2012-01-25 3 views

私は、並列コンピューティング・ツールキットを使用し始めていると私は、私は次のエラーを取得するmatlabpool openを呼び出すたび:Matlabの並列コンピューティング・ツールキットのローカルコンフィギュレーションの検証に失敗

??? Error using ==> matlabpool at 127 
The interactive parallel job errored with the following message: 

Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 


**Find Resource**: Passed 

**Distributed Job**: Failed 
    Stage: Distributed Job 

Status: Failed 
Description: The job in the given stage completed, but reported failed due to a task failure. 

Command Line Output: (none) 

Error Report: 
Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

Debug Log: 
MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed. 

    To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 
    For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. 


**Parallel Job**: Failed 
Stage: Parallel Job 

Status: Failed 
Description: The job in the given stage completed, but reported failed due to a task failure. 

Command Line Output: (none) 

Error Report: 
Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

Unable to get version information from job. This probably means 
that the job was created in a client MATLAB prior to the R2009a 
general release, or that the jobdata files of the job are corrupt 

Debug Log: 
[0] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed. 
[2] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed. 
[1] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed. 
[1] To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 
[1] For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. 
[1] » [0] 
[0] To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 
[0] For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. 
[2] To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 
[2] For product information, visit www.mathworks.com. 
[0] » [2] » 

**Matlabpool**: Skipped 

私はコマンドdistcomp.feature('LocalUseMpiexec', false)は、一部の人のために働いたが、それは私のためには効果がなかった、同じテストをすることを他の場所で読みます失敗し、同じエラーが報告されました。





それでも問題が解決しない場合は、The MathWorksのインストールサポートにお問い合わせください。


これは完璧に機能しました。ありがとう –
