2つ目のスレッドは 'gets'の呼び出しであり、返されるとプログラムが停止します。
- メインスレッドは、最初の追加スレッドによって格納された値をコンソールに単純に出力します(プログラムはコンソールベースのデータロガーです)。
D:\Documents and Settings\JMEDDING\My Documents\Ruby scripts>c-scope.rb -t
"Press 'Enter' to end process"
511, 511, 485 | | | | | + | | | | | 536
511, 511, 485 | | | | | + | | | | | 536
512, 511, 485 | | | | | XO | | | | | 536
512, 512, 485 | | | | | |+ | | | | | 536
require 'serialport' TEST = true if ARGV[0] == '--test' || ARGV[0] == '-t' # Edit the two settings below port = "COM6" #"/dev/tty.usbserial-A600b1Q6" baud = 9600 begin if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ || RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-mingw32" require 'Win32/Console/ANSI' end rescue LoadError raise "You must 'gem install win32console' to use color on Windows" end if TEST sp = nil else sp = SerialPort.new port, baud, 8, 1, SerialPort::NONE end symbols = ["X", "O", "@", "#"] vals = [] #max four values to plot input = nil len = 50 max = 0 min = 1200 if TEST vals = [511, 511] end def colorize(text, color_code) "\033[1;#{color_code}m#{text}\033[0m" end def red(text); colorize(text, "31"); end def green(text); colorize(text, "32"); end def blue(text); colorize(text, "34"); end def color_the_symbols(text, symbols) color = 31 # "+" = red, then green, yellow, blue, pink chars = ["+"] + symbols chars.each_with_index do |s,i| text.gsub!(s, colorize(s, "#{color + i}")) end text end def base_string (len, min, max, vals, symbols) s = "" (0..len).each {|i| s += i%5 == 0 ? "|" : " "} vals.each_with_index do |val, i| pos = len * (val - min)/ (max - min) char = symbols.include?(s[pos]) ? "+" : symbols[i] s[pos] = char end color_the_symbols s, symbols end #listen to STDIN for stop signal Thread.new do p "Press 'Enter' to end process" input = gets #pressing enter will stop the other loops end sleep(1) #listening thread Thread.new do while !input if TEST (0...vals.count).each {|i| vals[i] += rand(3) - 1} else c = "" word = "" until c == "\n" c = sp.getc word << c.to_s #p "Flushing buffer #{c}" end #p word.chomp vals[0] = Integer(word.chomp) end sleep(0.5) end end while !input #will be true until enter key is pressed while vals.count == 0 #wait for firs data to show up sleep (0.1) end for i in (0...vals.count) do #validate min and max max = (vals[i] * 1.05).to_i if vals[i] > max min = (vals[i] * 0.95).to_i if vals[i] < min end output = base_string(len, min, max, vals, symbols) output = " #{red(min.to_s)} " + output + " #{red(max.to_s)}" color = 32 vals.each_with_index do |val,i| output = " #{colorize("%4d," % val, "#{color + i}")}" + output end puts output sleep(1) end
'-d'を使うと、スレッドが参加したときにそれを強制終了するのではなく、スレッドが関わっているときに例外がすぐにプログラムを終了させるようにすることができます。 –
それは良い考えです。ありがとう – CHsurfer