien Lorber (from StackOverflow) 
     long diffInMillies = date2.getTime() - date1.getTime(); 

    public void setName(String newName){ 
     this.name = newName; 

    public String getName(){ 
     return this.name; 

    public void setStartDate(Date newStartDate){ 
     Date dummyDate = new Date(); 
     if(newStartDate.getTime() > dummyDate.getTime()){ //rough check to ensure start date 
                  //isn't in the past - precise enough 
                  //for application's needs 
      this.startDate = newStartDate; 
     if(this.startDate.getTime() >= this.endDate.getTime()){ //shifts endDate 1 hour ahead of startDate if the new startDate 
                   //is higher 
      this.endDate.setTime(this.startDate.getTime() + 3600000); 

    public void setEndDate(Date newEndDate){ 
     Date dummyDate = new Date(); 
     if(newEndDate.getTime() > dummyDate.getTime() && this.startDate.getTime() < newEndDate.getTime()){ 
                  //rough check to ensure end date 
                  //isn't in the past or before start date - precise enough 
                  //for application's needs 
      this.endDate = newEndDate; 

    public void setDescription(String newDescription){ 
     this.description = newDescription; 

    public String getDescription(){ 
     return this.description; 

    public void addManager(String newManager){ 


    * Returns how long the Activity will take. 
    * @return Activity duration in hours. 
    public long getDuration(){ //returns how long the activity will take in hours. 
     return this.duration; 

    * Saves Activity data to database 
    public void commitChanges(){ 

    public void loadData(int activityToLoadId){ //loads data of activity with name activityToLoadName from database 
     this.id = activityToLoadId; 
     MySqlDriver.loadObjectWithId(this, activityToLoadId); 

@Table(name = "Projects") 
public class Project implements java.io.Serializable{ 

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5115375190980452672L; 

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 
    @Column(name = "Project_Id") 
    private int id; // this should be set once on creation and never touched 
        // again as it identifies the project uniquely 
    @Column(name = "Owner_Id") 
    private int ownerId; 
    @Column(name = "Name") 
    private String name; 
// @ElementCollection 
// @CollectionTable(name="Activities", [email protected](name="Project_Id")) 
// @Column(name="Activity") 
    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true) 
    private List<Activity> activities; 

    public Project(){ 

    * Constructor to load existing project 
    * @param idToLoad id of the project to load 
    public Project(int idToLoad) { 
//  MySqlDriver.loadObjectWithId(this, idToLoad); 
     org.hibernate.Session session; 
     }catch(Exception e){ 
      System.out.println("Could not load project."); 
      System.out.println("Error while creating mysql session: "+e); 
      session.load(this, idToLoad); 
     }catch(Exception e){ 
      System.out.println("Could not load project."); 
      System.out.println("Error while committing changes: "+e); 

    * Creates new project 
    * @param newName name of the new project 
    * @param newId id of the new project 
    public Project(String newName, int owner_Id) { // on creation a project 
                 // only has a name and a 
                 // unique id 
     this.name = newName; 
     this.ownerId = owner_Id; 
     this.activities = null; 

    public void addActivity(String activityName) { // add new activity to the 
                // project with given 
                // attributes 
     Activity newActivity = new Activity(activityName, this.id); 

    public void setName(String newName) { // change project name 
     this.name = newName; 

    public String getName() { // return project name 
     return this.name; 

    public List<Activity> getActivities(){ 
     return this.activities; 

    public int getId(){ 
     return this.id; 

    public void commitChanges() { 
     for (Activity act : this.activities) 
      act.commitChanges(); // commit changes made to all activities in the 
            // project 

    public void deleteProject() { 

    public Activity selectActivity(String activityName) { 
     for (Activity act : activities) { // cycle through activities and return 
              // the one with the given name 
      if (act.getName().equals(activityName)) 
       return act; 
     return null; 

    public void deleteActivity(String deleteMeName) { 
     for (Activity act : activities) { // cycle through activities and delete 
              // the one with the given name 
      if (act.getName().equals(deleteMeName)) { 

    public void grantAccessToProject(String otherUser) { 
     // grants permission to view and modify project database to user 
     // otherUser 