単体でリンクされたチェーンで、単語とその発生回数をテキストファイルに保持するオブジェクト "pairs"でいっぱいの配列リストを使用してシンボルテーブルを構築しました。私はこれを、ファイル内の単語の数をカウントするFrequencyCounterプログラムに使用する必要があります。Javaハッシュシンボルテーブルの実装
Processed 1215985 words (19 sec; 19710 msec
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at HashST.hashIndex(HashST.java:60)
at HashST.get(HashST.java:105)
at FrequencyCounter.main(FrequencyCounter.java:112)
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class HashST<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> implements Iterable<Key> {
private ArrayList<Pair> chains;
private int numKeys;
private int numChains;
public class Pair
Key key;
Value value;
Pair(Key k, Value v)
key = k;
value = v;
Pair next;
* Initialize an empty HashSt with a default of 64 empty chains.
public HashST()
* Initialize an empty HashST with numChains emptychains.
* 387911 is a prime number about twice the number of distinct
* words in the leipzig1M.txt file.
public HashST(int numChains)
this.numChains = numChains;
chains = new ArrayList<Pair>();
for(int i = 0; i < numChains; i++)
Pair p = new Pair(null, null);
* compute the hash index for a key k if the number of
* chains is N
private int hashIndex(Key k, int N)
return (k.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % N;
* insert the Pair (k,v) into the appropriate chain and increment
* the number of keys counter or
* update the value for k if k is already in the hash table.
public void put(Key k, Value v) {
int i = hashIndex(k, numChains);
Pair tmp = chains.get(i);
while(tmp.next != null)
if(tmp.key == k)
tmp.value = v;
tmp = tmp.next;
Pair p = new Pair(k, v);
tmp.next = p;
numKeys ++;
* return the value for key k if it is in the hash table
* or else return null if it is not.
public Value get(Key k) {
int i = hashIndex(k, numChains);
Pair tmp = chains.get(i);
while(tmp.next != null)
if(tmp.key == k)
return tmp.value;
tmp = tmp.next;
return null;
* remove the pair with key k if it is in the hash table
* otherwise no change.
public void delete(Key k) {
* return true if the hash table contains a pair with key
* equal to k else return false
public boolean contains(Key k) {
return (get(k) != null) ? true : false;
* return the number of keys in the hash table
public int size() {
return numKeys;
* return a LinkedList<Key> containing the keys in the
* hash table
public Iterable<Key> keys() {
LinkedList<Key> l = new LinkedList<Key>();
for(Pair p : chains)
while(p.next != null)
p = p.next;
return l;
* return an Iterator<Key> for the keys in the hash table
public Iterator<Key> iterator() {
return keys().iterator();
あなたのクラスは 'HashST'ですが、' FrequencyCounter'は 'ST'オブジェクトを宣言します。 – Jon