2016-09-06 13 views

私はZf2を初めて使用しています。私はユーザーと管理モジュールを持っています。ユーザーがログインしているとき、私は自分のプロフィールとパスワードを変更する管理者のプロフィールを作成しました。 変更パスワードで作業していますが、パスワードを変更する方法を理解することはできません。私のコードは以下の通りです:ログインしたユーザーのパスワードをzf2で変更してください



namespace Admin\Controller; 

use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController; 
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel; 

use Admin\Model\Profile;   
use Admin\Form\ProfileForm; 

class ProfileController extends AbstractActionController 

protected $profileTable; 

public function getAuthService() 
    $this->authservice = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('AuthService'); 
    return $this->authservice; 

public function indexAction() 
    /* this is used to show user email of logined user. */ 
    $user_email = $this->getAuthService()->getStorage()->read(); 

    // below condition is new and for back browser validation 
    if (!$this->getServiceLocator() 
      ->get('AuthService')->hasIdentity()) { 
     return $this->plugin(redirect)->toRoute('login', array('action' => 'index')); 

    return new ViewModel(array(
     'admin_profile' => $this->getProfileTable()->fetchAll($user_email),    


public function editAction() 

    $id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0); 
    if (!$id) { 
     return $this->redirect()->toRoute('login', array(
      'action' => 'index' 

    // Get the Profile with the specified id. An exception is thrown 
    // if it cannot be found, in which case go to the index page. 
    try { 
     $profile = $this->getProfileTable()->getProfile($id); 
    catch (\Exception $ex) { 
     return $this->redirect()->toRoute('profile', array(
      'action' => 'index' 

    $form = new ProfileForm(); 
    $form->get('submit')->setAttribute('value', 'Edit'); 

    $request = $this->getRequest(); 
    if ($request->isPost()) { 

     if ($form->isValid()) { 

      // Redirect to profile 
      return $this->redirect()->toRoute('profile'); 

    return array(
     'id' => $id, 
     'form' => $form, 


public function changepasswordAction() 

    $id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0); 
    if (!$id) { 
     return $this->redirect()->toRoute('login', array(
      'action' => 'index' 

    // Get the Profile with the specified id. An exception is thrown 
    // if it cannot be found, in which case go to the index page. 
    try { 
     $profile = $this->getProfileTable()->getProfile($id); 
    catch (\Exception $ex) { 
     return $this->redirect()->toRoute('profile', array(
      'action' => 'index' 

    $form = new ProfileForm(); 
    $form->get('submit')->setAttribute('value', 'Change'); 

    $request = $this->getRequest(); 

    if ($request->isPost()) { 

     if ($form->isValid()) { 
      echo "form is valid now save the data"; 
     }else echo "form is invalid, don't save data"; 

    return array(
     'id' => $id, 
     'form' => $form, 


public function getProfileTable() 
    if (!$this->profileTable) { 
     $sm = $this->getServiceLocator(); 
     $this->profileTable = $sm->get('Admin\Model\ProfileTable'); 
    return $this->profileTable; 




namespace Admin\Form; 

use Zend\Form\Form; 

class ProfileForm extends Form 
    public function __construct($name = null) 


     'name' => 'id', 
     'type' => 'Hidden', 
     'name' => 'name', 
     'attributes' => array(
      'type' => 'text', 
      'required' => 'required', 
     'options' => array(
      'label' => 'Name', 
     'name' => 'email', 
     'attributes' => array(
      'type' => 'text', 
      'required' => 'required', 
     'options' => array(
      'label' => 'Email', 

     'name' => 'old_password', 
     'attributes' => array(
      'type' => 'password', 
      'required' => 'required', 
     'options' => array(
      'label' => 'Old Password ', 
     'name' => 'new_password', 
     'attributes' => array(
      'type' => 'password', 
      'required' => 'required', 
     'options' => array(
      'label' => 'New Password ', 
     'name' => 'confirm_password', 
     'attributes' => array(
      'type' => 'password', 
      'required' => 'required', 
     'options' => array(
      'label' => 'Confirm Password ', 

     'name' => 'submit', 
     'type' => 'Submit', 
     'attributes' => array(
      'value' => 'Go', 
      'id' => 'submitbutton', 


モデル/ Profile.php:


namespace Admin\Model; 

use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter; 
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterAwareInterface; 
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterInterface; 

class Profile implements InputFilterAwareInterface 
public $id; 
public $name; 
public $email; 
public $password; 

protected $inputFilter; 

public function exchangeArray($data) 
    $this->id  = (!empty($data['id'])) ? $data['id'] : null; 
    $this->name = (!empty($data['name'])) ? $data['name'] : null; 
    $this->email = (!empty($data['email'])) ? $data['email'] : null; 
    $this->password = (!empty($data['password'])) ? $data['password'] : null;  


public function __set($name, $value) { 
    $method = 'set' . $name; 
    if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { 
     throw new Exception('Invalid Method'); 

public function __get($name) { 
    $method = 'get' . $name; 
    if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { 
     throw new Exception('Invalid Method'); 
    return $this->$method(); 

public function getArrayCopy() 
    return get_object_vars($this); 

public function setInputFilter(InputFilterInterface $inputFilter) 
    throw new \Exception("Not used"); 

public function getInputFilter() 
    if (!$this->inputFilter) { 
     $inputFilter = new InputFilter(); 

      'name'  => 'id', 
      'required' => true, 
      'filters' => array(
       array('name' => 'Int'), 

      'name'  => 'name', 
      'required' => true, 
      'filters' => array(
       array('name' => 'StripTags'), 
       array('name' => 'StringTrim'), 
      'validators' => array(
        'name' => 'StringLength', 
        'options' => array(
         'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 
         'min'  => 1, 
         'max'  => 100, 

      'name'  => 'email', 
      'required' => true, 
      'filters' => array(
       array('name' => 'StripTags'), 
       array('name' => 'StringTrim'), 
      'validators' => array(
        'name' => 'EmailAddress', 
        'options' => array(
         'domain' => true, 


     $this->inputFilter = $inputFilter; 

    return $this->inputFilter; 


モデル/ ProfileTable.php :


namespace Admin\Model; 

use Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway; 

use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter; 

class ProfileTable 
    protected $tableGateway; 

public function __construct(TableGateway $tableGateway) 
    $this->tableGateway = $tableGateway; 


public function fetchAll($user_email) 
    $resultSet = $this->tableGateway->select(array('email' =>$user_email)); 
    return $resultSet;  

public function getProfile($id) 
    $id = (int) $id; 
    $rowset = $this->tableGateway->select(array('id' => $id)); 
    $row = $rowset->current('id'); 
    if (!$row) { 
     throw new \Exception("Could not find row $id");    

    return $row; 

public function saveProfile(Profile $profile) 
    $data = array(
     'name' => $profile->name, 
     'email' => $profile->email, 

    $id = (int) $profile->id; 
    if ($id == 0) { 
    } else { 
     if ($this->getProfile($id)) { 
      $this->tableGateway->update($data, array('id' => $id)); 
     } else { 
      throw new \Exception('Profile id does not exist'); 


ビュー/ changepassword.phtml:

<div class="jumbotron"> 

$title = 'Change your password Here:'; 
<h2 align="center"><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($title); ?></h2> 

<div align="right"> 
<a href="<?php echo $this->url('profile');?>">View Profile</a> 

$form = $this->form; 
$form->setAttribute('action', $this->url('profile', 
     'action' => 'changepassword', 
     'id'  => $this->id, 

<div align="center"> 

echo $this->form()->openTag($form); 
echo $this->formHidden($form->get('id')); 
echo $this->formRow($form->get('old_password')); 
echo "<br/>"; 
echo $this->formRow($form->get('new_password')); 
echo "<br/>"; 
echo $this->formRow($form->get('confirm_password')); 
echo "<br/>"; 

echo $this->formSubmit($form->get('submit')); 
echo $this->form()->closeTag(); 
<a href="<?php echo $this->url('profile');?>">Cancel</a> 






<div class="jumbotron"> 
<h2 align="center">Change Your Password Here:</h2> 

<div align="right"> 
<a href="<?php echo $this->url('profile');?>">View Profile</a> 

$form = $this->form; 
$form->setAttribute('action', $this->url('profile', 
    'action' => 'changepassword', 
    'id'  => $this->id, 

<?php echo $error; ?> 
<div align="center"> 
echo $this->form()->openTag($form); 
echo $this->formHidden($form->get('id')); 
echo $this->formRow($form->get('old_password')); 
echo "<br/>"; 
echo $this->formRow($form->get('new_password')); 
echo "<br/>"; 
echo $this->formRow($form->get('confirm_password')); 
echo "<br/>"; 

echo $this->formSubmit($form->get('submit')); 
echo $this->form()->closeTag(); 
<a href="<?php echo $this->url('profile');?>">Cancel</a> 


public function getInputFilter2() 
    if (!$this->inputFilter) { 
     $inputFilter = new InputFilter(); 

      'name'  => 'id', 
      'required' => true, 
      'filters' => array(
       array('name' => 'Int'), 

      'name'  => 'old_password', 
      'required' => true, 
      'filters' => array(
       array('name' => 'StripTags'), 
       array('name' => 'StringTrim'), 
      'validators' => array(
        'name' => 'StringLength', 
        'options' => array(
         'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 
         'min'  => 2, 
         'max'  => 100, 

      'name'  => 'new_password', 
      'required' => true, 
      'filters' => array(
       array('name' => 'StripTags'), 
       array('name' => 'StringTrim'), 
      'validators' => array(
        'name' => 'StringLength', 
        'options' => array(
         'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 
         'min'  => 2, 
         'max'  => 100, 

      'name'  => 'confirm_password', 
      'required' => true, 
      'filters' => array(
       array('name' => 'StripTags'), 
       array('name' => 'StringTrim'), 
      'validators' => array(
        'name' => 'StringLength', 
        'options' => array(
         'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 
         'min'  => 2, 
         'max'  => 100, 

     $this->inputFilter = $inputFilter; 

    return $this->inputFilter; 


public function updatePassword($password,Profile $profile) 
    $data = array( 
     'password' => md5($password), 
    $id = (int) $profile->id; 

    if ($this->getProfile($id)) 
     $this->tableGateway->update($data, array('id' => $id)); 
     throw new \Exception('Profile id does not exist'); 



public function changepasswordAction() 

    $id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0); 
    if (!$id) { 
     return $this->redirect()->toRoute('login', array(
      'action' => 'index' 

    // below condition is new and for back browser validation 
    if (!$this->getServiceLocator() 
      ->get('AuthService')->hasIdentity()) { 
     return $this->plugin(redirect)->toRoute('login', array('action' => 'index')); 
    $error = ""; 

    // Get the Profile with the specified id. An exception is thrown 
    // if it cannot be found, in which case go to the index page. 
    try { 
     $profile = $this->getProfileTable()->getProfile($id); 
    catch (\Exception $ex) { 
     return $this->redirect()->toRoute('profile', array(
      'action' => 'index' 

    $form = new ProfileForm(); 
    $form->get('submit')->setAttribute('value', 'Change'); 

    $request = $this->getRequest(); 

    if ($request->isPost()) { 

     if(($profile->password == md5($this->params()->fromPost('old_password')))AND($form->isValid())) 
      if($this->params()->fromPost('new_password') == $this->params()->fromPost('confirm_password')) 

       //Redirect to profile 
       return $this->redirect()->toRoute('profile'); 
       $error="<b>Error: </b>New Password and Confirm password didn't match"; 

      $error="<b>Error: </b>Old Password didn't match"; 


    return array(
     'id' => $id, 
     'form' => $form, 
     'error' => $error, 
