#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUFFER_LEN sizeof(message)
using namespace std;
struct message{
int from;
string msg;
void childCode(int *pipeOUT, int *pipeIN, message buffer){
// Local Buffer for input from pipeIN
cout << "Child: Sending Message"<< endl;
buffer.msg = "Child:I am the child!!";
write(pipeOUT[1],(char*) &buffer, BUFFER_LEN); // Test Child -> Parent comms
cout << "Child: Message Sent"<<endl;
read(pipeIN[0],(char*) &buffer,BUFFER_LEN); // Test Child <- Parent comms
cout << "Child: Recieved: "<< buffer.msg << endl;
cout << "Child Exiting..."<< endl;
exit(0); // Child process End
int main(int argCount, char** argVector){
pid_t pid;
int childPipeIN[2];
int childPipeOUT[2];
message buffer; // Buffer for reading from pipe
// Make Parent <- Child pipe
int ret = pipe(childPipeIN);
if (ret == -1){
perror("There was an error creating the childPipeIN. Exiting...");
// Make Parent -> Child pipe
ret = pipe(childPipeOUT);
if (ret == -1){
perror("There was an error creating the childPipeOUT. Exiting...");
// Fork off Child
pid = fork();
if (pid == -1){
perror("There has been an issue forking off the child. Exiting...");
if (pid == 0){ // Child code
cout << "Child PID = " << getpid() << endl;
else{ // Parent Code
cout << "Parent PID = " << getpid() << endl;
// Test Parent <- Child comms
read(childPipeIN[0], (char*) &buffer, BUFFER_LEN);
cout << "Parent: I recieved this from the child...\n" << buffer.msg << endl;
buffer.msg = "Parent: Got you message!";
// Test Parent -> Child comms
write(childPipeOUT[1], (char*) &buffer, BUFFER_LEN);
cout << "Parent: Children are done. Exiting..." << endl;
ソケットの上に裸の構造を投げ込むことはできません。それらを適切に*シリアル化する必要があります。 'std :: string'はあなたのプロセスに固有のポインタデータを持ち、他のプロセスにとってまったく無意味です。 – tadman